
Sunday 10 March 2013


This Sunday, I did a homily at 9:30 a.m. mass in my parish in Chinese. Actually, I did the same story two weeks previously during the Deacons Monthly Sharing as a part of training. During the Deacons' Sharing, the members generously commented on my performance. I was too ambitious and lost the focus. This time, the audience are different. I tuned down the homily to suit them.
However, there was one hiccup. I was given a mike, not the lectern! So, there was nowhere for me to put my paper! I had to do the homily from my head! Unfortunately, my memory was no longer as avid as in my younger days. I forgot some beautiful lines!
Here is the homily. I hope you enjoy.

  • 故事是這樣開始的:
  • 我們很容易被粤語長片的橋段所引導,用中國人分家產的印象生硬的套進去,以為父親把全部的產業分給兩兄弟。長子嫡孫分雙份,負責供養父親;又或者現代化一些,兩兄弟平分產業,輪流負責供養。但很奇怪,比喻中的父親竟然保留了一份給自己。福音是這樣記載的。父親去勸解大兒子的時候說了以下的一句話:
  • 不要奇怪為何分家後,比喻中的父親仍保留一份給自己。其實,他並不是故意留一份給自己,而是他的兒子根本無可能瓜分全部的家產!我們作為天主子女的,又怎能分得盡天主的家產呢?一日我們在天主身邊,一日我們都能享有「起初如何,今日亦然,直到永遠,及世之世,亞孟」的恩寵。能夠留在天父的身邊是一件多麽有福的事。
  • 就算我們能分盡俗世的父親的一分一毫,如果能夠與上了年紀的老父同住、孝順他;能凝望、默想你的根源,回憶、細味他對你的照顧,你是多麽有福,多麽令人羨慕。
「信德年」已開始了超過三個月!慈母聖教會希望藉著紀念召開梵二大公會議五十周年,讓大家重溫信仰,刷新我們作為天主教徒的眼光,更有效地向世界傳播天國的喜訊,與世人,與失散了的兄弟分享天父的恩寵。 現在讓我們溫習小許有關「聖事」的道理吧。雖然我們藉著水的洗禮,洗去了原罪及本罪,加入了教會,成為天主的子女。但洗禮未能完全康復原罪和積習已深的壞習慣對人類本性所留下的創傷,所以,天主藉教會施行其他的聖事,幫助我們善渡基督徒的生活:「堅振聖事」賜予聖神,加強我們的靈性生命力;主耶穌藉「聖體聖事」與我們結合為一,在世上繼續祂未完成的工程;聖事總不會無緣無故,好像「瑪納」一樣,從天上掉下來的。所以有「神品聖事」,祝聖一些在教會內蒙受特別聖召的人,加入公務員行列,履行訓導、管理和聖化天主子民的任務;而「婚配聖事」祝聖男女二人,以婚姻生活,見証天主對世人的愛;至於「傅油聖事」,它堅強病弱的兄弟,把病弱的痛苦,昇華到成為傳福音的支援,好像聖女小德蘭一樣。最後就是……,就是最多別名的「悔改聖事」,它又稱為「皈依聖事」、「懺悔聖事」、「告解聖事」、「寬恕聖事」、「修和聖事」 (【天主教教理】 #1423-4)。

