
Sunday 8 January 2017

逾越節的影子 The shadow of Passover








The Feast of Epiphany
Theme: The shadow of Passover

Epiphany means "God reveals Himself to us". How does the invisible God reveal Himself to us? The ineffable Father sent His Son to take up humanity, to become the visible Jesus Christ. The words and deeds of Jesus Christ show the true face of the invisible God. The gospel of Mark does not contain any Nativity story. It makes use of the Baptism of Jesus in River Jordan to reveal to human beings the truth of the Blessed Trinity. When Jesus came out of the water, the heavens opened and the Holy Spirit came down upon him like a dove. The voice of the Father proclaimed that Jesus was His beloved Son in whom He was well pleased. (Mark 1:10-11)
To meet the demands from the readers, the gospels of Matthew and Luke push the appearance of Jesus earlier. They chose different details to tell the Nativity stories. In effect, they push the revelation of God forwards to the birth of Jesus. In this liturgical year, we read the gospel of Matthew. Let us review some of its characteristics.

The gospel according to Matthew was attributed to Matthew, one of the Twelve. Though it was not the first gospel written, it was arranged to be the first gospel in the New Testament because it was written by an apostle. Matthew wrote for Jewish Christians who had Jewish background. They knew something about the Old Testament, the prophecies about the Messiah. The most important person in Judaism was Moses who led the Israelites out of Egypt. Not only did Moses liberate the Israelites from Egyptian bondage, he also received the Ten Commandments and the Torah from God to govern the twelve tribes, building them up into a people and later a kingdom. With this background, Matthew wrote to Jewish Christians, proving to them that Jesus Christ was a greater teacher than Moses because he was the Messiah whom they had long been waiting for.

To prove that Jesus was the Messiah, the Matthean version of Nativity story is a nativity story of a Messiah infused with royal dignity. First of all, the birth of the Messiah was ground breaking and heaven shaking. A star suddenly appeared in heavens. This star fulfilled a prophecy in the book of Numbers, one of the Pentateuch: "A star shall come forth out of Jacob, and a scepter shall rise out of Israel." (Numbers 24:17) This star attracted the Magi from the east. They brought along precious gifts to adore him. Only one king in the Old Testament enjoyed similar honour. He was King Solomon who was famous worldwide for his wisdom. But this newly born king is greater than King Solomon because he is the Son of God. He possesses God's wisdom which is greater than Solomon's. His teachings would bring greater benefits.

The Magi followed the star and arrived at Jerusalem. Their appearance brought trouble to Herod the Great. After hearing their intention, Herod the Great ordered the scribes to search the Scriptures. They found that the Messiah was to be born in Bethlehem, the city of King David! Thus, the birth of Jesus Christ shows that he was an offspring of King David, fulfilling another prophecy. To evade the murder of Herod the Great, the Holy Family fled to Egypt, waited there until his death to return to Judah. In the eyes of Matthew, this incident fulfilled yet another prophecy. More importantly, Matthew wanted to modify the Messianic expectation of the Jews.

After Babylon conquered Judah in 586 B.C., Judah had been ruled by different empires, including the Persian, Greek and Roman. The Jews could only enjoy a century's independence under the Maccabean Dynasty. Under foreign rules and oppressions, they deeply desired the God-sent Messiah to chase the aliens away, to liberate them. However, Matthew included some Passion elements in his Nativity story. Since the newly born king threatened the status quo of the people in power, his own life was in turn threatened. In the future, history would repeat and Jesus Christ would die on the cross not only for his own people but for all humanity. But the Messiah would not die as such. God would recall His Son from death just as God would recall His Son from Egypt years back. About 1700 B.C., some seventy members of the house of Jacob settled in Egypt to flee the threat of famine. Some 400 years later, God recalled 600,000 Israelites from Egypt. All these are totally controlled in God's hand.

Thus, not only did God reveal Himself with a star to manifest the Mystery of the Incarnation of the Saviour to Gentiles, but with the fleeing of the Holy Family to Egypt and their return to the Promised Land, God revealed beforehand the Mystery of Passover of the Saviour, i.e. his Passion and Resurrection, to all humanity. Thus the Church proclaims the dates related to Easter on the Feast of Epiphany to help the faithful understand that the Incarnation and Passover of the Messiah, i.e. his Passion and Resurrection, are intimately related.

Brethren, when we celebrate the Mystery of Incarnation, besides thanking God for His condescension, taking up humanity and Emmanuel, i.e. living among us, let us not forget the sacrifice and Passover the Son of God has done for the redemption of humanity. In our daily life, let us follow the humility of the Son of God, gladly obey the will of the Father to do appropriate sacrifices for the salvation of souls.

Now, the Deacon is going to proclaim the feast days of Passover. Please stand.

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