
Tuesday, 27 August 2024

瞎眼的嚮導  Blind Guides






Blind guides, who strain out the gnat and swallow the camel!” (Matthew 23:24)

Things have their root and their branches. Affairs have their end and their beginning. To know what is first and what is last will lead near to what is taught in the Great Learning” (Liji, Da Xue) hits the bullseye in pointing out the fault of the Pharisees as well as the common mistake most people made in a modern competitive commercial society: in order to get results, people cut corners and consequently missing the essential.

Even though Pharisees took Jesus as their enemy, the merciful Lord still taught them patiently because they were “teachers of Israel” (John 3:10). When the Jews could no longer offer sacrifices to God, the Pharisees took up the mission to instruct them how to worship God after the Temple had been destroyed. Even though you find here that Jesus Christ pronounced “Seven Woes” against the Pharisees and the wording was more accusatory than previous discourses, notice that Christ did not pronounce punishment as prophets of the Old Testament did. For example, “I am going to punish them. The young men shall die by sword; their sons and daughters shall die by famine” (Jeremiah 11:22). Jesus Christ only desires that they “Turn back and live!” (Ezekiel 18:32). Even though He seemed to pronounce “punishment” (Matthew 23:33), it applies to everybody and not exclusively to the Pharisees!

Pharisees have become synonymous with “hypocrites”, but their defects lie in a deeper level. Letters of the law are visible but the spirit of the law is less obvious. Letters are dead and are unable to catch up with the evolution of ages but the spirit is live. Once one acquires it, he is able to handle even ever-changing social phenomena with its principle! Regrettably, it is easy to master letters but it takes time to acquire the spirit through immersion. It is easy to measure “tithes of mint and dill and cumin”, but “judgment and mercy and fidelity” are nevertheless vague. So the Pharisees cut corners to get easily visible results and put aside the important and essential life-attitudes (Matthew 23:23)! How could they discharge the duty as “teachers of Israel”? It was appropriate for Jesus to call them “blind guides”! Pharisees could be meticulous in filtering out unclean gnats so that they themselves would not be declared unclean. However, they swallowed camel-size uncleanliness: instead of defending orphans and widows, the Pharisees cheated and exploited them (Mark 12:40). How pitiful it is!

Lord! You are the visible image of the invisible Father. You are our visible Wisdom. We pray that You do not despise our unworthiness. Grant us the wisdom to choose, in this confusing generation, the essential and abandon the secondary so that we may come closer to You. Amen.

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