
Monday, 25 November 2013

To overcome oneself

Overcoming others proves that you are mighty. Overcoming yourself proves that you are strong.
This piece of Chinese wisdom was amply demonstrated by Jesus when he was crucified on the cross. For Jesus, crucifixion was the last temptation. After his baptism, he spent 40 days in the wilderness to go through temptations from the Devil. Each time, the Devil questioned Jesus' identity as the Son of God. Each time, Jesus overcame himself and refused to demonstrate his might as the Son of God (Luke 4:1-13). These temptations kept on popping up throughout his public ministry until the last temptation, the crucifixion.

During crucifixion, rulers scoffed at him, "He saved others; let him save himself, if he is the Christ of God, his Chosen One!" (23:35); soldiers mocked him, "If you are the King of the Jews, save yourself!" (23:37); one of the crucified criminals railed at him, "Are you not the Christ? Save yourself and us!" (23:39). These were all too familiar for Jesus. He needed to overcome himself one last time in order to accomplish God's will. He declined to demonstrate his identity as the Christ, the Son of God.

The other crucified criminal turned to Jesus to acknowledge the kingship of Jesus.
"Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom." (23:42)
This thief was rewarded Paradise (23:43).
When we are successful, we do not have the motivation to acknowledge the sovereignty of Christ. Yet, when our efforts are a total failure, our project a disaster, we often forget to acknowledge the sovereignty of Christ too. In despair, we might even lose our hope and commit suicide. We do not even have a chance to turn to Jesus. So, when shall we acknowledge Christ like the other crucified thief? I think the secret lies in overcoming oneself.

When we are successful, we need to overcome our pride to acknowledge God's grace in making us successful. In failures, we need to overcome our frustrations and even despair to see God's grace in removing our arrogance, God's given opportunity to strengthen our weaknesses so that we may do better next time. In overcoming ourselves, we allow God's hand in guiding our feet in the way of peace (1:79). In overcoming ourselves, we grow strong 自勝者強.

David was wise in his way of becoming the king of Israel. He refrained from killing Saul, God's anointed one even though David himself was also an anointed one. He was anointed king of Judah in Hebron. For seven years, he allowed the in-fightings within the Saul's family to annihilate itself until nobody from the Saul's clan was able to rise up to challenge him. After seven years, the elders of Israel came and anointed David king over Israel (2 Samuel 5:3). David overcame himself and was made king over Israel. Jesus overcame himself and was made the Universal King over humanity.

I discover that I felt upset inside when my efforts and talents were not acknowledged these days. Here is my homework. Overcome myself. Overcome my lack of confidence. Keep in mind that I am only an unworthy servant doing what I have been commanded (Luke 17:10).

Dear Lord, help your unworthy servant to overcome himself. Amen.

Tuesday, 19 November 2013

Global Chinese Permanent Deacon Symposium (III)

Today, I escaped into my comfort zone --- becoming an IT technician to help those speakers who used PowerPoint to present their talks. In so doing, I have missed out the essence --- diaconate spirituality. The organizing committee invited three Chinese deacons from north America to share their spiritual experience. The only thing I could remember from the second speaker was that he was an introvert! He did not use PowerPoint and spoke from his script. I fared a bit better in the third speaker because I pressed the down arrow key during his PowerPoint presentation. Though he was ordained for about two years, he was able to articulate the virtue of humility very well. Moreover, he is a more lively and outgoing person,.

The first speaker is a physician. He sees God's plan and God's hand in everything that happened to him. He could discern God's voices. He was able to see his own arrogance and dislike against other physicians. Yet, in serving the altar, he could hear God telling him clearly to offer sacrifice for those people he dislike. God has His own way to polish us, giving us chances after chances to transform ourselves and to serve Him., 

I did not join the group discussion, making myself busy preparing the computers for the subsequent presentations. The group discussions focused on family spirituality. The feedback from the wives are most enlightening of all. One deacon wife conjured up the image of the poor widow who offered up all that she had. In a similar way, when she signed the consent letter to support her husband to become a deacon, she had given up "all that she had". Good point. Full support from wives involves a lot of sacrifice indeed.

