
Sunday 7 May 2017

回應聖召 To Answer God's Call








各位兄弟姊妹,今天是「善牧主日」,又是「聖召主日」。讓我們向耶穌基督祈求,賜予青年人更大的信心,把自己託付在天父的旨意中,使天主的羊,找到草場,健壯成長。 天主保祐!

Fourth Easter Sunday (Year A)
Theme: To Answer God's Call

Following the footstep of this generation, the Catholic Hong Kong Diocese makes use of the Internet to display the present situation of the Diocese both in Chinese and English. In 2017, it is delightful to see a facelift of the official webpage and is worth browsing. There, I unearth some meaningful statistics of the Diocese as of August 31, 2016.

First of all, among the local residents, the Catholic population was about 389,000. Amongst the non-residents, it was about 202,000. They live among 52 parishes, are governed by 4 bishops, taken care of by 288 priests and 29 deacons. Among the deacons, 4 are transitory. They are expected to be ordained within one to two years. The Holy Spirit Seminary offers a 7-year priestly formation program which is attended by 24 seminarians. 5 of them came from the Hong Kong Diocese. Amongst the five, two came from our Parish. That is why His Excellency Cardinal John Tong will come to celebrate a Vocation Mass on May 21. The rest of the seminarians came from other dioceses and religious orders. In short, 321 clergy take care of 591,000 parishioners. That is 1,840 parishioners per clergy. If each clergy works 8 hours a day, 26 days a month, each parishioner can share 7 minutes of spiritual care per month! Frankly speaking, how can 7 minutes per month meet Jesus' demand to "call his own sheep by name" (John 10:3)? And how can the clergy lead the parishioners out to "find pasture" (10:9)?

In recent years, about 3,000 people were baptized each year during Easter Vigil. But actually, the total number of people baptized throughout the year was 6,600. If the figure continues in the next 7 years, some 46,200 people will be baptized into the Church. Even if all 24 seminarians were ordained, they would only take care of 44,200 parishioners. Worse still, a few priests have recently passed away. The figures above did not reveal the average age of the clergy! Thus, one can imagine the acuteness of the problem. Priestly vocation is obviously very essential for the Hong Kong Diocese.
I deliberately withheld the number of nuns to highlight the insufficiency of spiritual care of 7 minutes per month. If there were no nuns in Hong Kong, the Diocese would not have functioned properly. Luckily, there are 469 nuns sharing the other works of the 321 clergy to maintain the ministry today. Thus, vocation for consecrated life is as important for the Catholic Hong Kong Diocese. (香港教區教務統計-2/)

These numbers remind me of the story of a recently released religious movie, SILENCE. The Japanese Catholics in the 17th Century suffered persecution. There was no priest to celebrate mass or hear confession for them. In these difficult times, they could only baptize, pray, sing hymns and pass on their faith orally until some Jesuits illegally landed. The joy, which was like receiving rain during an extended drought, was touching and stimulated Catholic viewers to reflect on the freedom they have been enjoying. But we cannot take freedom for granted. Out of selfishness, people in power would violently deprive tens of thousands of Catholics of their rights to worship God. They would torture the laity to force the priests to apostate. The irony was that these mandarins were taught by Catholic priests. They flew high with the Catholic education they had received and yet turned around to bite the hands that fed them. Do not think that it happened only in Japan 400 years ago. Today, we are suffering from a similar persecution. The story began with religious schools offering Catholic education to Hong Kong beginning in mid-19th century. They successfully bred an outstanding middle class, contributing to the prosperity of Hong Kong. Sadly, very few and even none of their students responded to vocation to join the religious orders that had reared them. These religious orders had been successful in running schools but had failed to cultivate vocation. Today, it is sad to see some of their schools headed by laity or even non-Catholic principals!

The selfishness of people in power could cause the persecution of the Church. However, when the laity thinks too much for themselves, would it not be another form of persecution?
What causes the withering of vocation? Does God stop calling young people? That is impossible. If God does not stop calling, what other factors prevent young people from answering God's call? Is it affluence? There is such a line in a Chinese poem, "Guts manifest in tribulations. History remembers their names." Do we need an economic recession or a religious persecution to boost vocation?

Personally, I think that it is neither the silence of God nor the affluence of a society that smothers vocation. Rather the lack of faith among young people is the gist of the problem. Nowadays many families are nuclear. Couples raise one or two children and some even none. On the other hand, young people see the rapid ageing of the population. The burden to support aged parents falls on the shoulders of one or two siblings. With such a heavy burden, where comes the faith to answer vocation? It is a crisis of faith because in our mind, we are sure that God's superb arrangement far surpasses our arrangements with limited capabilities. But we still cannot let go. We insist on taking care of our aged parents with our pair of hands. Indeed, this psychological complex cannot be easily overcome without God's special blessing.

Brethren, today is the Sunday of the Good Shepherd. It is also the Vocation Sunday. Let us pray to Jesus Christ to give young people a greater faith. Submit themselves to the will of God so that God's sheep may find the pasture and grow strong.
God bless!

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