
Sunday 22 August 2021

天主聖言的生命力 The Vitality of God’s Word











Twenty First Ordinary Sunday, Year B
Theme: The Vitality of God’s Word

Confronting the first temptation from the Tempter in the wilderness, Jesus Christ simply replied, “It is written: ‘One does not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes forth from the mouth of God.’” (Matthew 4:4, Deuteronomy 8:3) Thus, if Catholics want to lead a vigorous religious life, they must put equal emphasis on receiving the Holy Eucharist as well as bible studies. Otherwise, they need to double up their efforts and yet reap less. No matter how diligent they receive the Holy Communion, but no bible studies, or on the contrary, they study the bible intensely but do not receive the sacraments, it would be fruitless in the end! Catholic masses emphasize both the Word of God and the Holy Communion. They start with the Liturgy of the Word in which they listen to the teaching of the Lord attentively to prepare their hearts and souls. Then in the Liturgy of the Eucharist, they receive the Sacrament of Holy Communion to unite with the Lord. Therefore, Catholics emphasize Sunday masses which they see as the zenith of their life. Take a look at the gospels. Jesus usually preached before He met the needs of the crowd and worked miracles. Thus, the organization of the masses agrees with the modus operandi of the Son of God.

In masses on the last few consecutive Sundays, we reflect on Jesus’s teachings of the “bread of life” in the gospel of John. Obviously, these teachings are extremely important. For the benefits of our souls and for honouring His pledges in the last verse of the gospel of Matthew (Matthew 28:20), Jesus Christ left behind the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist. For us Catholics, the Holy Communion is the bread of life. It is easy for us to understand how a piece of bread supplies the energy our bodies need. But how does the Word of God supply us energy for our life? Today, Jesus says, “The words I have spoken to you are spirit and life.” (John 6:63) clearly shows that His words, i.e. the words of God, are words that vitalize the life of men! Let us meditate on the meaning of this verse.

Men have in turn created all sorts of languages to communicate with machines, animals and other men. For example, computer languages to control machines, sign languages to instruct animals in shows, mathematical languages, musical languages and art languages to preserve our cultural heritages. Of course, there are also natural languages for human communications on daily basis. The languages mentioned above can broadly be divided into two groups. The first group deals with machines and animals for utilitarian purposes. They are successful when they are able to achieve the greatest benefits. They don’t need to care about the personhood and dignity of the objects because machines and animals are not persons. But the second group communicates with human beings. They involve building up relationships with another person. Things become more complicated. Not only does the communication pass on information, but it also contains emotional elements. Thus, on top of passing on instructions and information, human languages convey feelings, rant emotions and motivate people. Words teach the truth and cheat. They console and humiliate. They persuade rivals to compromise and also are war cries to sacrifice all … Therefore even human languages can be extremely powerful! Then, what about God’s words?

Through the observations of the visible universe, we are able to draw a conclusion with certainty: it has a beginning. In the beginning, there were no human beings. Therefore, all narrations of the genesis of the universe in all civilizations can only be handed down as legends. Don’t despise these legends and myths because they attempt to answer questions all human beings are born to ask: from where we came from, where we shall go and how this universe came about. Today, we slight those ancient genesis stories. In a similar manner, humanity in the future would tease the Big Bang Theory we hold dear today. All genesis narratives in all civilizations carry political agendas to serve the ruling class. The Jewish book of Genesis is a little bit different because it was written during the Babylonian captivity when the Israelites were conquered and exiled. Thus, there are less elements to support the ruling class and is therefore relatively more objective! Its narratives sing less praises to violence. God only used words to create all. Moreover, the Genesis narratives are progressive, thus allowing room for evolutionary interpretation. They describe creation as building up order from something “without form or shape” (Genesis 1:2) leaving aside any controversy over creatio ex nihilo. This narrative confines itself to the visible universe only, “Let there be light” (1:3), leaving blank what came before. It is silent on the matter of the genesis of angels and devils. This is a measured and responsible narrative. The zenith of the creation of the visible universe was the creation of men because they were created in the image of God (1:26). This narrative advocates the equality of men who are endorsed with dignity. Thus, among the genesis narratives of all civilizations, I personality think that the Genesis narrative of the Jewish Scripture is superior.

There are two narratives of the creation of man in Genesis. The second one is livelier and more dramatic. First of all, “The Lord God formed the man out of the dust of the ground,” (Genesis 2:7a) Why did God use “the dust of the ground”? It didn’t look scientific and man looked worthless which contradicts the narration of chapter one!
Firstly, in chapter two the author portrays God as a potter and man was His masterpiece! Thus, this narration does not debase the dignity of man and does not contradict chapter one. It is scientific because after his death, all the materials of a man, whether it is burial or cremation or what not, return to earth, obeying the law of conservation of matter! From the Biblical standpoint, man is a local product of this planet. Don’t ever fancy that we were seeded by colonists from outer space!

But the most crucial point comes from the second half of the verse, “The Lord God … blew into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living soul.” (2:7b) In other words, without this breath of life, man was only a clay statue. With God’s breath, man came alive. Moreover, he became a living soul.
What does “a living soul” mean? It means it is able to transcend its nature. For example, the nervous structure of animals does not enable an animal to understand human thoughts and feelings. It is their limitation. However, many pets and even animals seem to be able to communicate with their masters and understand their masters’ thoughts. For example, in record there were cows to be butchered which knelt and shed tears. It seemed that they were begging their masters not to slaughter them! We describe such animals as “spirited” because their performance transcends their nature.
What does “a living soul” mean when it is applied to men? It means men are able to transcend human nature. One day, they would be supernatural! On the other hand, lacking God’s breath of life, even when men came alive, they were mere animals. When God breathed the breath of life into the clay statue, not only did the breath give life, but it also urged the man to transcend its clay nature and sublimate to higher levels. This is human destiny!

Naturally, we are eager to know what this “breath of life” is!
Let us fast-forward to the first Easter Sunday. John the apostle tells us that the risen Christ appeared to the disciples, “He breathed on them and said to them, ‘Receive the Holy Spirit’”(John 20:22) This verse and the Genesis verse together form an inclusio. Firstly, Jesus Christ is the Lord God mentioned in Genesis. Secondly, He is the source of spiritual life. Thirdly, the breath of life is the Holy Spirit. This breath, this Holy Spirit animates our life. This is easy to understand. But how does it relate to the words Jesus Christ has spoken to us?
In fact, the relationship is simple because speaking relies on breathing. Are you able to speak without breath? When Jesus Christ breathed on the disciples, He was proclaiming His identity as the Creator. During His public ministry, the Son of God usually performed miracles which conquered the elements to assert His divinity. But the modus operandi of God, i.e. Jesus’ modus operandi is always to do His will with minimum force. Therefore, He simply says, “The words I have spoken to you are spirit and life” (6:63) without further performing a miracle to support it!

Brethren! Invoke the Holy Spirit! May the Holy Spirit support us, like Peter, to understand that only Jesus Christ has the words of eternal life. We have nowhere to go (6:68). May the Holy Spirit enkindle in us a passion for the Word of God, study the bible attentively and share it with others. In this way, may we transcend our nature to attain eternal life.
God bless!

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