The best feeling came today when Deacon Sung asked me to read during the Diocesan celebration in Hong Kong Stadium this coming Sunday. On one hand, my reading skill is being appreciated. On the other, it gives me another temptation not to be humble. 

Dear Lord, help me emerge from my comfort zone. Help me to be humble. Amen.

Monday, 18 November 2013

Global Chinese Permanent Deacons Symposium (II)

The actual program began this morning. Deacon Dupont delivered a keynote speech on the development of the restoration of diaconate since Vatican II. The Americans are pioneers. They started nearly immediately after the ecumenical council. Today, there are more than 40,000 permanent deacons in USA. Deacon Dupont is the President of the National Association of Diaconate Directors. He painted a rosy picture of USA.

Theologically, deacons are icons of the servanthood of the Church. The Church should be the servant of humanity. This is most clearly expressed in the service of deacons. Deacons sacramentalize service. Deacons serve the Word, serve the liturgy and serve in charity works. To help us visualize the development of diaconate in USA, Deacon Dupont summarized it into three generations. The first generation lasted for the first twenty years. It was marked with the service of liturgy. Here, most of the conflicts with priesthood arose. The second generation saw the rise of service in charity and deacons began to identify their service with the underprivileged. Of course, the service of liturgy continues but it occupies less time of the deacons. After about 10 years, the service of the Word emerged. At last, the American diaconate has matured. Meanwhile, the American deacons as a whole is aging.

It is obvious that the Church needs young recruits. However, the Church also has worries about young deacons. She is rather hesitant and the Hong Kong Diocese tends to accept more mature aspirants. Deacon Stephen Kwok begged to differ. He believes that when a young father responds to the vocation and begins training, the whole family benefits from the husband's training. It is easier for younger children to incorporate into their identify the children of a deacon, whereas for teenage children, it would be more difficult  because adolescence suffers from identity crisis. Deacon Stephen has a valid point.

In a sharing in response to Deacon Dupont's keynote address, Deacon Raymond Chan shed a different light on the ministry of deacons. In his situation, the parish priest never gave him a chance to deliver homily. He had to serve where no priests want to serve. Priests tend to see him as a rival. On the other hand, some stronger laity communities do not want to lose their autonomy to deacons who are caught in the middle, rejected on both sides. Only the bishop supports him or the bishop wants to implement the idea. This is not as rosy a picture as painted by Deacon Dupont. I hope I am not judgmental. I feel that communication skills are essential in diaconate ministry. Deacons are interfaces between the laity and the priests.
Many people who spoke today spoke the same vocabulary --- humility. A deacon cannot be not humble. He must be an icon.

Today, I feel better. At least, my room has a proper label. Yesterday, I had to take down the original label and wrote my own name at the back. In the morning, I met the Vicar General on our way down to the chapel for the morning prayer and mass, he told me to make sure the sound system would function properly when the speakers delivered their speech. I was puzzled. Had the VG Office not already assigned somebody to handle it? Indeed, the major problem did not lie there but somewhere else. Deacon Dupont wanted to present his PowerPoint with his own notebook computer! This would surely bring chaos. In the end, we copied his PowerPoint onto own computer to play.
No matter what, I have learned not to be so pushy today. Dear Lord, teach me to be humble. Amen.

Global Chinese Permanent Deacon Symposium (I)

I asked from my school a 4-day leave to join the Global Chinese Permanent Deacon Symposium. I am badly in need of a longer retreat to reflect on my vocation. I thank my colleagues in the Ethics and Religious Studies Department for their generosity to replace all my lessons. Even though I am entitled to hire a supply teacher when a leave lasts for three or more days, the school says it was rather impossible to hire a supply teacher to take up my lessons! Meanwhile, two Chinese teachers and the Principal chaperoned a group of Italian students to Beijing for about 5 days. Supply teachers were hired. I should be elated for being indispensable.

