
Sunday, 29 July 2018

著眼小處 Pay Attention to the Negligibles










Seventeenth Ordinary Sunday, Year B
Theme: Pay Attention to the Negligibles

Last Sunday, we read that after the hard work of evangelization, the disciples reported to Jesus what they had done and taught. Then Jesus took them to a deserted place to rest. Rest is important. Not only does rest refresh our strength but it also helps us calm down and it allows our consciousness and experiences to precipitate, thus illuminating us about the will and mercy of the Father. When Jesus Christ and his disciples arrived at a deserted place, a great crowd was already waiting for them. Last Sunday, the gospel says, "His heart was moved with pity for them, for they were like sheep without a shepherd." (Mark 6:34) The gospel passage today picks up where we had left last week. Let us put Mark down and try to look at the subsequent Five Loaves and Two Fish miracle from the perspective of John.

Why did I say "from the perspective of John"? We should know that the four Evangelists proclaim the same Jesus Christ from different perspectives in order to paint a multi-dimensional portraital of Jesus Christ. All four canonical gospels tell the same Passion and this Five Loaves and Two Fish miracle but with different foci. Take the example of this Five Loaves Two Fish miracle, why does John mention the "Jewish Feast of Passover" (John 6:4)? Why does John not mention how Jesus was moved with pity by the crowd who were like sheep without a shepherd, but instead tested Philip (6:5)? The five barley loaves and two fish came from a boy (6:9). This detail was exclusively reported by John. Even Matthew who was on the scene does not mention it. What message does John want to convey with this detail? Lastly, only John mentions Jesus telling them to "Gather the fragments left over, so that nothing will be wasted." (6:12) These details worth our quietude to meditate and reflect!

First of all, let us handle the case of testing Philip without mentioning Jesus' compassion on the crowd. John reached this conclusion as a result of decades of meditation! He tells us that the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity, i.e. the Word was what the Father spoke while He was creating the universe (1:1). This "Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us." (1:14) This Son of God, Word of God is Jesus Christ. He came to earth, knowing "what he was going to do." (6:6) Then his disciples would be able to witness His glory. John painted a Son of God who is in full control and is doing the Father's will. This obedient and taking full-control portrait is more obvious in the Passion!

Secondly, why is Passover mentioned? Jews celebrate Passover in order to celebrate how God delivered and liberated them from Egyptian bondage with great might. Every year they celebrate, not just to remember a historical event, but to appeal God to continue honouring His covenant to liberate them. God the Son came to earth just to do this. He came to manifest the Father's mercy, to honour His promise and to liberate humanity from the bondage of Sins. How did He manifest and honour? To suffer on Passover and on the third day came back to life again. When John saw the link between this Five Loaves and Two Fish miracle with the Holy Eucharist which was established during the Last Supper as well as the sacrifice on the cross, he put down this Passover sign.

When Jesus Christ asked Philip, "Where can we buy enough food for them to eat?" (6:5), the focus was "where". Jesus Christ expected this deserted scene and this where question could trigger Philip to associate how God fed the 600,000 wandering Israelites with Manna. Jesus hoped that the subsequent miracle would remind the crowd of the Father's providence, just like how He provided for the Israelites in the wilderness in those years. Philip misplaced the focus and concentrated on "buying food", thus he came up with 200 days' wages. The crowd also misunderstood the situation. They wanted to carry him off to make the visible Jesus king and forgot giving glory to the invisible merciful Father.

God likes to beat the strong with the weak, for example David defeated Goliath. God used to destroy the out-numbering with a minority, for example the story of Gideon the Judge. Of course, in this way, it became obvious that God was fighting for the Israelites who did not win with their weaponry or tactics. On the other hand, God doesn't want us to ignore the negligible. For example, the five loaves and two fish came from a child and not from an adult; it was five loaves and two fish and not bread purchased with two hundred days' wages. Lastly, they had to gather the fragments left over so that nothing will be wasted! Just as what St. Mother Teresa says, "Do small things with Great Love". We should not refuse to do good because it is negligible. Yes, God does not force people to believe in Him. Thus He likes to stay with the insignificant things. In fact, those things are not really insignificant. We are just too busy to notice their importance. We usually say, "The Devil is in the Details". But it is more correct to say, "Deus is in the Details". He likes to hide Himself among the poor, the weak, the sick and the homeless etc. He waits for us to come close to Him so that we may be blessed. He enjoys doing earth shaking things with the negligible offerings we make.

