
Sunday 10 May 2020

耶穌基督為我們預備地方 Jesus Christ Prepares Room For Us








Fifth Easter Sunday, Year A
Theme: Jesus Christ Prepare Room For Us

First of all, the translation of the Studium Biblicum Version is a bit strange here. In the gospel passage today, it reads, "In my Father's house there are many dwelling places. I am going to prepare a place for you. Otherwise, would I have told you?" (John 14:2, SBV) Isn't it strange? What does "otherwise" refer to? Does it refer to the going or the preparing? It's difficult to decipher. Let's put it back into the verse and read it once more. "If I'm not going, would I have told you?" or "If I do not prepare a place for you, would I have told you?" Which one is reasonable?
"I go" refers to the Passion of Jesus and the subsequent events. He would be leaving them. If Jesus did not go to die, He would have told them. This is meaningless because His mission is to go through Passion and Resurrection. He had struggled and later in the evening in the garden, He begged the Father to remove this cup of suffering from Him but He finally obeyed. Moreover, He had previously announced His passion three times before. Therefore, this "If I'm not going" is not reasonable.
But the second explanation is no better. "To prepare a place for you" is closer to "Otherwise". From the context, "otherwise" should negate "to prepare a place". But Jesus has never said, "I would not reserve a place in heaven for you". Instead, He says, "Today you will be with me in Paradise" (Luke 23:43) so much so that some people confidently claim that they have a place reserved in heaven for them! Furthermore, Jesus does not necessarily leave His disciples to prepare a place for them. He could have many other things to do. Would it be necessary for Jesus "to have told them"? It is logically even worse!

Rather than blind guessing, let us turn to the original and I found that the SBV has exchanged the order of the phrases! According to the Greek original, the translation should be: "In my Father's house there are many dwelling places. If there were not, would I have told you that I am going to prepare a place for you." Now that is clear enough! Of course, there are many dwelling places in the Father's house. But doesn't the book of Revelation say that "the number of those who had been marked with the seal, one hundred and forty-four thousand marked" (Revelation 7:4, 14:1)? Compared to zillions of souls throughout the ages, isn't this number a bit small? In fact, not far from the verse mentioned above it continues, "I had a vision of a great multitude, which no one could count" (7:9) Therefore, I speculate that the number probably refers to the martyrs because "They were singing a new hymn … No one could learn this hymn except the hundred and forty-four thousand" (14:3) It suggests other than these 14,000 there should be other people whose number we don't know! SBV probably wants to achieve a smooth rendering, or to follow an authoritative manuscript, or even based on a certain theological stance to reach this translation. Check it out with them when opportunity arises.

Therefore, let us meditate how Jesus Christ prepares a place for us.
Let us agree on a common ground first. Whenever we are alive, we are able to make use of the talents God gave us to become martyrs, to get sealed or to achieve a place in heaven even if we don't die martyrdom. And once we die, we are no longer able to make use of the talents. Traditional Catholicism holds that those who are not evil enough to end up in hell are sent to the Purgatory. After purification, they go to heaven. Thus, Jesus goes to prepare us a place probably means He would be preparing a tailor made "rehabilitation" programme for these souls to adjust themselves to subsequent life in heaven. Perhaps they need to remove their selfishness and pride and learn to care about others correctly.

Extrapolate from here, Jesus Christ would be preparing for each individual on earth a tailor made spirituality programme. That also explains why He had to ascend into heavens after His resurrection: to prepare a place, a spirituality training programme for His disciples. Our talents are given by God to help us serve our neighbours and to love Him. But we are prone to abusing these talents so much so that we are addicted to our achievements and forget about God. Spirituality reminds us to desire God and seek Him in our daily life! The experiences of the saints throughout the ages, except for those who have died without leaving us any writings, show how multifaceted spirituality can be, just like jewellery resulted from different materials and polishing processes.

Brethren! John the Baptist was a prophet God sent to be the precursor of the Messiah, to prepare a people for Him to build up a new Israel. Jesus Christ came to proclaim the good news, to recruit disciples, to leave behind sacraments and set up the Church. John the Baptist retired as a martyr and returned before the throne of the Lamb to sing a new hymn. Jesus Christ ascended into heaven and returned to the right hand of the Father to prepare a place for each one of His lambs. He sent the Holy Spirit to sanctify His Church! Indeed, each one of us, Christian on earth, should also prepare a place in heaven for ourselves and the people around us. No matter how busy we are, we should rely on the Holy Spirit to desire God, forget not the will of the Father. Make good use of every bit of talents to accomplish our mission faithfully.
God bless!

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