
Sunday 3 May 2020

聽牧者的聲音 Hear The Shepherd's Voice








圖片鳴謝:Good Shepherd Catholic Community

Fourth Easter Sunday (Vocation Sunday), Year A
Theme: Hear The Shepherd's Voice

I'm dumb and slow. Comparing with the others, I always take my first step slower and later than most people, for example, my decision to become a permanent deacon and my mother's baptism. On an optimistic stroke, I'm prudent and do not act unless I'm 100% certain. In reality, failures and risk-takings are aversive to me! Look, I'm not afraid of boredom. Most of the time, I perform repetitive and bland tasks which definitely yield results. For example, I write computer programmes but spend little time embellishing the layout or optimizing the efficiency! Jesus Christ has warned that when the end comes, "False messiahs and false prophets will arise and will perform signs and wonders in order to mislead, if that were possible, the elect." (Mark 13:22) Thus, whether I'm prudent or afraid of failures, I need to work out some criteria which enable me to judge whether it is the shepherd's voice so that I may follow (John 10:4), or it is false prophets' so that I would reject.

For the last ten months of social unrest and pandemic, we have been bombarded by a lot of misinformation and rumours. We feel that the end is literally near. Many KOL and influential people have spread a lot of fake news, thus fulfilling Jesus Christ's warning! I discover that they share a common characteristic. These fake news and rumours are very intuitive, easy to understand and do not need any evidence to support! "Foreign influences support those thugs"; "Teachers with ulterior motives poison the minds of students through Liberal Studies"; "Covid-19 was manufactured" and "WHO is bribed to white wash the pandemic" etc. How I wish that the truth were so simple, so easy to understand and God's will were fathomable!

Alas, the God I believe in is a God of surprises! A ninety-year-old Sarah gave birth to Isaac for a hundred-year-old Abraham; An eighty-year-old Moses was summoned in a burning bush to lead the Israelites to the Red Sea to engage in a mortal combat with Pharaoh; a shepherd boy picked up a smooth stone from the wade to defeat a giant; a gentile widow supported Elijah for three years during a drought; God invited a young girl who wanted to serve Him in celibacy to become the mother of the Saviour; after His triumphant entry into Jerusalem Jesus did not chase out the Romans, but merchants in the Temple and finally died on the cross … There are many other surprises that God did, but if these were to be described individually, I don't think the whole world would contain the books that would be written! No wonder Zechariah did not believe that his wife would be able to give birth to John the Baptist; Elijah would be extremely disappointed to know that 7000 men in Israel had never bent their knees to Baal; Saul did not want David to overshadow him; Moses rejected God's call five times and Sarah laughed in her heart! Isaiah had written well, "Who has directed the spirit of the Lord, or instructed Him as His counsellor?" (Isaiah 40:13) Thus, things which we can easily understand definitely do not come from God! From the start and even throughout the whole process of God's call, we surely do not understand and need to pray and discern continually. This soul searching journey is treacherous if not painful. This is the first characteristic, a negative characteristic.

Of course, not understandable does not guarantee that it is God's voice! Luckily we have a positive characteristic now! In the Old Testament, God called out directly the names of many people: Abraham, Moses and Samuel etc. The most dramatic call in the New Testament is Jesus Christ called Lazarus out of his tomb (John 11:43)! There is Mary Magdalene as well. The gospel passage today says that Lord Jesus shall "calls His own sheep by name and leads them out" (10:3) Assuming that we are the elected and are genuinely lambs of God. He would call us by name. This is certain and positive. But a question follows: each one of us possesses more than one name. By which name shall God call us? Perhaps out of superstition, in order to protect us, our parents called us lac-names such as "Piggy, Oxie"; our peers teased each other with nicknames such as "Steel Teeth, Peeping Tom"; our official names on identity documents; pseudonyms of authors and names such as "689" given to politicians etc. Which one is our genuine name? Probably none of the above! I believe that this name must be the one which God calls us exclusively (of course not only when we are taking our last breath). Only God knows and to which we respond! God calls us by name. How amazing it is!

Thirdly, "He walks ahead of them and the sheep follow Him because they recognize His voice" (10:4) Lord Jesus walks ahead of us the elected to break the path which leads home to the Father. The gospel says He tells us to love our enemies and wish that we follow. He forgave those who had nailed Him to the cross and wish that we follow. If we follow the gospel, I believe that we would not stray too far off!
How do we know that it is His voice, not our hallucinations or the lies of false prophets? I know that His voice is full of life and is life-giving. Just as He says, "I came so that they might have life and have it more abundantly." (10:10) Jesus Christ does not give empty talks. Just as God who created everything with a command, Jesus commanded and Lazarus came back to life (11:43). Notice that we recognize His voice and not the noble, transcendental and unfathomable truth. The Psalmist says well, "There is no speech, no words … nothing escapes its heat." (Psalm 19:4, 7) It is beyond description. We have come back to the first point!

Brethren! "What eye has not seen, and ear has not heard, and what has not entered the human heart, what God has prepared for those who love him." (1 Corinthians 2:9, Isaiah 64:3) St. Paul also agrees that God is a God of surprises. May God grant us wisdom so that we may recognize His voice and follow His life-giving call, so that we "will come in and go out and find pasture," (John 10:9) discern the appropriate call and follow Him bravely. Don't fall behind lest He left others behind, turn back to fetch you!
God bless!

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