Brethren, how can we recognize Jesus Christ and serve Him among those negligible people with hands out-stretched? We need to rest, to calm down our restless spirit. Focus on the negligible. Listen attentively to the whisper of the Father. Do not mistake God's will like Philip.
God bless!

Sunday, 22 July 2018

休息的重要 The Importance of Rest









Sixteenth Ordinary Sunday, Year B
Theme: The Importance of Rest

I trust everybody loves reading martial art novels or movies. It is enjoyable because we can project ourselves onto those heroes. Their fighting skills are superb and when they right wrongs, they don't seem to need any eating, going to the toilet or any sleep. They have inexhaustible reserves of money in their purses. Our Jesus Christ is different. He felt tired and fell asleep on a boat (Mark 4:38); he felt thirsty and asked for a drink from a Samaritan woman by the side of a well (John 4:7); he felt hungry so that his disciples entered the city to buy him food (4:8). Unlike those martial art heroes, Jesus Christ is so authentic. Let us meditate what this realistic Jesus Christ, who is breathing with us today, wants to teach us.

The story today is a continuation of what we heard last Sunday when Jesus sent his disciples, two by two, to evangelize. They reported back what they had done and taught. Then Jesus told them to "Come away by yourselves to a deserted place and rest a while." (Mark 6:31) This action is very meaningful. Rest is the essence of the Third Commandment. The Israelites observe the law to keep Sabbath holy. They stop doing unnecessary labour on Sabbaths. Christians inherit this Jewish tradition. They observe the day of Jesus' resurrection, Sunday and call it the Lord's Day and keep it holy. On Sundays, Christians also stop doing unnecessary labour. Then why did the Jews observe Sabbath and stop doing what they usually do?

According to Exodus, in six days God created the heavens and the earth, but on the seventh day He rested. Thus, they too should rest on the seventh day (Exodus 20:11). This reason is not reasonable because the existence of the universe needs God's support. If God were to stop His works, our existence would be jeopardized. Jesus testifies that the Father is at work until now (John 5:17) Thus, that God rests after the Creation is only an excuse for taking a break. The Israelites had been slaves in Egypt for God knows many generations. Now they were liberated by Moses and were no longer slaves who have no right to rest. Thus, "Rest" is a symbol for men of freedom. On the other hand, the explanation given by Deuteronomy hits the bull. Keeping the Sabbath is a remembrance of their delivery from Egyptian bondage by God (Deuteronomy 5:15). Whichever the explanation, this Commandment seems to focus on God but in reality, it is a celebration of freedom from slavery for the Israelites. Similarly, on Sundays, we Christians stop doing work and come together to offer mass to celebrate that we are no longer slaves of sins. Thus, those who cannot come back to Church to celebrate mass are somehow suffering slavery.

But when Jesus' disciples went out to evangelize, it was not slavery but a ministry. If it is not slavery, is it necessary to rest? Yes it is for a deeper reason. Evangelization must go hand in hand with spirituality in order to be effective.
First of all, let us imagine what the disciples felt when they reported back after evangelization. Before their evangelization, they saw Jesus heal and exorcize. Now, they were excited to see that they were able to heal and exorcize. They must have been elated when even demons obeyed them. But Jesus was sober to see the states of mind of his disciples. Thus Jesus Christ brought them to a deserted place to rest, to reflect on what responsibilities these powers entail and how to exercise these powers to do the Father's will. Throughout history, many people and countries were destroyed by the abuse of power or authority granted them by the Father.
Furthermore, during rest, Jesus would also share his experience of evangelization with the disciples, teaching them what to watch out for during evangelization. For example, once they arrived at a Samaritan city, the disciples went to buy food, leaving Jesus behind alone at a well where he had a conversation with a Samaritan woman. In the end, the whole city believed that Jesus Christ was the Messiah they had been waiting for (John 4). How did the disciples know what had happened? I think it was during their "rest" that Jesus shared with them how the whole city was converted to the Father.

