
Sunday 8 November 2020

敬畏上主的恩典 The Gift of Fearing of the Lord








各位兄弟姊妹,「聖神七恩」是環環相扣的,而且一切都是從「敬畏上主」開始的。世俗主義令人自大,是喪失「敬畏上主」的致命傷。失去「敬畏上主」便沒有智慧;沒有智慧,在各方面都不能明辨是非,隨波逐流,距離天國,越漂越遠。所以,祈求天主聖神,從新激活我們在領受「堅振聖事」所獲得的聖神七恩吧! 天主保祐!

Thirty Second Ordinary Sunday, Year A
Theme: The Gift of Fearing of the Lord

The World is becoming more secular. Most modern people are not interested in the messages of the Bible. Even for those who are interested, they need to overcome many obstacles in order to attain a correct understanding. For example, in order to accept the teachings of today's gospel, people need to overcome the prejudice against "virgins". The minds of urban citizens are full of human rights and equal opportunities. They would find "virgins" offensive. Why just girls? Why not boys and girls? The gospels have truly lost touched with lives in modern societies which emphasize gender equality! On the other hand, feminists would protest against Jesus for using the image of "virgins" which denies the autonomy of women over the use of their own body. If only virgins could enter the Kingdom of Heaven, forget it! Two thousand years ago, people took the custom for granted. Today, the custom has become offensive! It is getting more and more difficult to attain sainthood in the twenty first century!
Thus, in order not to waste time and energy in futile arguments, we need to clarify the principles behind the use of parables.
First of all, if we explain difficult truths directly, I'm afraid only a handful of well-trained experts would be able to follow. Most people would become outsiders. This goes against God's will for all to be saved. In order to make most people understand, it is necessary to use familiar objects in daily life. Following this pedagogy of "using familiar objects", Jesus Christ makes use of things in people's daily life to talk about the Kingdom of Heaven.
Secondly, the ability "To see a World in a Grain of Sand And a Heaven in a Wild Flower…" ("Auguries of Innocence", William Blake) is great wisdom. But the imagery behind the couplet assures readers that even ordinary materials are able to convey the mysteries of the Kingdom of Heaven! Thus, using the custom of maidens waiting to meet the bridegroom is a legitimate symbol to talk about the Kingdom of Heaven.
Thirdly, if Jesus is to tell the same parable in this twenty first century, He will surely employ modern images such as Olympic athletes. Some athletes train diligently while others casually and some even use enhancement drugs … Two millennia ago, Olympic Games in Greece were definitely not as common as marriage customs. Similarly, in two thousand more years, there might not be Olympic Games or the institution of marriage in human societies anymore. Both images of virgins and athletes would lose touch with reality. Each image has a "shelf-life" which is the limitations of all images. After all, images are not what they symbolize!

In ancient times, many Church Fathers explained this parable of ten virgins in their treatises and homilies. In general, they agreed that the virgins symbolized the Church. Thus this parable is not meant for all humanity but those who were baptized. Even though God "wills everyone to be saved" (1 Timothy 2:4), while He gives all people equal opportunities, He cannot force people to accept His invitation. Therefore, setting up some election criteria, allowing only those who believe that Jesus is the Son of God (1 John 4:15) to join the heavenly banquet is reasonable and righteous!
Jesus Christ makes use of the image of virgins to symbolize those who respond to God's invitation to serve Him exclusively (Matthew 5:87, 6:24). That does not deny the autonomy of women over the use of their own body. The Church only opposes the abuse of autonomy to kill innocent lives. Doing so is a great rebellion against God who is the Author of Life. It is extremely harmful. On the other hand, virgins waiting to meet the bridegroom to attend wedding banquet was not only a custom, but it also expresses the reality of the heavenly banquet at the end of the world. Therefore, it is the most appropriate image at that time.

It is a truism that there are saints and sinners within the Church. But in the end, what will the proportion be? I'm afraid only God knows. Jesus Christ arranges 5 prudent and 5 foolish virgins in the parable. This is an appropriate proportion. If there are 6 prudent virgins, people may become over optimistic and tend to take chances. If there are 6 foolish virgins, people may become discouraged. People light a lamp to give light to all in a house. In the gospel of Matthew, this light is the good deeds of Christians (5:16) which are charitable works to glorify their heavenly Father. These charitable works are different from services of social welfare because glorification of heavenly Father is the aim. Thus, it is not a demand for all humanity but for those who have accepted the invitation to join the heavenly banquet. It is the wedding garments they should put on (22:12). Therefore, Catholics should bear in mind that charity is the admission ticket to the heavenly banquet. It is piety shown to God and at the same time an act of evangelization so that people shall glorify God.

"Oil" is the fuel that gives light. Then it is the motive and capability to do charity. Would the rich have an edge? Fortunately, Jesus Christ praised the poor widow who dropped in two brass coins in the Temple treasury. After all, God is still a righteous God, not an elitist God. Indeed, we are nothing but dust. However huge our donations are, in the eyes of our infinite God, they are nothing. Therefore, there is only one item, viz. the motive to consider. From this perspective, the reason the "lamps are going out" (25:8) is not a lack of resources, but the vanishing of the proper motive to do charity. There is only one proper motive, viz. to love our neighbour and at the same time, to be pious to God. Whenever people give alms for fame and praises from the others, they lose God (6:1-2). Sorry, motive cannot be shared. Thus, the prudent virgins do not share out of selfishness. It is just impossible to share. But can motive be purchased? Of course not! Proper motive takes years to cultivate. No wonder the foolish virgins who took chances at the last minute were locked out.

We should take note of the attitude of the prudent virgins. Even when they were doing charity with a proper motive, they were still trembling with fear, lest "there may not be enough for us and you" (25:9). The prudent virgins understand the article of faith, viz. "the communion of saints". They are not selfish. They do charitable works not only for themselves but also for the good of their companions. On the other hand, their fear of the Lord prods them on, not daring to be complacent for a moment! "The beginning of wisdom is the fear of the Lord" (Proverbs 9:10) No wonder they are wise. I'm afraid the foolish virgins are foolish because they have lost the gift of "the fear of the Lord"!

Brethren! The seven gifts of the Holy Spirit are linked together and they begin with "the Fear of the Lord". Secularism inflates people's ego. It is the dart that kills "the Fear of the Lord" in men. Losing the Fear of the Lord loses wisdom. Without wisdom, we cannot discern right from wrongs. We flow with the current and stray from the Kingdom of Heaven. Thus, pray to the Holy Spirit to re-ignite the seven gifts we have received in the Sacrament of Confirmation! God bless!

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