
Sunday 7 June 2020

天主是愛 God is Love










The Solemnity of the Most Blessed Trinity, Year A
Theme: God is Love

When we encounter new things, we will be curious and ask where they come from. Even familiar things, we will search for their origins and will not rest until we come up with a satisfactory answer. "Where did men come from" is one such familiar question which we have not yet come up with a satisfying answer. For a long time in history, people accepted authoritative explanations: Nüwa moulded men out of yellow earth, or God created men from dust of the ground etc. Later, natural sciences explain from different angles: men came from the parents' sperms and eggs, or men evolved from chimpanzees etc. For the time being, most people accept the explanations from natural sciences and reject legends or religious myths. However, the question has not been satisfactorily settled!

Sciences demand evidence. Even the mostly accepted theory of evolution is still a theory and has not reached the status of a scientific law. It is because there are still many missing links. Thus well trained scientists do not brush aside the religious view of God's creation so lightly. On the other hand, nowadays we talk a lot about human dignity, freedom and human rights. If men evolved from amoeba to chimpanzees to Homo Sapiens and modern men, on what ground can we fight for human rights and freedom? If we accept that religion is the opium for people and debases human dignity, sciences are doing worse and more devastating. I studied science and do not oppose sciences. But I do not idolize sciences and understand that science and religion are serving humanity in different ways and should be complementary. Historically speaking, pitching science against religion are political tricks. It is absolutely not the truth.

Catholic faith is very rational and not superstitious.
Our starting point is "God is love" (1 John 4:8). Do we have evidence? Yes we do!
Out of love, God created a universe suitable for human existence. Even scientists agree with this. They discover that all the physical constants in the universe, e.g. the constant of gravitation, elementary charge and Planck constant etc. They are so fine-tuned within such an extraordinarily narrow range that if they were not, the origin and evolution of conscious life in the universe would not be permitted. Even if you don't believe in God, you have to admit that the universe is an intelligent master piece!

Out of love, God created men in His image and delegated them the responsibility to manage the whole Creation (Genesis 1:26). This point is extremely important because all creatures (except for angels) are not images of God. Although they are able to manifest God's beauty and goodness, they do not possess God's attributes. Only human beings do. God's wisdom is great. Men inherited this attribute and we possess wisdom, intelligence, discernment of right and wrong and creativity etc. God is free and so are men. We have freedom and human rights. Making use of our rationality, we are able to actualize our potentials and manifest God's image. God is love so we are capable of loving. We have empathy, mercy and even altruism. These attributes of God, this truth, goodness and beauty of God are the foundation of human dignity, freedom and human rights. Science can only bring us material convenience and comfort. It cannot give us human dignity, freedom and human rights. Sometimes, crimes against humanity are committed in the name of science!

God's love for men was further shown in the incarnation of the Son of God who did not incarnate as a member of higher level angels but of men. He did so in order that humanity might be elevated. God's images do not remain images but God's children partaking in the eternal life and glory of God! John the Apostle followed and lived with the Son of God for three years. After the Ascension of Jesus Christ, John meditated this experience for more than half a century and wrote down this immortalized verse, "God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him might not perish but might have eternal life." (John 32:16)

God is free absolutely. After the creation of men, He would have left them unattended. But He didn't because He loves humanity, one of His master pieces. God is love which wants nothing but the benefits of the loved ones and love is patient (1 Corinthians 13:4-5). Thus God does not impose His own will upon us. He would not force us to accept His love. God and we understand the same truth: coercion never brings happiness! Men have the freedom to believe in Jesus who is the Son of God. They also have the freedom to reject Him.

The mission of Jesus Christ is to reveal the Father to us. Then why did He leave us and ascend back to the right side of the Father? In fact, Jesus Christ is God and is omnipresent. Thus, even though He has returned to the Father, He is still staying with us. He promised in the gospel, "For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them." (Matthew 18:20) Jesus Christ continues to be present in the world through His Church. But human beings are fragile. How is a community of men capable of discharging this grave responsibility? Take a look at the Catholic Church throughout these two millennia. There were glorious days as well as scandalous ones!
Last Sunday we celebrated the Solemnity of the Descent of the Holy Spirit. It was the birthday of the Church. Thus, the Holy Spirit infuses this community, granting us the seven gifts to help us know the Father's will and inflaming our lukewarm hearts to love God and men. We don't have to worry about God abandoning us like orphans.

Brethren, God the Father created us. The Son redeemed us and the Holy Spirit sanctifies us. Let us sing praises to the mercy of the Blessed Trinity with our whole life. God bless!

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