For example, when the disciples came back with food, Jesus said that "his food" was to do the will of the Father and to finish His work, viz. to evangelize and to build up the Kingdom of Heaven on earth. (4:34). What does "his food" mean? Well, it means Jesus Christ did not find his satisfaction on food and drinks, on accumulating wealth, on building social supports or on fame and status. His satisfaction comes from the salvation of souls and the obedience to the Father's will. Then, it would stimulate the disciples and us to reflect. Where does our satisfaction come from? Food and drinks? Money? Relationships? Or power and fame? Do these things promote a more intimate relationship with the Father or greater alienation? Does working on these things fulfil the Father's will or harm ourselves and others?

Brethren, rest is important. Not only does rest restore our strength, but it also give us time and space to reflect on whether we have tried our best, whether we are wasting our energies and whether we are heading towards the right direction. With enough rest, we can go ahead to extend new frontiers. Brethren, have you found satisfaction in evangelization? If not, rest more!
God bless!

Sunday, 15 July 2018

與基督一起宣講福音 Evangelize Alongside with Christ







為甚麼要「兩個兩個」呢?因為「天主是愛」(若一4:8, 16),這是我們信仰的核心之一。我們需要建立團體,纔可以實踐愛德。所以我們需要「兩個兩個」。



Fifteenth Ordinary Sunday, Year B
Theme: Evangelize Alongside with Christ

Last Sunday, the Diocesan Catechetical Centre celebrated the 54th Graduation Ceremony. Some of our parishioners have finished their studies and will serve the Sunday school and catechumen classes with better quality. I would like to take this opportunity to thank them for their enthusiastic service. I trust God will abundantly award them with overflowing graces.

God created men in His own image and calls every man, be they believers or non-believers, to lead a righteous life of no regret so as not to blemish the image of God. This is our First Call. Everybody is included. At the Last Judgment, God will judge everybody according to his conscience, not whether he was baptized!
Why then should people be baptized? Even more, why not baptize at the deathbed once and for all? Why take the trouble to get baptized and then commit sins; go to confession to beg forgiveness, sin again and confess again and on and on?

In fact, it is difficult to lead a conscientious life in this evil rampant world. It is difficult to counter secular challenges with our conscience alone. We will easily fall prey to the bondage of sins. God does not enjoy seeing sinners perish. He desires people who have gone astray to repent and return to His bosom (Ezekiel 18:23). Thus, through some people we meet, God takes a further step to call us to be a member of the People of God, like the ancient Israelites whom God chose to give grace and to protect against secular temptations. All of us who are sitting here in this Church have responded to the Second Call of God to receive baptism and become His people. After baptism, like what St. Paul says, we put on the full armour of Christ to hold our ground on evil days (Ephesians 6:13-18). Without baptism, people cannot receive further Sacraments and other graces. They have to fight against evils with their bare hands.

In fact, when we were baptized, we partake in the threefold ministry of Jesus Christ. God the Father sent the Son to be incarnated in the person of Jesus Christ who discharges the mission of dispensing graces through the roles of a king, a priest and a prophet. When we help the needy or serve the disadvantaged in the society, God's righteousness is done. We serve God's cause and extend the Kingdom of Heavens. We are discharging the ministry of a king. When we celebrate mass and pray, we represent all humanity, including people who don't know God or even reject God, to offer up our prayers and sacrifices. We are discharging the ministry of a priest. When we study the Bible, tell people the truth of God and explain the position of the Church on social issues, we are discharging the ministry of a prophet. Do you remember how you were attracted by exemplar of some Catholics and started joining catechumen class and received baptism? These catechists have received rigorous training to instruct catechumens on salvific truths and the position of the Church. They are discharging the prophethood of Jesus Christ of which they partook during their baptism.

