
Saturday 20 June 2020

心靈教育 The Education of the Heart







The Education of the Heart (Luke 2:41-51)

One of the consequences of sins is the deformity of human nature. Men seek transitory and unreal happiness. They become numb to pain, disabling its alarm function. Removing the shield of sins, our feelings are more direct and clearer. Happiness is genuinely sweet and pain bone racking!

The BVM was immaculately conceived and exempted from Original Sin. Jesus Christ redeemed her preemptively. Her whole life is overshadowed by the special care of God and full of grace. Her heart is immaculate and worthy to be the Mother of the Son of God. Her happiness is unique. "Behold, from now on will all ages call me blessed." (Luke 14:48). Indeed, her heart is pure and is able to see God (Matthew 5:8), bathed in infinite joy and consolation. At last, both her body and soul together passed in sleep into the abode of God without any hindrance. Her blessedness is magnificent.

However, her pains are also unique and unsurpassable except by her Son! Although both St. Joseph and her lost sight of God for only three days (Luke 2:46), her pains would be none less than those of St. Mother Teresa of Calcutta who had undergone a spiritual darkness for more than four decades. Her pains must be heavier than those of St. Joseph and are comparable to the pains of Jesus Christ on the cross when He cried out Psalm 22 (Mark 15:34)! These three days must be a foretaste of the pains of Jesus' burial. I believe nobody dares to bear her pains!

All these joys and pains flows from her immaculate heart. How does the BVM keep her heart immaculate? "She kept all these things, reflecting on them in her heart" (Luke 2:19, 51) should be her secret! She meditates constantly and repeatedly all the words of God and all things God arranges around her. There is no more room her mundane things in her hearts so that she remains forever humble, meek and perceptive to people's needs and without hesitation tells people to do whatever Jesus tells them. (John 2:5)!
Blessed Virgin Mary, intercede for us so that we may be worthy to receive the grace of Christ. Amen.

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