
Thursday 22 December 2016

敬畏天主 Fearing God







"And his mercy is on those who fear him from generation to generation." (Luke 1:50)

Modern people have greater control over the Mother Nature. Their confidence becomes greater. At the same time, compared with biblical times, God seems to be more difficult to detect. Consequently, modern people fear God less and even have no idea what it means to fear God!

Of course, we know that we should not put God to the test, telling God to work miracles to solve our problems, or to show His presence in heaven-shaking signs. But at the same time, we know that God's mercy truly exists forever. He likes to restrain His glory in order to condescend to our level, to walk with us. Consequently, we feel that He has withdrawn Himself so much so that some people even declare arrogantly "the death of God"! There is no God in the eyes of arrogant people. They do not fear God and actively reject God's mercy. They condemn themselves. From these counter-examples in contrast with Mary's, we can conclude that humble and lowly people are those who fear God mentioned in the gospels.

What is humility? Humility and dwarfing oneself are two different things. Doing things beyond one's capability to draw the attention of the boss is pride. However, there are people who do not put up their full effort in order to flatter their boss. This is dwarfing oneself. Humility takes the middle ground. On one hand, one puts forth one's true capability, thus not dwarfing oneself. On the other hand, one takes no credit when the mission is accomplished. At the same time, always keep in mind one's weaknesses and faults. Be happy to position oneself on the second or third line and even unengaged. In such a lowly position, it will be easier to see God walking with us in a hidden way, easier to feel God's mercy, like the tax-collection in the parable of the Pharisee and Publican. Like the tax-collector, Mary knew her lowly position. She fears God without waiting for Him to hail thunders. Of course she received God's mercy.

Heavenly Father, make us know our inadequacy so that we may bear better witness to Your mercy. Amen.

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