The first reading today tells us how Amos had become a prophet. Amos was only a herdsman of the southern Kingdom. He did not give up his job because prophets were highly paid (in the court). Rather, it was God who chose him, gave him the grace of visions and sent him to proclaim repentance to the Israelites in the north. Amaziah was the priest of Bethel in the north. He had the ears of the king. Amaziah felt the threats of Amos' proclamation which might panic the people. Thus, he decided to throw Amos out of Israel. A prophet's words are hard to swallow. They are not popular. Then, with what can we discharge our prophethood? What does the gospel tell us?

The passage today seems to address missionaries, not ordinary laity. Wrong. It is because we partake of the prophethood of Jesus Christ during our baptism. We too are missionaries. Furthermore, we have advantages over missionaries. We are able to go where they cannot. Then, when we preach, do we really have to go two by two (Mark 6:7) and to take nothing on our journey (6:8)? Of course, we should not take the Bible literally.

Why do we go two by two? It is because God is love (1 John 4:8, 16). This is one of the cores of our faith. We need to build up a community in order to practise charity. Thus we need "to go two by two".
How can we accomplish anything if we take nothing on our journey?
Men tend to rely on their own abilities. They believe that reward is proportional to effort and that diligence is a virtue. We easily forget that it is God who helps us obtain salvation. The less you carry, the more manifest God's power. The more you bring, the more attention is diverted to the things you bring along, the less we are able to see that Jesus Christ is working alongside us to evangelize. Jesus Christ wants to make use of our hands to heal and to exorcise, our lips to say edifying words and our hearts to love the abandoned. What can prevent us from evangelizing alongside with Jesus Christ? Our lack of knowledge? Our fear of teaching the wrong things? Our being too busy to study the Bible or to attend catechetical courses?

Last Sunday, we read that the folk in Nazareth rejected Jesus. Consequently, there were few healings and little graces. Thus, if we do not respond to the call of Jesus Christ to discharge our prophethood, to help non-believers share God's salvation and in so doing we will also receive more abundant graces, it is our loss. Jesus Christ gets used to being rejected by His folks! Pray that we are not amongst those who reject Him!
God bless!

Monday, 9 July 2018

天主經過,扶持了我 God Passes By Me and Assists Me



約了四位經驗豐富的義工,在下午二時三十分進入小欖精神治療中心做服務。於是上午到大欖探望幾位朋友,談笑甚歡,言之有物,很有挑戰性。我素來不喜歡戴腕表,結果,離開懲教所時已是下午二時了!行上小欖嘛,我又沒氣力(因為沒有時間吃午飯);截的士嘛,很久也見不到一部。正在心急如鑊上螞蟻的時候,天主派了一位天使來送我上山!他是一位懲教署的巴基斯坦籍長官,伊斯蘭教徒。雖然知道我是天主教執事,他仍落力介紹伊斯蘭教的道理和習俗,給我認識。還教我說:「 الله أكبر Allah is the greatest」,彼此用來打招呼。他比其他同事遲走,是因為他要「拜神」(佢嘅廣東話好掂!)。是巧合?我纔不信!



God Passes By Me and Assists Me

I am ageing and my memory is failing. I can't afford not to put my memories into writing. Recently, a string of events have taken place which can't be explained away by coincidences. I'm convinced that God has assisted me.

July 5, Thursday
I made arrangement for four experienced volunteers to visit Siu Lam Psychiatric Centre at 2:30 p.m. Thus, I visited my friends in Tai Lam and had a challenging good chat with them in the morning. I do not wear wrist watches. Consequently, I left the Correctional Institution at 2 p.m.! Walk up Siu Lam? I did not have the strength (because I had had no lunch!). Get a taxi? None was in view for a long time. When I was anxious like ants in a hot pot, God sent me an angel to drive me up to Siu Lam! He is a Pakistani officer, a Muslim. Although he knows that I am a Catholic Deacon, he is never tired of explaining to me Islamic teachings and customs. He taught me "الله أكبر Allah is the greatest" and we greet each other with this phrase. He went home later than other officers because he was saying his Zuhr Prayer. Coincidence? I don't buy it!

