Seventeenth Ordinary Sunday, Year B
Theme: Pay Attention to the Negligibles
Last Sunday, we read that after the hard work of evangelization, the disciples reported to Jesus what they had done and taught. Then Jesus took them to a deserted place to rest. Rest is important. Not only does rest refresh our strength but it also helps us calm down and it allows our consciousness and experiences to precipitate, thus illuminating us about the will and mercy of the Father. When Jesus Christ and his disciples arrived at a deserted place, a great crowd was already waiting for them. Last Sunday, the gospel says, "His heart was moved with pity for them, for they were like sheep without a shepherd." (Mark 6:34) The gospel passage today picks up where we had left last week. Let us put Mark down and try to look at the subsequent Five Loaves and Two Fish miracle from the perspective of John.
Why did I say "from the perspective of John"? We should know that the four Evangelists proclaim the same Jesus Christ from different perspectives in order to paint a multi-dimensional portraital of Jesus Christ. All four canonical gospels tell the same Passion and this Five Loaves and Two Fish miracle but with different foci. Take the example of this Five Loaves Two Fish miracle, why does John mention the "Jewish Feast of Passover" (John 6:4)? Why does John not mention how Jesus was moved with pity by the crowd who were like sheep without a shepherd, but instead tested Philip (6:5)? The five barley loaves and two fish came from a boy (6:9). This detail was exclusively reported by John. Even Matthew who was on the scene does not mention it. What message does John want to convey with this detail? Lastly, only John mentions Jesus telling them to "Gather the fragments left over, so that nothing will be wasted." (6:12) These details worth our quietude to meditate and reflect!
First of all, let us handle the case of testing Philip without mentioning Jesus' compassion on the crowd. John reached this conclusion as a result of decades of meditation! He tells us that the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity, i.e. the Word was what the Father spoke while He was creating the universe (1:1). This "Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us." (1:14) This Son of God, Word of God is Jesus Christ. He came to earth, knowing "what he was going to do." (6:6) Then his disciples would be able to witness His glory. John painted a Son of God who is in full control and is doing the Father's will. This obedient and taking full-control portrait is more obvious in the Passion!
Secondly, why is Passover mentioned? Jews celebrate Passover in order to celebrate how God delivered and liberated them from Egyptian bondage with great might. Every year they celebrate, not just to remember a historical event, but to appeal God to continue honouring His covenant to liberate them. God the Son came to earth just to do this. He came to manifest the Father's mercy, to honour His promise and to liberate humanity from the bondage of Sins. How did He manifest and honour? To suffer on Passover and on the third day came back to life again. When John saw the link between this Five Loaves and Two Fish miracle with the Holy Eucharist which was established during the Last Supper as well as the sacrifice on the cross, he put down this Passover sign.
When Jesus Christ asked Philip, "Where can we buy enough food for them to eat?" (6:5), the focus was "where". Jesus Christ expected this deserted scene and this where question could trigger Philip to associate how God fed the 600,000 wandering Israelites with Manna. Jesus hoped that the subsequent miracle would remind the crowd of the Father's providence, just like how He provided for the Israelites in the wilderness in those years. Philip misplaced the focus and concentrated on "buying food", thus he came up with 200 days' wages. The crowd also misunderstood the situation. They wanted to carry him off to make the visible Jesus king and forgot giving glory to the invisible merciful Father.
God likes to beat the strong with the weak, for example David defeated Goliath. God used to destroy the out-numbering with a minority, for example the story of Gideon the Judge. Of course, in this way, it became obvious that God was fighting for the Israelites who did not win with their weaponry or tactics. On the other hand, God doesn't want us to ignore the negligible. For example, the five loaves and two fish came from a child and not from an adult; it was five loaves and two fish and not bread purchased with two hundred days' wages. Lastly, they had to gather the fragments left over so that nothing will be wasted! Just as what St. Mother Teresa says, "Do small things with Great Love". We should not refuse to do good because it is negligible. Yes, God does not force people to believe in Him. Thus He likes to stay with the insignificant things. In fact, those things are not really insignificant. We are just too busy to notice their importance. We usually say, "The Devil is in the Details". But it is more correct to say, "Deus is in the Details". He likes to hide Himself among the poor, the weak, the sick and the homeless etc. He waits for us to come close to Him so that we may be blessed. He enjoys doing earth shaking things with the negligible offerings we make.
Brethren, how can we recognize Jesus Christ and serve Him among those negligible people with hands out-stretched? We need to rest, to calm down our restless spirit. Focus on the negligible. Listen attentively to the whisper of the Father. Do not mistake God's will like Philip.
God bless!