13 overseas Chinese permanent deacons from Australia, Belgium, Canada and USA came to join this Symposium. One of them is Deacon Peter Fan who is my ex-colleague in La Salle and an alumnus. It is a great pleasure to meet him again after more than three decades. Yesterday he also took part in our Deacon Ordination Mass in which three candidates were ordained. John Lam, another deacon candidate like me and a La Salle old boy, came to the banquet afterwards and I introduced him to Peter. We cracked jokes, saying that La Salle was a breeding ground of Deacon vocation. The subtext is "Celibacy is too demanding for La Salle boys."

I was a bit crestfallen when I learned that this Symposium was meant for permanent deacons only. I should not have taken part in the first place and I should not volunteer to get Erminia involved playing the organ in the liturgy.
The site, a retreat house run by the St. Paul nuns in Sheung Shui, provides wifi access to the Internet. However, the wifi is plagued with outages most of the time. So, when the problem came up again, I was eager to help solve the problem together with another candidate, Simon Chan who came to provide IT support for the event. In fact, Simon is more knowledgeable. I simply try to justify my presence in this Symposium. To rub salt on my wounds, I was not informed of my room until after the briefing before going to bed.
When I learnt that the lady translator also plays organ and despite the fact that the Vicar General had explicitly told me to stick to the present arrangement, I still tried to persuade her to play the organ in the liturgy as well so that Erminia would not have to travel back and forth, from here to school to home and return here. After the lady had expressed her wish to focus on one job, I gave up. I surrendered and let God take over.

From these bits and pieces, I gradually realize that I have always been trying to take control. I need to make others feel that I am important/indispensable. Forgive me, Lord. I am an unworthy servant. Allow me to learn to serve sincerely and not to be served. Amen.

Sunday, 10 November 2013








32nd Ordinary Sunday, Year C
Theme: A Resurrection mentality
We often hear about Pharisees in the gospels and very little of the Sadducees. If we are not careful, we may think that they were different names of the same group of people. Indeed, they had joined forces in order to eliminate Jesus. However, they were in fact, antagonistic.
Sadducees were a political group made up of priests. Their influence was coupled with the Temple and thus, their power was confined within Jerusalem. Sadducees held that only the Torah was canonical. They did not acknowledge the revelatory authority of the books of prophets and psalms. Since they could not find anything about resurrection in the Torah, they dismissed the idea of resurrection.
Do not think that they were blockheads. Their dialectics showed that they were intelligentsia of high calibre. At first, they appeared to agree with the opponents’ stance. Then, they demonstrated that such a stance would lead to contradiction. This reductio ad absurdum is a common way to prove some truths which cannot be demonstrated directly.
Sadducees denied resurrection. There was no resurrection here and now, or in the future. There would be no resurrection forever.
To demonstrate that there was no resurrection here and now was not difficult because nobody had witnessed the dead coming back to life. However, that there was no resurrection now cannot guarantee that there would be no resurrection in the future. To demonstrate directly that there would be no resurrection in the future is very difficult. But the Sadducees had found a clever way to prove that the whole idea of resurrection is wrongheaded.
Firstly, they set up a scenario in which seven brothers, following Mosaic levirate marriage law, became husbands of the same woman consecutively (Luke 28:32, Deuteronomy 25:5-6). If there were resurrection, on the day of resurrection, the woman would be the wife of these seven brothers at the same time. A scenario of adultery would result. Laws cannot be self-contradictory. The more so are the laws of God. The Ten Commandments should not contradict with the levirate marriage law. Now, the Ten Commandments forbid adultery. Resurrection would lead to adultery. The fault lies not with the Ten Commandments. It must be the fault of resurrection. Since the Ten Commandments are eternal. Therefore, there would be, for eternity, no resurrection. How impeccable their dialectics were!

Why did these priests not want resurrection? What was so bad about resurrection? Did these Sadducees care about adultery? A categorical no!
Priesthood had always been the exclusive franchise of Levites. Moreover, it was hereditary. Unless some unfortunate impediments happened, such as handicaps rendering a man unable to become a priest, or some special events such as God’s call or exile, a person born into a priestly family would have nothing to worry about for the rest of his life. Ezekiel was a priest before the Babylonian Exile. Later God called him to become a prophet. The father of John the Baptist was a priest. John would have inherited his father’s job to become one. Subsequently, he became the forerunner of Christ and was beheaded by Herod Antipas. These two are exceptional cases. In general, priests were vested interests in Jerusalem. They were a privileged class. When Jesus cleansed the Temple, he was declaring war against their evil deeds of turning the Temple into their money spinner. Jesus antagonized them by ruining their interests.

