
Sunday 21 June 2020

天網恢恢 The SkyNet Is Leak-Proof








我們不會奢望世間的法律可以完美,亦不會害怕有人會濫用國家法律來迫害那些憑良心生活的人;和那些信靠天主的基督徒。即使生活在迫害之中,我們應該好像宗徒們一樣,慶幸自己能堪當為耶穌基督的名字受侮辱(宗5:41)。 天主保祐!


Twelfth Ordinary Sunday, Year A
Theme: The SkyNet Is Leak-Proof

Living in a society, people should not interact according to personal likes and dislikes, doing harmful things to others to benefit themselves. Take one step further, for the sake of common good, sometimes individuals have to give up some rights they are entitled to enjoy. For the smooth running of the society, rules and regulations must be set up to resolve conflicts. Thus, one of the purposes of legislation is to settle disputes in a fair manner by an impartial third party. For example, time slots are set aside to be bus-lane in the highway and the remaining time for all vehicles.
Take yet another step further. In order to meet concrete needs of the social situation, government may pass laws to advocate some policies. For example, when population is exploding, it is necessary to promote family planning. Governments may work on the taxation system, giving high tax allowance for the first two children and decreasing it stepwise for children born later. However, if the government imposes abortion on pregnancies that are not permitted, it is a murder of innocent foetus and is immoral. Such abortion laws are evil. Thus, being legal is not necessarily moral. Take another example, there are minimum wages laws. Employers may legally pay only the minimum wages to workers to satisfy the contracts. But isn't that a trampling on the workers' dignity and an exploitation of workers of the economic fruits due them?

On the contrary, taking moral actions may breach the laws. For example, Jesus did not follow Mosaic laws and healed the sick on Sabbath. In 1930, Gandhi refused to pay salt-tax to the colonial government and marched for 24 days to the sea to make salt! In 1955, Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat at the "coloured section" of the bus to a white man and was arrested! Thus, following the conscience to take moral actions may breach the law!

Men's laws are too primitive compared with God's laws! God's laws are broad but able to "catch" everything! For example, the Ten Commandments do not set down the details (Exodus 20:2-17). They set the boundaries to guide human beings how to lead a righteous life. They leave broad latitudes for mankind to develop God's images inside them. The purpose of the Ten Commandments is not to restrict but to help humanity develop and restore the inner images contaminated by sins! Jesus Christ gave a new commandment during the Last Supper, "Love one another as I have loved you" (John 13:34). This commandment aims at the edification and sanctification of our life so that we may partake in the eternal life of the Father. God's laws and Jesus' aim at giving us more abundant life. (10:10)

When governments make laws, they take an opposite approach. They believe that "the Devil is in the details". So when they draft laws, they labour painstakingly to make laws catch big and small offences alike. In the end, they fall into Satan's snare, killing themselves with the laws they've made! Even for atheists, they should at least learn from history. For example, during the Warring States period in China, the backward Qin state wanted to rival other foreign states. Duke Xiao of Qin hired advisers even from foreign states to help him. A legalist, Shang Yang from Wei helped him reform, deploying the policy of harsh legislation to deal with chaotic periods of time. Qin became strong and rose above other warring states. After the demise of Duke Xiao, Shang Yang lost patronage and consequently, was killed by the meticulous legislations he himself had designed!

Modern people lead a comfortable and convenient life. They think that economy is able to solve all sorts of problems. State leaders think that "getting rid of poverty and becoming sufficiently rich" would be able to dissolve social discontents. Prosperity and stability becomes the highest goal of the government! When social unrest emerges, government officials put the blame on rich merchants and land developers. They forget that man has a soul. Filling up the belly solves only a minor part of the problem! Just as what Jesus quoted in answering Satan's first temptation, "It is not by bread alone that people live, but by all that comes forth from the mouth of the Lord." (Deuteronomy 8:3) See what Jesus did in His public ministry. He often took care of the physical as well as spiritual needs of the crowd. For example, before He multiplied 5 loaves and 2 fish to feed the crowd, Jesus spent the whole afternoon teaching the crowd many things and healed their diseases (Mark 6:34, Luke 9:11). In the cure of the paralyzed man, Jesus forgave his sins first so that the paralyzed man might paralyze happily ever after (Mark 2:5)! Liberating a possessed man, Jesus drove the demons into 2000 pigs which jumped to their death. The 2000 pigs were the property of the whole village. Thus we see that Jesus Christ takes seriously the value of human souls!

Modern people are superstitious in science. They deny the existence of God, of heaven, of hell and of souls etc. They slight the teaching of the gospel passage today, "And do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul; rather, be afraid of the one who can destroy both soul and body in Gehenna." (Matthew 10:28) They are not afraid because they think that they have no soul to destroy. Others also don't have souls. There is no Gehenna on earth and no God! They abuse technology and do whatever they wish. Consequently, they create hell on earth for themselves, for people around them and for the future generation! But we believe that souls are immortal. Thus, souls do not die and can't be killed. They can only be destroyed in Gehenna. That is to say, souls will suffer in hell and can't die to cut short their sufferings. How painful it would be! Where is heaven? Heaven is the abode of God where we can live with God. Where is hell? Hell is where there is no God, no God's mercy nor God's grace to be found!

We do not expect laws on earth to be perfect. We are not afraid of people abusing state laws to persecute those who lead a conscientious life or those Christians who trust in the Lord. Even in time of persecutions, we should be joyful like the apostles because "they had been found worthy to suffer dishonour for the sake of the name (of Jesus Christ)" (Acts 5:41).
God bless!

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