July 7, Saturday
I intended to administer Holy Communion to an inmate in Siu Lam. For some unknown reason, I thought that it was the second Saturday of July. So, I returned to my serving Church to have Bible Studies with members of St. Vincent de Paul Society. Of course nobody turned up. But I found a letter on my desk. It was sent by the inmate I intended to visit. In the letter, he asked me several biblical and theological questions. Had I not been absent-minded, I would have missed the letter. Of course, he would still raise the same questions during my visit. But then, the visit would be an ordinary encounter and I would not be able to detect the intervention of God's hands. You don't agree, do you?

July 8, Sunday
During the Prayer of the Faithful in mass, I prayed for the "cave boys" in Thailand. I begged God to withhold rain for the next few days so that the rescue operation might be successful. In the afternoon, I went with the volunteers from the St. Jerome English Community to run religious function at Tai Lam. When we left, the sky was darkened. The air was depressing. Downpour was imminent at any moment. But strangely, we remained dry until we returned home. In the evening, I heard from the news that 4 cave boys were rescued. There were nine remaining!
I prayed that God would extend His mighty hand to restrain rain waters from flowing towards the confined team members, just as He had protected me and my volunteers from getting wet today. Amen!

Sunday, 8 July 2018

看不見天主 Unable to see God










Fourteenth Ordinary Sunday, Year B
Theme: Unable to see God

We need to handle two issues today.
Firstly, weren't the folk of Jesus Christ behaving strangely? They were astonished by his wisdom and mighty deeds. Yet, they took offence at him (Mark 6:2-3). Why?
Was it because of his lowly status as a carpenter? No way! Unlike big cities such as Jerusalem, Nazareth in the northern inland could not be very prosperous. The incomes and status of the people would be similar. Thus, they should not take offence at Jesus because he was a carpenter. Had they despised him, they would have begun with his father Joseph first!
Was it because of familiarity? They knew his family members, saw him grow up, knew that he was the son of a carpenter and himself a carpenter after his father etc. Therefore, familiarity breeds contempt? No way! Don't we enjoy mixing with familiar people and avoid strangers? Why then familiarity with Jesus would breed offence?

I believe that the people in Nazareth took offence at him because Jesus Christ had become a total stranger to them! Jesus had left Nazareth and returned after a while. He was no longer the carpenter they had been familiar with. A band of disciples followed him. How glamourous! He spoke in wisdom and no longer carpenter's talks. Although his wisdom would enable him to replace the ruler of the synagogue, it did not benefit Nazareth in any practical way! Furthermore, they heard that he was able to forgive sins, cure diseases, exorcize, calm the waves and even raise the dead etc. These were NOT things a carpenter could do and should do! Nazareth was too insignificant. There were no lepers, NO possessed, not even a lake and no dead people for this master to flex his muscles. Frankly, they would rather have one more carpenter than a Rabbi to proclaim news of the Kingdom of Heaven which would disrupt their traditional and peaceful life. There was no room for this VIP!

The second issue was why Jesus "was unable to perform any mighty deed there" (6:5)?
Last week, we read about the bleeding woman, who was cured because of her faith. Is it really true that "things exist because we believe and don't if we don't"? Impossible! How can facts be determined by our subjective decisions? Even if all living species, including humanity, cease to exist, as long as the Earth continues to exist and keeps rotating, the sun shall rise in the East tomorrow. The sun would not cease to exist when man no longer exist to believe in the sun's existence! As the Son of God, Jesus has the power to perform miracles. This power is not determined by the subjective decisions of other people! For example, Jesus Christ exorcized, calmed the waves and multiplied the loaves independent of the faith of the people on the spot. Pay attention. Jesus was amazed at, not his inability to perform miracles, but their lack of faith (6:6)!
Indeed, the feeling of Jesus Christ has always been the feeling of God. God thought that the Israelites whom He liberated and raised would be grateful, would keep the Commandments and practise righteousness. In the end, they were idolatrous and corrupt (Isaiah 5:7)! Jesus Christ thought that in his native place, folks would be more receptive to the gospel from somebody they were familiar. In the end, for their own interests, they rejected the good news. Later, when St. Paul evangelized, he firstly preached to Jews. Because of jealousy and persecutions from his own people, Paul had to turn to the Gentiles (Acts 13:44-46).

