
Sunday, 27 October 2013

God's righteousness is His salvation

"For my thoughts are not your thought, neither are your ways my ways, says the Lord" (Isaiah 55:8)
This is particularly true when we talk about justice. God's justice is not human justice.
Within our limitations as human beings, we think of justice as "getting even". When God gave the Ten Commandments to the Israelites as a guideline to their life, God simply told them what to do and what not to do. God did not intend to help them get even. In order to deal with practical daily life situations, the Israelites expanded them into 613 laws. Many of them deal with restitution and restrained retaliation. For example, the famous "eye for eye, tooth for tooth" (Exodus 21:24, Leviticus 24:20, Deuteronomy 19:21) Getting even does not come from the Ten Commandments. This concept is of human origin.

Nowadays, the concept of justice is popularized by Michael Sandel's online lecture series and an accompanying book Justice: What's the Right Thing to Do? Justice has become the moral principle per se, the right thing to do, over and above the benevolence and harm principles.
What does God think about justice? He only gave the Ten Commandments, the kind of right things He expects us to do. Philosophers try to dig up the underlying principles and justice, meaning "getting even", emerges. However, is "getting even" the intention of God when He gave the Ten Commandments? A categorical no.
"The Lord hath made known his salvation: his righteousness hath he openly shewed in the sight of the heathen.
He hath remembered his mercy and his truth toward the house of Israel: all the ends of the earth have seen the salvation of our God." (Psalm 98:2-3, KJV)
From the parallelism of the text, we learn that God's righteousness/justice is his salvation. His salvation is his mercy and his truth. For God, righteousness/justice means salvation, mercy and truth. The Lord God is one. There is no other deity besides Him. Therefore, the idea of getting even is meaningless to God. For God, liberating the oppressed, restoring the dignity of the poor, elevating the lowly and defeating the rich and arrogant etc. show His righteousness. This perspective will help us understand better why, in Jesus' parable, after praying in the Temple, the tax collector was justified while the Pharisee was not (Luke 18:14).
In his prayer, the tax collector confessed that he was a sinner. He acknowledged that he was in need of God's forgiveness and salvation. Therefore, he was forgiven and justified. On the other hand, the arrogant Pharisee showed off his piety and did not see his need of salvation. Therefore, he did not give God an opportunity to save him.

Deacon Tsang spoke well in his homily. The gospel is silent in the details about the tax collector. The Pharisee boasted that he had not committed any extortion, unjust practices and adultery etc. However, he might be blind towards other offences against his neighbour. The Pharisee boasted of his piety. That does not mean the tax collector was not pious. Perhaps all Jews practised a similar piety: fast every week and offer tithes. I am sure the Pharisee did more than other Jews did. It is only that the tax collector did not mention his piety in his prayer. The tax collector focused on his sinfulness, his need of God's salvation. Indeed, God sees us doing our piety. There is no need to remind God of our piety. The Pharisee failed to score this point. Now I know that God intends all men to be saved. Yet some perfect model believers reject salvation.
What a reversal of fortune, a theme running throughout the gospel of Luke!

Dear Lord, remove arrogance from my heart so that I will not be blind to my unworthiness. Amen.

Sunday, 20 October 2013

Sanctified by truth

The Catholic Church in Hong Kong celebrates Mission Sunday today. The gospel we read today is taken from the last few lines of the long prayer of Jesus in the Last Supper as recorded in John. So, these few lines are expected to be heavyweight in theology and spirituality.

Sanctify them in the truth; thy word is truth.” (John 17:17)
The word “truth” appears 27 times in John. It begins with “the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth” (1:14) and ends with Pilate’s question “What is truth?” (18:38) The Logos is full of glory, grace and truth. Yet, men do not see his glory and consequently do not know the truth. This is exemplified by Pilate’s question. In an incident before the Last Supper, Jesus mentioned the importance of the truth, “And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” (8:32)
Within the Last Supper, the word “truth” appears 9 times. It begins with the famous “I am the way, the truth and the life” (14:6) and finishes with “that they also might be sanctified through the truth.” (17:19)

From all these sayings, we may draw a tentative conclusion that this knowledge, this truth is essential for our salvation. But what kind of knowledge is it? From the experience of John, it is the Logos, i.e. the Word, the Son of God, Jesus Christ. Knowing Jesus is knowing the truth because he claims to be the truth. He is truth personified. And the truth shall make us free, shall enable us to attain salvation. Jesus did it through his death on the cross and the subsequent resurrection. The key to salvation is to build up a close relationship with God. We do this through Jesus Christ.

How do we know Jesus? One of the ways is to study the gospel and meditate its messages. In meditation, we come face to face with the Word and merge with him. We lose our words and we are filled with the Word. I know not how to express any more.

Sweet Lord, purify me for I am a sinner, your unworthy servant. Amen.

