
Sunday, 15 August 2021

論聖母蒙召升天的重要性 The Importance of the Assumption of the BVM










2015 Reflection

Solemnity of the Assumption of the BVM
Theme: The importance of the Assumption of BVM

Catholicism is absolutely not superstitious because her theology has gone through a thousand years of debates, been purified and therefore absolutely rational. It is impossible to comprehend without sufficient philosophical training. Thus, this extremely rational faith and worship can never turn people superstitious. However, if a religion is rational only, it is at most a sort of worldview which is not able to motivate people to seek martyrdom. In fact, the power of religions lies not in their creeds but in their cultivation of will and affection. Catholics celebrate the Solemnity of the Assumption of the BVM today. It illustrates clearly how Catholicism is not superstitious but is in harmony with human sensitivity.

Catholicism is founded upon the Bible which is not self-explanatory. Believers rely on scholars and theologians to study its meanings. Some articles of faith are publicly acknowledged and agreed upon by members of all ranks and files. There is no further need to debate and analyse. Furthermore, these articles define the identity of the believers. We call these articles of faith dogmas. For example, God is trinite, i.e. three in one and Jesus Christ is both human and divine are Christian dogmas. If you do not accept these truths, you are not qualified to be a Christian. Some conclusions from studies still leave room for further discussion. We call them doctrines and even theological opinions. For example, some scholars insist on literal interpretation of the Bible. They opine that God had created one man and one woman (Genesis 1:26). Some scholars raise the difficulty of incest (4:17) in taking the literal path. However, from the past experience of biblical exegesis, scholars know that the correct interpretation usually comes from the more difficult one … The discussion is still open.

The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary is one of the four Marian dogmas. That is to say, if you question whether the soul and body of the BVM were taken up to heaven after her death, you’re not qualified to be a Catholic! Why is it as grave as such? First of all, it is the latest Marian dogma, a logical conclusion of the previous three dogmas. It is rational. Secondly, it is in harmony with the affective demand towards the BVM, a proper religious affection.

The first Marian dogma, that she is the Mother of God, was promulgated in the Ephesian Council in 431 AD. But the BVM is only a creature. How could a creature give birth to the Creator? At that time, some people opined that the BVM only gave birth to the humanity of the Son of God. She could at most be called the Mother of Christ, not the Mother of God! However, this seemingly logical opinion tore apart the humanity and divinity of Jesus Christ. Thus, defending the identity of the Mother of God is in fact defending the dogma of the humanity and divinity of the Son of God!

The second Marian dogma declares that the BVM retains her virginity before, during and after giving birth to Jesus. The Lateran Council in 649 promulgated this perpetual virginity dogma. Biologists would object, thinking that it is in contradiction with science!
First of all, we who believe in God believe in miracles. Raining is a natural phenomenon. But when a downpour turns the outcome of a battle around, in the eyes of believers, it is a miracle, a God’s will. For those who reject miracles, they have to look for explanation elsewhere! We believe that miracles are signs of God’s presence, signs showing His mercy. Since antiquity, Church Fathers see the burning bush (Exodus 3:2) as a sign of the perpetual virginity of the BVM. When the BVM gave birth to the Holy Infant, her virginity was preserved just as when Christ emerged from the tomb without removing the rock that blocked the entrance. These are miracles which science cannot explain! The virginal birth of Jesus Christ is part of his divinity. The gospels mention the siblings of the Lord (Mark 6:3) whom the Church Fathers opined that they were Joseph’s children from previous marriage. In fact, the dogma of perpetual virginity of the BVM defends the divinity of Jesus Christ!

The third Marian dogma, i.e. the Immaculate Conception of the BVM was promulgated by Pope Pius IX in 1854. This dogma was not defined by ecumenical councils. Not only was it rejected by Protestants, even the Orthodox Church also holds it in reservation. Although this dogma was not a resolution of a council, it came from prior consultation of bishops all over the world for five long years. More than 90% of bishops supported declaring it a dogma. Truly, this dogma has gone through lengthy debates until opposing voices have all died down. It agrees with the dogma of Mother of God and does not deny the necessity of Christ’s redemption. That God gave this special grace to the mother of the Son of God is possible and appropriate. The Son of God is genuinely human. Then how did God defend his humanity from the damage of the Original Sin? Along the genealogy of Jesus Christ, a certain turning point, a boundary must be set up to stop the Original Sin from proceeding. God “set for the sea its limit, so that the waters should not transgress His command; when He fixed the foundations of earth” (Proverbs 8:29). Making the BVM this boundary is the most economical way to defend the humanity of the Son of God!

Let us meditate the fourth dogma.
Even though we are creatures, humanity enjoy dignity and should not be treated as tools. Man can only be an end, never a means. This is the most basic moral demand in interpersonal interactions. In order to arrest Jesus, the chief priests and elders manhandled Judas, ignoring his fate. Treating people as dispensable is absolutely immoral. This is a rule of engagement even among men. Can God disregard humanity which He created in His image? Just think about it, could the Father, after making use of the BVM as a carrier to bring the Son of God into this world, abandon her on earth and leave her to decay? “For you will not abandon my soul to Sheol, nor let your devout one see the pit” (Psalms 16:10). Although the apostles quoted this verse to prove the resurrection of Jesus Christ (Acts, 2:27, 13:35), this verse also applies to the Mother of God, most appropriately! It is because after her death, where else can be a better place to settle the soul and body of the BVM than God’s abode? Perhaps you would quote Paul’s treatise on resurrection to object, “each one in proper order: Christ the first fruits; then at his coming, those who belong to Christ” (1 Corinthians 15:23). Truly, between Christ’s resurrection and His second coming, there’s no resurrection! But don’t forget, in Old Testament times, Enoch (Genesis 5:24) and Elijah (2 Kings 2:11) were taken up to heavens without going through death. Moreover, Elijah showed up during Christ’s transfiguration. Even these mortals who were damaged by the Original Sin were able to enjoy in heaven the vision of the Son of God, would the one whom the Angel reveres as “Full of grace” (Luke 1:28), the Mother of God whom the Holy Spirit overshadows (1:35) be degraded to await resurrection in Sheol?

Using papal infallibility for the first time, Pope Pius XII promulgated this dogma in 1950 after extensive consultation with bishops all over the world. Although this dogma does not directly defend the humanity and divinity of the Son of God, it is consistent with the previous three dogmas. Rationally, the assumption of the BVM is the righteousness of the Father. Affectively, it shows the filial piety of the Son of God. In will, the Assumption of the BVM is the perseverance of the Holy Spirit. Even without the many Marian apparitions, this dogma is flawless!

Brethren! We are blessed to be children of the BVM (John 19:27). When we celebrate the Assumption of our Mother, we are filled with this lingering feeling of missing her and an unspeakable joy. Let the hope of reunion in heaven urge us to follow the example of the BVM nurturing the Word of God, to study the Bible diligently and to live up the spirit of the gospel. May we carry and pass on the joy of the gospel to our neighbour.
God bless!

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