
Wednesday, 7 August 2024

達味之子,可憐我罷! Son of David! Have Mercy On Me!



撇除有關耶穌誕生的兩節(瑪1:1, 20)和榮進耶路撒冷,喊叫口號的兩節(21:9, 15)外,其餘5節「達味之子」都與瞎子復明和驅魔的神跡有關,而惟獨今天所讀的這一節,是出自外邦人的口!



Poverty Series (III)
Son of David! Have Mercy On Me! (Matthew 15:21-28)

Son of David” appears 17 times in the Synoptic gospels, 9 times in Matthew and 4 times each in Mark and Luke. This is reasonable because Matthew’s readers were Jewish Christians and it aimed at proving that Jesus Christ was the Messiah anticipated by the Jews. Of course, Isaiah also called Cyrus the Persian king the “anointed” (Isaiah 45:1). But after Cyrus had liberated the Jews and sent them home to rebuild the Temple, they gradually put their hope on the “Son of David”, one of the descendants of David to become the Messiah in order to fulfil the “Nathan Oracle” God promised David, “Your house and your kingdom are firm forever before me; your throne shall be firmly established forever” (2 Samuel 7:16).

Not counting the 2 verses in Jesus’ nativity (Matthew 1:1, 20) and the 2 slogan-chanting during Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem (21:9, 15), the remaining five “Son of David” appeared in miracles of healing the blind and exorcisms. The verse we read today is the only verse that came from a Gentile!
Although Matthew wrote for Jewish Christian, narrow-minded nationalism cannot monopolize God’s redemption of all peoples (9:17). Thus, in the last chapter of the gospel, the risen Lord commissioned the Eleven apostles to “make disciples of all nations” (28:19)! The exorcism story today also criticizes narrow-minded nationalism.

In the exorcism narrative today, two groups of people begged Jesus: The Canaanite woman and Jesus’ disciples. A mother begged Jesus from behind, “Have pity on me, Lord, Son of David! My daughter …” (15:22). Jesus’ disciples came and asked the Master, “Send her away! For [she brought us inconvenience] she keeps calling out after us” (15:22). If I were Jesus, the contrast was crystal clear: the former begged for the good of the needy while the latter begged for their own convenience. But Jesus did not show disappointment and scold them. On the contrary, He patiently pointed out to them the price to pay for being proud of the identity of God’s Chosen People. Look! If I only take care of the descendants of Abraham (15:24), you would suffer a great deal of inconvenience! Take a look at the Gentiles who did not have God’s promise to rely on. With nothing to rely on but their faith, God provided for them as well.

Beloved brethren! Take seriously our poverty and inadequacies. Have faith in Jesus Christ!
God bless!

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