The Prodigal Son is a well-known parable in which the father symbolizes God, the younger son sinners and the elder son those self-righteous people. Not knowing the seriousness of the consequences, sinners rebel against God and suffer. After chastened by sufferings, sinners decide to repent and return to God, obtaining forgiveness and acceptance.
I trust most of you have heard of the recent news about Tony Chan's conversion to Christianity. If we doubt his sincerity, if we do not accept the repentance of a greedy rascal who is also unfaithful to his wife, we are no different from the elder son in the parable, the Pharisees in Jesus' time and all those self-righteous people the story warns against. Like them, we do not appreciate the mercy of God, our Father. God rejoices in seeing us repent, in returning to Him to share His eternal life. I believe all of you understand this point very well. You are not as narrow minded as the elder son who cannot accept God being merciful to all, especially to sinners.
God is faithful. A thousand years is just one day to Him. Two thousand years ago, He was merciful to the Jews. Today, He is merciful to modern men. The Gospels have been written for more than 2000 years. However, the revelation of God, the Word of God is still speaking to us, like there are endless words to say.
So, let us not ignore some details in the story because they contain wisdom and truth worthy of "keeping and pondering" in our hearts. For example, the details of sharing the property. Today, let us meditate together what this sharing of property is trying to tell us.
  • Here is how the story begins:
    "There was a man who had two sons; and the younger of them said to his father, 'Father, give me the share of property that falls to me.' And he divided his living between them." (Luke 15:11-12)
    That is to say, it was the younger son who demanded the sharing. Theoretically speaking, anywhere in the continent of Asia, a younger son was in no position to make such a demand. First born sons enjoy special privileges. Even the Bible has records of blessing of the first born son, such as what Isaac did in Genesis. The younger son did not have a chance to demand sharing the property. Most likely, the elder son cheated the younger son to do it for him. Of course the father knew it. Yet he still divided the living between them. There is great truth in this detail which is worth further pondering.
  • We will be easily misguided by our Chinese conception of dividing the living and interpret it likewise. The first born son gets a double portion and is responsible for supporting the father; or in a modern context, the two brothers share equally and take turn to support the father. Surprisingly, the father in the parable keeps a portion for himself! According to the parable, when the father came out to invite the elder son to join the feasting, he said, "Son, you are always with me, and all that is mine is yours." (15:31)
    So, in the parable, the sharing of property is not total. The father still keeps a handsome portion. That is why he said "all that is mine is yours".
    This is surprising. Pay attention. In real life situations, the father must properly divide ALL his property. Otherwise, if not after his death, there will be disputes over his property even during his life time and this is disastrous for children.
  • Do not be surprised why in the parable the father still keeps a portion for himself. In fact, he does not deliberately keep a portion for himself. Rather, the children are unable to share all his property! How can we, as children of God, be able to share all that God has? As long as we stay with God, we will be able to enjoy His grace, "as it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be, world without end. Amen." Staying with our heavenly Father is a blessing.
  • Even if we are able to share the last cent of our earthly father, if we can still live with our aged parents, honour them, gaze and meditate our origin, remember and appreciate how he has nurture you. You are lucky and everybody envies you.
The Year of Faith has already begun for more than three months. The Mother Church wants us to take the opportunity of the celebration of the convocation of Vatican Council II to refresh our faith, to brush up our sight as Catholics, to be more effectively to preach the gospel of the Kingdom of God to the world, to share the grace of our Heavenly Father with all men and our lost brothers. Now, let us review some doctrines on Sacraments.
Although we have our Original Sin and our personal sins cleansed to join the Church and become children of God through baptism, it does not heal all the wounds inflicted and left behind by the Original Sin and bad habits in our nature. So, God helps us lead our Christian life well through the administration of Sacraments by the Church. The sacrament of Confirmation gives us the Holy Spirit to strengthen our spiritual life. Jesus unites with us through the sacrament of the Eucharist to continue his unfinished mission. Sacraments do not rain down from heaven like manna out of nothing. So, there is the sacrament of the Holy Orders to consecrate some specially called ministers to carry out the teaching, the governing and the sanctifying ministries. The sacrament of Matrimony consecrates man and women to lead married life to bear witness of God’s love to the world. The sacrament of Anointment strengthens the sick and elderly members to sublime their sufferings into support of evangelization like St. Thérèse of Lisieux. Last of all, the sacrament with many nicknames: the sacrament of Conversion, of Penance, of Confession, of Forgiveness, of Reconciliation (CCC 1423-4).
Conversion is not an impulsive thing, but like what St. Paul said, a competition of a life time. St. Paul tells us that Christians are called to become saints. Baptism is only the start of a 'Marathon of Sanctification'. Like a marathon, there will be many occasions in which we cramp, we thirst and fall. So, along the way, the Church administers the sacrament of confession and reconciliation to heal our wounds, to finish this Sanctification Marathon.
So, in this week, may I invite you to get hold of a copy of the Catechism of the Catholic Church, or search the Internet or run an Apps in your smart phone. Start reading from #1423 to review some basic doctrines. Then come back on Friday to join the Stations of the Cross, make a confession to prepare well for Easter.
May God bless us all.

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