
Sunday 7 March 2010

God punishes social evils

It has been more than 65 years since the Great War. The world has gone through rebuilding and prospering. In the old structure, a certain group of people had enjoyed a lot of privileges and resources. The Great War has pulled it down and opened up opportunities for new comers. It has been 65 years and the new structures have matured and petrified. Fewer and fewer opportunites are available for an ever increasing number of new comers. Frustrated by the lack of opportunities of mobility, many young people nowadays stay hidden. Perhaps the world needs another Great War or global disasters of some sort to pull down the existing aging structure. This is nothing prophetic. This is a law of history.

The Chinese has an idiom which says 「飽暖思淫欲」 when the belly is filled and the body is warm, lust pops up in the head. That explains why many rich people become insensitive to the plight of the needy and continue to exploit them. The social structure facilitates such exploitation. This is sin on the social level and God hates this. His wrath is building up and calamities are ready to strike. Looking at it in this perspective, this becomes prophetic. Many prophets of the Old Testament had witnessed and were infuriated by such social evil, they proclaimed judgment in the name of God. Prophets of old were social conscience. Yet God does not punish alone. He forgives.

In this season of Lent, we have witnessed earthquakes afar and many car accidents near at hand. The cup of wrath seems to be filling up to the rim. Micah's word reassures us of a merciful God towards His chosen few.
Who is a God like thee, pardoning iniquity and passing over transgression for the remnant of his inheritance? He does not retain his anger for ever because he delights in steadfast love (Micah 7:18).
So, let us draw near to God with a contrite heart. He does not retain His anger forever. God will forgive and has forgiven.

Dear Lord, let us come to Your presence and confess our sins. Allow us to drink Your steadfast love. Amen.

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