
Sunday 12 November 2017

趁可以找到天主的時候 Seek the Lord while He May Be Found





的確,「諸聖相通功」或者用今天比較正確的說法,「諸聖的共融」 ,很容易具體地變成金錢上的交流。例如【宗徒大事錄】也記載過,當其他地方教會知道了耶路撒冷有饑荒,便捐錢並託巴爾納伯和掃祿前往救濟他們(宗11:27-30)。時移世易,到了十六世紀,教會需要大量金錢支付「十字軍東征」和修建各地教堂的經費,有人便想出了售賣「大赦證書」來籌募經費,這「大赦證書」即華語基督教會錯誤地翻譯的「贖罪卷」,結果引發了五百年前的「宗教改革」!可見把一個觀念簡單化,是會引來不良後果的。




Thirty Second Ordinary Sunday (Year A)
Theme: Seek the Lord while He May Be Found

There are five major discourses in the gospel of Matthew: Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5-7), Evangelization Instructions (10), Parables of the Kingdom of Heaven (13), Life in the Church (18) and Eschatology (25). The gospel passage chosen today belongs to the last discourse. Using parables, Jesus tells us how the Kingdom of Heaven shall be fully realized at the end of the world. The teaching today is crystal clear. Jesus explicitly tells us that nobody knows the day or the hour (25:13). That is to say, all those "Doomsday" prophecies are frauds, to cheat people of their money. Of course, we can understand "the day" to be our death. That is to say, nobody knows when he shall die. Even people who commit suicide might turn out to be "attempted suicides" only! But there is one intriguing element in the parable which is worth spending time to meditate. What does "oil" symbolize?

Traditionally, the Church explained that "oil" symbolizes "grace".
If you have enough grace at your death, you shall enter Paradise immediately. If you do not have enough grace, you cannot enter immediately and need to spend some time in the Purgatory. Worse still, you may end up in Hell. This idea is easy to understand, but like any other oversimplified concepts, there are many loopholes and they are misleading! Let us see what's wrong with this kind of explanation.

First of all, using this simplified explanation, people can easily associate "the dealer" (25:9) with the Church. There are seven sacraments in the Catholic Church. They are visible signs, such as water, oil, bread and will, which give the faith invisible grace. The Church can be seen as a "treasure trove of grace". For example, for dying people, the Church administers Extreme Unction and Viaticum to help them go through their last journey. But is the Church a trading ground? Can money buy grace? Sorry, Anointment of the Sick, Holy Communion and the remaining sacraments are free of charge!

Truly, the "Communion of Saints" can easily materialize into an interflow of money. For example, when the local churches learnt that Jerusalem would suffer a severe famine, they donated money and asked Barnabas and Saul to bring it to the Church in Jerusalem. (Acts 11:27-30) Time changed. In the sixteenth century when the Church needed a huge fund to pay for the Crusades and the renovation of church buildings, somebody thought up the brilliant idea of selling indulgences, thus triggering the Reformation five centuries ago! See, an oversimplified idea can bring disasters.

Take a look at the gospel today, the wise maidens refused to give the foolish ones some of their oil (Matthew 25:9). Were they selfish? Did they violate the teaching of the "Communion of Saints"? Indeed, grace is transferrable because it is given by God freely. When disasters strike in far off places, or Christians being persecuted there, it is too far away for us to send them relief. We can only pray. I trust you have prayed for Vocation, for relatives and friends who suffer illnesses, for students who have examinations and interviews. You may even fast for a period of time. This shows our trust in God. We firmly believe that God will relieve them of their plights when we intercede. For example, Abraham had bargained with God for the people in Sodom (Genesis 18). Moses had convinced God not to destroy the Israelites after they worshipped the golden calf (Exodus 32). This is the true meaning of the "Communion of Saints". That is we intercede for the plights of our brethren. Later, when believers gave alms to the poor and started to quantize grace, the idea to transfer our "spare" grace to the souls which lacked it emerged. Catholics began to offer masses for the dead and buy indulgences.

Thus, I don't think it is a good idea to symbolize "grace" with "oil". I propose to explain "oil" in terms of everybody's relation with God, whether you are a believer of not. Since it is a personal relation with God, how can we give this relation to other people? Thus, the wise maidens were wise because they had already built up a good relation with God. They foolish maidens were foolish because they were alienated from God and needed to mend their relation. The whole world is where you can buy oil and build up a good relation with God. Where on earth can we not love God and men? Nowhere! Of course we can love God and men within the Church. Outside the Church, in our families, our schools, our working places, when we are taking public transports, in shopping arcades and restaurants, where can't we love God and men and to build up a good relation with Him? The problem lies in whether we are able to take up the opportunity to love God and men before the end of the world or before we die. If the end of the world came tomorrow, I believe it would be too late to line up and get baptized or to go to confession!

There are many different ways to build up a good relation with God, especially during Advent which is a season to prepare for the second coming of Jesus Christ. The parish has arranged a retreat and some other charity services for the needy in this community. Pay attention to the parish bulletin and participate. Seek the Lord while He may be found (Isaiah 55:6). Before the bridegroom arrives, get yourself some spare oil.
God bless!

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