Sunday, 13 October 2013









28th Ordinary Sunday, Year C
Theme: Thanksgiving in everything (Philippians 4:6)

Today, I would like to speak a little bit about the background of the Bible stories so that we may understand the messages better.
In the Kingdom era of the Old Testament after the death of King Solomon, Rehoboam, his son did not possess the wisdom to hold the 12 tribes together. The Kingdom of Israel was split into two, thus reducing its strength. The neighbouring countries began to poach on the northern Kingdom of Israel. Meanwhile, idolatry was widespread in the kingdom. The hearts of the people became corrupt. The fate of the kingdom was hanging on a thread. God had sent Elijah to eradicate the corrosion. Elisha carried on the baton of Elijah. Naaman was a Syrian captain of the army. His coming to Israel to seek therapy created a political crisis. Had the cure failed, it would have become an excuse to invade Israel. In the end, God cured Naaman of his leprosy. An invader became a convert. Though Israel had weathered through a political crisis, she did not learn the lesson and continued her idolatry. At last, she was conquered by Assyria. To ensure no possibility of rebellion, the Assyrians exiled most of the Israelites and resettled other tribes into the land of Israel so as to thin out their blood. These hybrids became Samaritans. In the eyes of the Jews, Samaritans were impure and were despised.

Among the ten lepers in the gospel, one was a despised Samaritan. Why was this Samaritan able to live among the Jews who despised him? In ancient time, leprosy was contagious and there was no cure. Therefore, lepers were quarantined and chased out of the villages and towns to fend for themselves. Being wretched drifters, these lepers stayed together to improve their chances of survival. They had to put down their mutual hostility to weather through. Suffering has the power to build up solidarity. The greatest pain is to suffer alone. Jesus knew it well when he was abandoned on the cross. Therefore, he understands thoroughly our sufferings. With the support in a community, sufferings are bearable. If we suffer with Christ who understands us, our sufferings will become light. This is the meaning of salvation.

Let us meditate deeper into the miracle. Among the ten cured lepers, only one returned to glorify God and thank Jesus. Only one leper truly received salvation.
Miracle and salvation are two different things. Miracles can be the stepping stone to salvation. They help people further receive God’s salvation. Out of His compassion, God hear the plights and breach the laws of nature to eliminate the sufferings of those who call upon Him. There are cure miracles, exorcisms, calming of the waves and multiplication of loaves. God performs all these miracles out of His compassion to relieve the sufferings of the people. Jesus cured many who were sick and they would be sick again. Jesus fed 5000 with 5 loaves and 2 fish. These people would be hungry the day after. Jesus raised 3 people from the dead and they would die again the other day. Therefore, miracles can relieve the current sufferings but they are not once and for all. In order to have a permanent effect, we should take the opportunity to build up a lasting relationship with God. It is good to have miracles but they are only secondary. Building up a lasting relationship with God is the key of salvation. Among the ten lepers, only one held this key. He returned to build up a lasting relationship with God. Only this foreigner, this Samaritan, this Naaman received salvation.

Why didn’t the nine other lepers return to glorify God and thank Jesus?
One possible reason was that they were too excited to be cured and hurried to see the priests to examine them, to certify them purified. Unlike Catholic priests today who are easily available in the parishes, Jewish priests worked in the Temple and there was only one Temple in Jerusalem. To look for a priest to examine your leprosy was not like going down the street to ask a physician to write you a medical certificate. It took them about 150 km to walk all the way from Galilee to Jerusalem. These lepers needed to pack themselves to walk at least three days to reach Jerusalem.
Like the nine lepers, we can easily make mistakes in prioritizing our life. We spend most of our time and energy on secondary matters, turning our life on its head. For example, in order to provide our wife and children with a more comfortable life, we work hard to earn money so much so that we lose our health and quality time with our children. The loss outweighs the gain. Students who want to achieve high scores in public exams attend tuition classes after school. In the end, they are exhausted and their normal studies and exam scores are affected. Once again, the loss outweighs the gain. In the same way, focusing on miracles and neglecting the improvement of relationship with God is turning our salvation on its head.

Faith is a theme running through the gospel readings in these few weeks. Today, the gospel tells us that our faith is not built upon miracles, but on our relationship with God. God delivers us. Being grateful to God is right and fitting. St. Paul wrote to the Philippians that “in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God.” (Galatians 4:6).
Why is thanksgiving so important? In the gospel reading last week, the apostles asked Jesus to increase their faith (Luke 17:5). Didn’t the 10 lepers have faith in Jesus? If they hadn’t had faith, how would they have asked Jesus for help? But only one of them was grateful. Indeed, the key to increase faith is to have a grateful heart. To a certain extent, being grateful admits our inadequacy, acknowledging that we are in need of others’ help. This is the virtue of humility which counters the capital sin of pride and facilitates our salvation. Looking from another perspective, having a grateful heart improves our relationship with God and certainly brings us salvation. The faith of the nine other lepers remains on a superficial level. It could only solve their problems at hand and was insufficient to bring them salvation.
The same is true in our daily life. If children take their parents’ love for granted without gratitude, how can their relationship with parents be good? How can they build up happy families of their own in the future? Parents take the filial piety from their children for granted, without gratitude. When they grow old, their memories are failing. When only bitter and resentful memories remain, how shall they spend their remaining days?

