
Sunday 21 May 2017

真理就是愛 Truth is Love









2014 Reflection

Sixth Easter Sunday (Year A)
Theme: Truth is Love

The gospel passage today gives us an opportunity to meditate the relation between Truth and Love. Jesus says, "If you love me, you will keep my commandments." (John 14:15) What are the commandments of Jesus? Many people think that "Love our God with all our heart, with all our soul and with all our strength" and "Love your neighbour as yourself" are the teachings, the commandments of Jesus. Sorry, they are not!

It so happened that a teacher of the Law challenged Jesus, asking him to name the greatest commandment among the 613 Mosaic laws. Without hesitation, Jesus quoted the two laws from Deuteronomy and Leviticus. Thus, these were the teachings of Moses, more than 1250 years before Christ was born. Of course, Jesus came to fulfil the teachings of the Old Testament. For example, the "Love your neighbour as yourself" commandment from Leviticus applies to one's countrymen only. Gentiles were not included. But when Jesus told the parable of the Good Samaritan, he restored God's original intention in the commandment, namely, to include people of all nationalities and ethnicities.

So, what is Jesus' commandment? After washing his disciples' feet at the Last Supper, Jesus told them, "A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; even as I have loved you, that you also love one another." (13:34) Comparing this with Mosaic laws, how does it surpass Moses' commandments? Are not "loving one another" and "loving your neighbour as yourself" the same? Indeed, they are. However, Jesus' commandment surpasses Mosaic laws in "even as I have loved you". How did Jesus love us? In order to redeem us, he died on the cross. He loved us until it hurt. Now, Jesus commands us --- note that it was not an invitation but a commandment! --- for the benefits of the people, Christians should love until it hurts, should generously sacrifice!

Love until it hurts goes against natural human inclination. Is it reasonable?
Why did Jesus Christ promise to give us the Holy Spirit after he demanded our keeping his commandments? How does the Holy Spirit help us keep his commandments?
Once, Confucius explained to his disciple Yeou that without the guidance of Truth, virtues could turn into vices. He said, "Amare humanitatem sine amore discendi, hujus vitium, inscitia." (Analect 17:8) Charity is a virtue. But if we do not study truth, we end up doing evil with good intention, hurting ourselves and others. How stupid it is! Truly, that monster parents spoil their children, choking their healthy developments is a modern typical example. Confucius further elaborated five other virtues and their vices when a person was not guided by the truth. In order to prevent his disciples from making this mistake, Jesus promised to send the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Truth to guarantee that loving others until it hurts is genuine and is not a stupidity that hurts everybody.

In 2009, the then Pope Benedict XVI issued his third encyclical, Caritas in Veritate to tell us that charity must be practiced in truth. The core teaching of Christianity is charity which helps people develop holistically. Men were created in the image of God. Their hearts are filled with the desire for genuine love because God is love. Regrettably, human nature was damaged by the Original Sin so that their efforts turned out to be building institutions that humiliate human dignity and smother human development. Take a look at the Hong Kong society today. Supported by the government, developers not only push up house prices beyond the ability of young people to afford, but also build tiny units only suitable for single persons to live, but cannot accommodate a family. How can our next generation get married, live and develop? Two thousand years ago, the Son of God incarnated in the person of Jesus Christ to die and to rise again so as to give his followers new life and strength to reform with truth and charity, the dehumanizing institutions into ones which are conducive to human development.

Pope Benedict XVI points out that truth must be expressed in charity. Without charitable actions, truth is empty talk. On the other hand, truth helps us understand what genuine love is. Without truth, love is only a feeling, a selfish behaviour which manipulates the other party. Understanding truth helps us let go so that we can communicate and engage in dialogue. Thus we can cooperate to build up relations and institutions which honour human dignity, follow God's will and allow human nature to develop fully.

Though the Holy Spirit is called "the Spirit of truth" (John 14:17), whatever He does shows that He is genuine love.
First of all, the Holy Spirit used His power to overshadow the BVM so that she was pregnant with the Son of God (Luke 1:35). When Jesus was baptized in River Jordan, the Holy Spirit came down to anoint him the Messiah to begin his salvation mission. After baptism, the Holy Spirit urged Jesus into the wilderness to preliminarily engage with Satan, training him to deal with challenges in the coming three years. After his ascension, the Holy Spirit came down upon the disciples. Not only were they able to speak different languages so that different peoples might hear the gospel of salvation, but the Holy Spirit also came upon the liturgy of breaking bread, turning bread and wine into the Body and Blood of Christ to nourish the life of the disciples. The Holy Spirit also moved the hearts of the disciples so that they handed over all their property for public use to help the needy brethren. The Holy Spirit also gave the disciples courage and fervent hearts to bear witness to Jesus' gospel even unto martyrdom. From all these, we can see that the Holy Spirit is not only the Spirit of Truth, but is also the Spirit of Love.

Brethren, in order to avoid making the mistake mentioned by Confucius, i.e. It is stupid to desire charity but learn not the truth. Let us pray for the illumination of the Holy Spirit so that we may know the truth and understand the will of God. Furthermore, we should pray to the Holy Spirit to heat up our icy hearts so that we may desire the truth, love God and men and are not afraid to sacrifice, to love until it hurts so that all men may fully develop, and that the image of God may shine forth again.
God bless!

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