From the first reading today, we gather that resurrection involves judgment. There are too many injustices in this world. I am sure you have heard enough of news coverage these days. When the government serves the rich, these cases of injustice have to wait until the day of resurrection when God’s justice shall prevail.
Therefore, if there is no resurrection in their hearts, the vested interests would continue to enjoy their interests in an unjust way. For them, “maintaining stability, following procedural justice and gradual piecemeal improvement of the society” are of top priority. Their God would be blind to corruption, would let the orphans, widows and ethnic minorities fend for themselves. His justice would not prevail. These Sadducees had nothing to fear. Charity and justice were not among their vocabulary. They would exploit the disadvantaged to the fullest. They would harden their hearts with their wealth. They did not bother about their last days.

As disciples of Jesus, we believe that Jesus died and came back to life for us. So, what does resurrection mean for our daily life? How shall we confront injustice with a resurrection mentality?
To believe in resurrection means we trust in the providence of God. In our routine boring daily life, we believe in God’s providence and opt for the underprivileged around us. We love our neighbours as ourselves, serving Christ the King present in the sick and the weak.
To believe in resurrection means we trust that God’s justice shall prevail. Confronting injustice, we shall not stay away for safety’s sake. It is because Abraham once bargained with God to make Him spare Sodom if there were ten righteous people. Jesus has also promised us that when two or three of us gathered in his name, he shall be present among us. Therefore, with the hope of resurrection and a strong belief in God’s promise to rectify justice for the underprivileged, we stay with the oppressed. God would deliver them because of our presence, because of Jesus’ presence. God shall not allow us to perish because "he is not God of the dead, but of the living" (Luke 20:38).

Brothers and sister, bear in mind the mentality of resurrection to make the risen Christ present in us, present in the injustice of the society. God bless.

Sunday, 3 November 2013

To make good use of things

The story of Zacchaeus is my favourite because, like him, I am small of stature (Luke 19:3). Moreover, what he did reminds me of the teachings of an ancient Chinese philosopher, Xunzi 荀子.
I tried meditating all day. It is not as fruitful as a moment's learning. I tried standing on my heels to look. It is not as far-sighted as climbing up a tree. I wave on high. My arm is not lengthened and yet it can be seen afar. I yell in the wind. My voice is not sped but hearers are more impressed. Riders of chariots do not have faster legs and reach thousands of miles. Sailors of boats do not swim and ferry beyond rivers. A gentleman is not born distinguished. Rather he makes good use of things." (Xunzi, chapter 1, paragraph 3)
Though a despised tax collector, Zacchaeus was the embodiment of the teaching of Xunzi and a model Christian aspirant. He wanted to know Jesus and he made good use of things in order to reach Jesus.

In order to see Jesus, Zacchaeus "ran before, and climbed up into a sycomore tree συκομωραίαν to see him: for he was to pass that way" (19:4)
What kind of a plant is a sycomore? Well, as long as it is tall enough and strong enough, it serves Zacchaeus' purpose of seeing Jesus. Here, we need a certain wisdom and knowledge to help us distinguish between what is helpful and what is harmful for our spiritual life. Making a lot of money is surely admirable. However, will it set our sight on high to reach God? A comfortable life is surely desirable. However, can it strengthen us and sustain us long enough to wait for the coming of Christ? We also need a certain fortitude to pull ourselves off from our comfort zone, to face off teases from the world. These qualities: wisdom, knowledge and fortitude are gifts of the Holy Spirit which we cannot earn. They are God's graces.

The sycomore tree was free of charge. It was there, cultivated by other people, provided by God. What Zacchaeus made use of next was his hard earned money (half of of his goods he gave to the poor. what he had cheated, he restored fourfold). Now, he truly made good use of things to earn him eternal life (19:8-9). God has done his part. It is our turn to respond.

Dear Lord, may we make good use of things you provided us to serve and glorify you. Amen.