On the other hand, without the illumination of faith, miracles can lead to superstitions and heresies. Without faith, Jesus Christ was only a faith-healer and not a liberator of the soul. Without faith, Jesus' Passion was a lost cause, his resurrection a hoax and not a salvation project to bring sinners back to the bosom of the heavenly Father. Since the folk at Nazareth lacked faith, had Jesus Christ worked mighty deeds, he would not have triggered their faith and probably would have induced deeper superstitions and misunderstanding instead. Thus Jesus did not work miracles in Nazareth.

What have we learned in the gospel passage today?
Firstly, God is absolutely free. He gave us freedom and respects our freedom. He does not force us to believe in Him. God delivered the Israelites from Egyptian bondage. Of course, He did not turn the Israelites into slaves again. Otherwise, God was only a stronger slave master, snatched the Israelites from the Egyptians only to possess them! Thus, God is invisible in our daily life. Otherwise, we are forced to believe in His existence and might! But He leaves us traces of His presence and mercy to be discovered.

Secondly, what is hindering us from detecting the presence of God?
It is inertia. Because of inertia, our spiritual life does not grow. Like the mind-set of the folk in Nazareth, isn't the moment alright? Why bother upgrading? We get used to our present ways of life and do not feel the need to improve. We have never thought that it is inadequate to join mass and receive communion on Sundays. Is it really necessary to study the Bible and pray on it every day? Yes, it is! We are rowing upstream. Advance or retreat! Similarly, our relationship with Jesus Christ will either advance or retreat. There is no middle way. When we organize activities in the parish, we routinely do what have previously been done. We do not consider serving citizens outside our church building and know what this neighbour needs. Do we need to serve them and know about the community? Yes, we need to! It is the teaching of Jesus Christ that He is present among the least of the brethren (Matthew 25:40). Just as what I have previously mentioned, God leaves us traces of His presence among the forgotten and the exploited in the neighbourhood so that we may discover His presence and mercy when we serve the needy.

Jumping out of our comfort zone needs great determination. Going out into the community needs great courage. All these rely on the help of the Holy Spirit. But it is worthwhile to do so because our comfort zone is like the old wineskin which is unable to contain the new wine of God (Mark 2:22), the abundant grace which God has prepared for us. Brethren, let us pray to the Holy Spirit to ask for faith and determination to jump out of our routine attitudes of life. Embrace God's call and respond with courage to receive more abundant grace.
God bless!

Sunday, 1 July 2018

殉道的價值 The Value of Martyrdom








  1. 今天所讀的神蹟,祇不過是一個神話故事,沒有科學根據,我是不會相信的。
  2. 即使耶穌基督真是歷史上的人物,再即使祂真的有起死回生的本領又如何?祂是二千多年前的人物,今天與我何關?




Thirteenth Ordinary Sunday, Year B
Theme: The Value of Martyrdom

Mark wrote in a special way. In order to emphasize a message, he puts two related stories together to stress his point. Not only that but he also makes a "sandwich" to increase the intensity of his message. The two miracles we read today are arranged in such a way.

Jairus was the ruler of a synagogue. He was most likely a Pharisee. His little daughter was very ill. So, he put down his antagonistic stance against the Lord and begged Jesus to cure his daughter. Probably he would be boycotted by his fellow Pharisees and even be punished. But for the sake of his daughter, Jairus did not care anymore about his fame or his status. Of course Jesus held no grudge against him and was willing to make one more friend. While they were on their way to Jairus' house, the cure of the bleeding woman took place. It disrupted the schedule to save Jairus' daughter and consequently, she died!