Brothers and sister, keep in mind to be always thankful when you offer up your prayers to God.
God bless.

Sunday, 6 October 2013

Faith as a grain of mustard seed

The Synoptic Gospels mention "mustard seed" in only 5 occasions. All three report the parable of the mustard seed which says that the Kingdom of Heaven is like a mustard seed which begins small but will develop into a great tree (Matthew 13:31-32, Mark 4:31-32, Luke 13:19). The remaining two mention the power of faith. If you have the faith as a grain of mustard seed, you would be able to uproot a mountain (Matthew 17:20) or a sycamine tree (Luke 17:6). Naturally, you may ask what Jesus had actually said, mountain or tree, or both.

The Synoptic Gospels report similar events but they differ in details. For example, a woman anointed Jesus with expensive ointment in the house of Simon. In Matthew and Mark, the woman anointed Jesus' head and Simon was a leper (Matthew 26, Mark 14). In Luke, the woman was sinful. She anointed Jesus' feet and Simon was a Pharisee (Luke 7) So, what had actually happened? We cannot know for sure. It is totally legitimate to speculate that Jesus had been anointed twice, once on the head and another at the feet. It is also possible that Jesus was anointed only once and Luke modified some details in the story to preach his message.

So, what about this saying about faith as a grain of mustard seed? As I teacher, I myself say the same thing in different occasions and make appropriate adjustments accordingly. Therefore, I speculate that Jesus has mentioned faith as a grain of mustard seed for more than once. There might be a mountain in sight in Matthew and a sycamine tree at the door in Luke. The message is the same. Faith is so powerful that even faith like a grain of mustard seed is enough to move mountains.
When we talk about moving mountains, there is a Chinese legend about a Foolish Old Man who decided to level two huge mountains which his house faced and which caused him inconvenience in moving around. A Wise Old Man came to tease him of the futility of wasting his remaining days of life to do the impossible. The Foolish Old Man refuted him, "Though I die, I have children who will give birth to generations of grandchildren without end. Yet, the mountains would not grow. So, why can't it be levelled?" The Wise Old Man did not know how to answer back. In the end, the Heavenly Lord was moved by his sincerity/faith「帝感其誠」and ordered two demigods to remove the mountains for the Foolish Old Man.《列子‧湯問篇》Ancient Chinese did not have faith in a personal God. However, the moral of this legend is clear. Our faith/sincerity is able to move the divinities in heavens. Miracles are possible when we have faith.

In the gospel reading today, we read of how the apostles asked Jesus to increase their faith (Luke 17:5). When we read the whole context, we might find it puzzling. Previously, it seems to be a collection of unrelated sayings. Jesus talked about the parables of the lost sheep, lost coin, the Prodigal Son (Luke 15), the unfaithful steward, the rich man and Lazarus (Luke 16). Then, Jesus warns against leading others to sin (17:1-2) and forgiving one's brother seven times in a day (17:3-4). Then suddenly, the apostle asked Jesus to increase their faith. In answering them, Jesus told them the power of faith as little as a mustard seed (17:6). After that, Jesus told the parable of "unworthy servant" (17:7-10). Now, what has faith to do with the preceding and subsequent parables and teachings? What doubts were there in the minds of the apostles so that they asked Jesus to increase their faith?
One possible source of doubt was the discrepancy between their Messianic hopes and the teachings of Jesus. Most of them would not expect the Messiah to forgive the sins of the aggressors, nor teach them to forgive their brothers. They would not expect a beggar to receive better treatment than a rich man in the kingdom. How could their future master praise an unfaithful steward? What kind of a new world it would it be, definitely not the one they expect it to be. They felt that they needed more faith if they still wanted to continue following Jesus.

It is good of Jesus to encourage them that faith as little as a grain of mustard seed is enough because like the mustard seed which will grow into a big tree, our faith in Christ will surely increase day by day when we serve Jesus like an unworthy servant (17:7-10). Don't be arrogant. Be humble. We are no more than unworthy servants doing our duties. Without Jesus' backing, we cannot achieve anything. So, put our faith in the Lord and see how things unfold. Then we will be able to repent, to avoid sins, to make the right choices and to forgive. It is puzzling because it sounds circular: we place our faith in the Lord in order to increase our faith! On a second thought, it makes sense. If you bet on a wrong horse, you lose money. If you bet on the right horse, your money will snowball (Matthew 13:12, Mark 4:25, Luke 8:18).

Dear Lord, You alone have the word of eternal life. Who else shall we go? (John 6:68) Amen.