
Thursday 26 March 2020

信德的倫理幅度 The Moral Dimension of Faith





雅各伯宗徒說得好,沒有行為的信德是死的(雅2:17, 26)。基督徒的信德,是從他們的行為判斷出來的。不但如此,相同的行為,也要看行為的動機!虔誠地唸經和領聖事是行為,炫耀自己抑或是欽崇天主是動機!報讀課程與施行哀矝是行為,沽名釣譽與服事臨現在弱小兄弟身上的基督是動機!投身社會運動是行為,賺取政治本錢與團結善意人士合力拆除結構性的罪惡是動機…

圖片鳴謝: Wikipedia

On Faith (IV) --- The Moral Dimension of Faith

The greatest difficulty in being Christians is to seek God's will.
Do piously saying prayers, fasting, joining masses and receiving sacraments every day mean doing God's will? If you feel it is not enough, why don't you meditate scriptures, go retreating and enrol in bible/theology courses? Still not satisfied? Then do more corporal works of mercy, join social actions and fight for the materialization of the kingdom of heaven on earth. What else have I left undone?

All these are very good. There is nothing wrong. But is that all who claim to be proud of the identity of Christian can do? Many a pious and righteous Christian feels burnt out and spent after working diligently and yet receives not a bit of spiritual consolation. What has gone wrong? Meditating on the criticism which Jesus Christ levels against the faith of his contemporary Jews (John 5:44) may give us some hint.

How did the Jews who opposed Jesus "accept praise from one another"? We may get a glimpse from the harsh criticisms of Jesus Christ against the scribes and Pharisees (Luke 11:37-54). Their motive was to seek personal gains, fame and achievements. They even made up rules to exalt themselves and humble others, smothering others' advancement. This is the very opposite of Jesus' teachings. Jesus teaches us to be meek and merciful (Matthew 5:5, 7); never impose personal wills upon others in order to edify them; doing good works to glorify the Father and not ourselves (5:16) and do not claim credits for what we have done (Luke 17:10) etc.

Well said James, the apostle, that faith of itself without works is dead (James 2:17, 26). A Christian's faith is evaluated by his works. Not only that, the same action should be judged by its motive! What's the motive of pious prayers and receiving sacraments, showing off or genuine worship of God? Are enrolment in courses and works of mercy fame-hunting or serving Christ present among the needy neighbour? Is participating in social movement a means to earn political capital or joining all men of good will to demolish structural sins in the society …?
Heavenly Father! Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Amen.

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