Curing the bleeding woman taught an important lesson: faith is the key to trigger miracles. On the spot, was the bleeding woman the only sick person? Of course there were others. But the power of Jesus Christ only flowed to her. Why? It was because she had faith. Her faith opened up the curing power of Jesus Christ. Other people probably just crowded together out of curiosity. That was why they lost an opportunity to recover.

After seeing this miracle, Jairus must be very excited and his faith must have increased. However, just when we think we are competent and confident, greater challenges are waiting to attack us. Bad news arrived. Jairus' daughter was dead. This was the real challenge Jairus had to combat. This Jesus was able to cure diseases and drive out demons. But was he able to restore life? Historically, only Elijah or Elisha had brought the dead to life. Now, where could they find Elijah? Was Jesus Elijah? In the end, Jesus Christ raised Jairus' daughter, showing that He is the Author of Life. Jesus Christ is not Eljah but is greater than Elijah. He is the Son of God. This is the aim Mark wanted to achieve with his gospel.

If we meditate deeper, we shall discover that Jesus Christ has in fact raised two people: besides Jairus' daughter, Jesus brought the bleeding woman to life! Perhaps you would complain that the bleeding woman was not dead. How could Jesus bring a living person back to life! Perhaps you do not know, not only was the bleeding woman deemed unclean by the Law, for twelve years she could not bear a child! If she was not married, no man would marry her. If she was married, she could not bear her husband any children. She was more dead than alive. Now that she was cured, her fertility was restored. She could lead a woman's life again. If this is not resurrection, what is?

What does "Jesus Christ is the Author of Life" mean to you?

  1. The miracle we read today are only fairy tales. There is no scientific basis. I will not believe.
    For those who refuse to believe, they already have a stance. I am afraid they cannot be convinced in a few words. I will explain in the future when occasion arises.
  2. Even if Jesus Christ was a historical person and that He really has the power to raise the dead. So what? What has a person two millennia ago to do with me?
    It is unworthy to die for money. To die for a loved one, one for one, perhaps worth the while. I think the martyrs were willing to die for Jesus Christ, perhaps out of love. Thus, they were willing to express their love for and faith in Jeus Christ with martyrdom. Since these martyrs believed that Jesus Christ is the Author of Life, it was worthwhile for them to die for the Author of Life and enter eternal life immediately. Why not? If they do not die, they are like what Fr. Kim told us about "green martyrdom" and "white martyrdom" in which the believers do not have to shed their blood. If they lead a life to live up to Jesus Christ's teaching of love, the Author of Life shall surely reward them after death!

The second reading today gives us another hint of the meaning of martyrdom. St. Paul says, "That now at this time your abundance may be a supply for their wat, that their abundance also may be a supply for your want, that there may be equalitie." (2 Corinthians 8:14) That is to say, because of the communion of saints, the sacrifice of martyrs "supply for the want" of brethren in the Church. In another epistle, Paul writes, "Now I rejoice in my sufferings for your sake, and in my flesh I complete what is lacking in Christ's afflictions for the sake of his body, that is, the Church." (Colossians 1:24) The first time I read this verse, I was puzzled. Why are Christ's afflictions incomplete? Isn't it true that "For by a single offering He has perfected for all time those who are sanctified." (Hebrews 10:14)? Truly, Jesus Christ only needs to sacrifice once on the cross to sanctify all and to perfect all. But as for the Church, Christ still needs to "sanctify her, having cleansed her by the washing of water with the word." (Ephesians 5:26). What he does not say in the Ephesians, Paul makes it clear in the Colossians. When believers are persecuted for the sake of the Church, they should rejoice because they are doing the works of Jesus Christ to sanctify the Church, to complete what is lacking in Christ's afflictions and to supply for the spiritual wants of the brethren.

From the "resurrection" case of the bleeding woman, we see that Jesus Christ has the authority to liberate us. Those who believe in Jesus Christ will enjoy true freedom. Thus, helping others to know Christ and attain freedom, even at the price of martyrdom, bloody or not, worths the while.
God bless!