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Sixth Ordinary Sunday, Year C
Theme: Genuine Richness
Before we meditate the teachings of today's gospel, let us fill up the gaps between last Sunday and today. In last Sunday's gospel, we read of the story of the call of Peter. The Lucan version is richer. Luke puts the story in the context of the miraculous catch to show us that it is worthwhile, it is not a waste of our life to abandon everything to follow Jesus to evangelize. Later, Luke follows Mark's structure and tells of some Jesus' healing miracles which ignited the subsequent conflicts with the Pharisees. After that, Jesus Christ departed to the mountain to spend the night in prayer. When day came, he called the disciples and chose among them the Twelve. So, today's gospel begins with "And Jesus came down with the Twelve and stood on a stretch of level ground." (Luke 6:17). That is to say, after electing the Twelve, Jesus came down with them, facing the crowd and began their evangelization works.
The gospel we read today skips the part of preaching, healing and exorcism among the crowd (6:18-19). The crowd and the disciples were not the same people. After they had got the cures they needed, or some ways out of their daily problems, the crowd might not necessarily follow Jesus Christ. Disciples were those who intended to stay and live with Jesus Christ for a period of time to learn more about the Kingdom of Heaven. It was to this group of people, not to the crowd that Jesus Christ talks about the proper attitudes of being Christians, His followers.
The gospel text today is the Lucan version of the Beatitudes. There are not eight Beatitudes but four Beatitudes and four woes. Although the forms are different, it is the same Magna Carta, the Basic Law for Christian living. Matthew portrays Jesus Christ as a Teacher more superior than Moses. Thus the Matthean version of the Beatitudes is more detailed and comprehensive. "So, be perfect, just as your heavenly Father is perfect." (Matthew 5:48) On the other hand, Luke portrays Jesus Christ as a Merciful Shepherd. He understands the frailties of sinners and is not harsh on them. Next Sunday, we will read, "Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful." (Luke 6:36) Thus, four beatitudes and four woes are enough. Meekness, mercy, purity of heart and peace-making are not included (Matthew 5:5-9). Poverty is not elevated spiritually, nor hunger sublimes to justice. Then, what can we learn about the mind of Jesus Christ from the Lucan beatitudes?
Unlike the Matthean version which is transcendental, the Lucan version is very realistic. It talks about "are now" and "will be". Luke understands the limitations of humanity. There are always trade-offs. When we invest most, even all of our time and energy in secular business, whether it be money or status, and become rich, we shall sustain losses in other areas such as health, interpersonal relationships and even spiritual life. "For you have received your consolation." (Luke 6:24) In the parable of the Rich man and Lazarus, Luke speaks more explicitly, "My child, remember that you received (all of) what was good during your lifetime!" (16:25) The Chinese rendering of "all of" is morallistically superb! Many people know only advances and no retreats, including me. Convalescing in bed for ten days, I have learnt a lot!
By the living standards of Hong Kong, I belong to the middle class. Earning from my whole career, I manage to house and feed six mouths under the same roof. Making money has never been my expertise. Nor do I have the ambition to right societal wrongs. I only seek a stable married family life which enables me to worship God. Retirement gives me a new lease of life. I can serve God and the Church with all my heart and strength in the capacity of a permanent deacon. How can it be wrong to glorify God and save souls? Cannot! How can it be wrong, visiting prison inmates and running errands for them; reaching out to outsourcing janitors and advocating better working conditions for workers; sharing my forty-year experience of teaching Religious Studies with teachers and pastoral assistants; running prayer services and retreats? Nothing wrong! The problem arises from "with all my heart and strength"!
Truly, it is no exaggeration to claim "flying colours" for these three years of diaconal ministry. I am rich and have received my consolation! But when I fill up my calendar with services, how much space have I left for Jesus Christ? Where is Jesus Christ? Isn't He in my mother, wife, children and myself as well?
I am grateful to God and to Luke the physician that I have finally fallen ill and have time to stop to reflect! Sickness is not stranger to me and I have been sleeping with DM for thirty years. I am able to feel the abundant blessings within the inconveniences and sufferings brought about in sickness! It is no exception this time. I am able to see my poverty! Before Jesus Christ spoke about the four beatitudes and four woes, he "raising his eyes toward his disciples" (6:20). It turns out that Jesus Christ has always been gazing at me and speaking to me, but I turn my gaze to the wrong stuff and miss meeting Christ in his gaze. Thus, however much I visit prison inmates, janitors and giving talks/retreats with all my heart and strength, I have never served Jesus Christ "for one of these least brothers of mine." (Matthew 25:40) It is because I have not gazed into Jesus Christ, not improved our relationship and not known the Father's will. In short, my direction is wrong, my priority is wrong! I need to slow down and pray!
Brethren! Whatever you do, don't be greedy and ambitious. Meet the gaze of Jesus Christ. Don't waste your efforts!
God bless!
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