
Second Sunday in Easter (Year A)
Theme: A sketch of Doubting Thomas
Among the 12 Apostles of Jesus, we know more about Peter and John from the Synoptic gospels. The others only have names.The Gospel of John supplies us with more clues about individual apostles, such as Philip and Thomas. The text today even becomes the basis of calling skeptics the "Doubting Thomas". Did Thomas doubt? Today, we welcome home the newly baptized, like newlywed brides returning home to celebrate. Let us meditate the spiritual journey of Thomas the Apostle to uplift each other.
In John, and John alone was Thomas mentioned three time, "Thomas, which is called the Didymus". Didymus means "the twin" in Greek. But we know not what gender the other twin was. Since Thomas the Apostle was not the major character in the gospels, few texts mention him. Thus, we can only speculate. This you must bear in mind. For example, the first time the gospel of John mentions Thomas is in the story of the "Raising Lazarus". There Thomas spoke something enigmatic. This is how the story goes. Somebody informed Jesus that his good friend Lazarus was sick. Jesus did not go immediately to cure him but deliberately tarried for two more days before telling his disciples to go to Judaea. His disciples showed their concern about the safety of Jesus and hesitated to go to Judaea. Jesus explained that Lazarus had fallen asleep. He wanted to awake him out of sleep. When the disciples did not understand, Jesus spoke plainly that Lazarus was dead. "But let us go to him." (John 11:15) Then Thomas said to his fellow disciples, "Let us also go, that we may die with him." (11:16) Whom do you think Thomas referred to with the "him"? Lazarus, or Jesus?
If it was Lazarus, Thomas was a bit not serious, like a spoiled big boy cracking jokes. There is no reason for John to put this "rubbish" in his gospel. Thus, many biblical scholars prefer interpreting the "him" as Jesus. They speculate the intention of Thomas was to demonstrate his loyalty. In response to the worries of other disciples about going to Judaea, Thomas encouraged everybody to go along with Jesus, even to die. It is like what happened during the Last Supper when Jesus predicted that all his disciples would abandon him, Peter took the lead and other followed to express their loyalty to die for Jesus. After all, this occasion was not the Last Supper and Jesus did not question their loyalty. Therefore, this "loyalty" interpretation is a bit wishful thinking. I still believe that Thomas' "him" referred to Lazarus. Then, was Thomas an immature big boy?
Yes, Thomas was immature. But his immaturity was in his faith. At that time and hereafter, he relied more on his rationality than his faith. When Jesus said that Lazarus had fallen asleep and he wanted to wake him up, this was reasonable. But after Jesus had clarified that he meant Lazarus was dead, "waking him up" became irrational. No such thing had happened before. In the course of the story, although Martha expressed her belief in resurrection (11:24), we cannot conclude that all the contemporary Jews believed in resurrection like her. Worse still, when Jesus appeared to his disciples after resurrection, according to the gospels, some doubted (Matthew 28:17; Mark 16:11, 13-14; Luke 24:41) Therefore, it was reasonable for Thomas not to believe that Jesus could raise Lazarus from the dead. But he did not want to offend his Master. Thus he cracked this joke to express his disbelief. Remember, Thomas was not the only disciple who did not believe in resurrection. Furthermore, how many of them believed when Jesus foretold three times that he would die and stressed that he would come back to life after three days? John kept this "joke" probably to show the mind set of most of the disciples at that time. They were not psychologically ready to witness the resurrection of Lazarus and the subsequently resurrection of Jesus.
Jesus was crucified. All the faith of Thomas, his hope and visions of the future had vaporized. He could only fall back on his rationality. Thus when the other disciples told Thomas that the risen Lord had appeared to them, we cannot blame Thomas for rejecting their witness. Were they not mournful these few days? Why did they become so emotionally heightened and excited like those mentally deranged? Was it that their mind snapped and they suffered "post traumatic syndromes" and infected each other? Thomas had to tell himself to keep cool, to retain his sanity and refuse to turn mad. Eight days later, Thomas saw the risen Lord with his own eyes. This could not be explained with rationality. Moreover, Lord Jesus even invited him to resolve his doubts with his own hands! Lord Jesus Christ did not mind. Out of love, Jesus Christ had poured out all his blood for us for the cross. How could he mind our pursuing the truth with rationality?
Jesus said, "Blessed are those who have not seen and yet believe." (20:29) Does Jesus want us to be superstitious? Does he encourage us to be irrational? Of course not! Believing Jesus Christ to be the Son of God and that he died and came back to life, that not only did he redeem all our sins but also elevated us to be the children of the Father, is the core of our faith, the basis of our salvation. Whether we learn this with rationality, or God reveals this in our dreams, or we believe in Jesus Christ after seeing the witnesses of Christian charity, we are blessed. Thomas the Apostle believed after seeing the risen Lord, partly out of rationality and partly feeling the unreserved love of Jesus Christ who accepted this arrogant big mouth disciple! Jesus wants us to feel and share his love more than reaching him through rationality. It is because people have different levels of intelligence but everybody is capable of feeling love, whether they are babies or the aged, the healthy or the sick, the free or the imprisoned.
Brethren, in particular, the newly baptized, we are at different stages of faith. We may still rely on our rationality more, still want to persuade people with rationality to believe in the Lord. But feeling the love Jesus has for us is the work of our entire life. We are lucky to be Catholics, to be nourished by the Holy Communion and be united with Jesus Christ in the most intimate ways. Let us read the Scriptures more and pray harder to make the sacrament of Holy Eucharist more effective. Let us be fully infused with the love of Jesus Christ.
God bless!
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