
Sunday 3 February 2019

對己對人的偏見 Prejudice Against Oneself and Others









Fourth Ordinary Sunday, Year C
Theme: Prejudice Against Oneself and Others

Last Sunday, we heard of Jesus' proclamation of His agenda at Nazareth, His home town: With the power of the Holy Spirit, He shall bestow abundant life to the poor and liberate prisoners of all sorts (Luke 4:18). This abundant life is not some elusive life in the next world, but leading a spirit-filled and joyful life in this concrete world. This liberation is not an unrestrained gratification of the concupiscence but living up, in the spirit of the gospel, a life of freedom as children of God (Romans 8:21). This agenda was proclaimed, not by ordinary men, but the Son of God. It is truly a good news. However, Jesus' kinfolk could not accept it. Their reaction was "Isn't this the son of Joseph?" (Luke 4:22) Such narrow-minded prejudice cost the people of Nazareth the abundant grace the gospel brought. It is truly regrettable!

Affected by past experiences, we bias against others and ourselves. Moreover, it is very difficult to rectify prejudices. It is because prejudices are usually based on simple and easily understood "evidence". On the contrary, it is extremely difficult to prove the falsity of prejudices. For example, Western societies bias against the Black, thinking that this race is stupid and emotional. Between the two World Wars, there were studies showing that the IQ of the Black was 15 to 20 lower than that of the White. In fact, the problem came from the poverty in which the Black were living, the segragation policy of the government and the inadequate subsidies to black schools. Because of these cultural and social disparities, the Black who did not have equal opportunity to receive education were disadvantaged in those IQ tests. Even we Chinese could not obtain high scores in those tests. Is the IQ of Chinese lower than that of the White in USA? Proving the IQ's of the Black and Chinese are lower is easy because the test results show it! However, to prove that the social system and the IQ tests are flawed is more difficult. It is not easy to articulate and defend the Truth!

It is unfair to be biased and to pigeonhole others into a rigid framework. It also causes us losses. The Jews biased against Jesus Christ, costing them the joy of receiving God's cure and liberation. The American White prejudice against the Black, causing the crime rate to climb and denying the Black from contributing to the American society. Thus, prejudice is harmful both to the individuals and to the society as a whole. However, do you know that we can bias against ourselves? I trust you might have this following experience: your friend advises you to change some objectively bad habits, or working style or attitude. What is your response? "I was born this way. There is no way to change!" This is an easily understood excuse which we use to cheat even ourselves because it saves us ardent efforts to improve ourselves! But is it rational? Is it beneficial? Let me share with you some experiences of my 3-year diaconate. I hope they will help you avoid prejudices against yourselves.

During the early stage after ordination, many people who have known me were not able to change their addresses to me, kept calling me "Mr. Kwok" or "Kwok Sir". I was not surprised but later, I discovered that it was caused by my lack of a diaconate temperament which I should possess. My forty-year teaching career has accumulated in me a thicket of "Teacher Modus Operanti". Being a deacon, I still speak like a teacher, deliver homily like a teacher and operate like a teacher (1 Corinthians 13:11). Can I say, "I was born this way. There is not way to change"?

First of all, teachers mark student assignments everyday. After a long time, they focus more on the students' mistakes and will not hesitate to correct them lest they fail the students entrusted onto their hands. It works well in the education sector but does it work in the society at large? Visiting homes, can you courteously ask the host why there are so many useless things around, why they don't clean up the house so that members can live more comfortably, why there is no bibles, no prayer corners at home. During gatherings to share prayer experiences, correct the irrationality of the prayer experiences of the participants! Can you say, "I was born this way. There is no way to change"?
Secondly, the duty of a teacher is "to proclaim the truth, to hand down the establishment and to resolve confusions". In particular, teachers of modern time help students sit for public examinations. Teachers have all the model answers! Logically, after diaconate ordination, I have all the truth of God! Unbeknown to myself, the experiences I have accumulated in this forty-year teaching career are narrow and full of blind spots! When we study the bible, conduct catechumen classes or do spiritual directions, I forget that I am only a facilitator, accompanying them to establish an intimate personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Instead, I speak like a tape-recorder, giving all the model answers without leaving out anything. Consequently, when somebody points out my mistake, I feel hurt! It is vainglory that prevents me from laying down my past achievements. In turn, this vainglory originates from a deeper inferiority complex which makes me feel inadequate and sinful. However, a lack of courage to change and repent drives me to spend my energy to achieve in order to evade and cover up this inferiority complex. Looking back when I first worked as a teacher, I was not experienced but I worked hard to absorb all available knowledge and lessons like a sponge. Now that I have grown old, have I lost my ability to absorb new understanding? The past achievements have become a burden instead today. The kindreds in Nazareth still pigeonholed the Son of God, Jesus Christ into the framework of "son of Joseph"!

I thank God. Today, I have the opportunity to emerge again and take to the path of sanctification. With the anointments from the sacraments of Confirmation and Holy Orders, with the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit, nothing is impossible. The question is whether I desire the liberation, the shepherding of God, whether I am pious to and fearful of God and enjoy the gifts of wisdom, understanding, counsel and knowledge. With fortitude, we can achieve the target of sanctification.
Brethren, let us empty ourselves and desire the peace of God. Shake off frameworks and open ourselves up. Cooperate with the Holy Spirit to trod on the path of sanctification. Don't be lazy and claim that "I was born that way. There is no way to change."
God bless!

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