
Sunday 10 November 2013








32nd Ordinary Sunday, Year C
Theme: A Resurrection mentality
We often hear about Pharisees in the gospels and very little of the Sadducees. If we are not careful, we may think that they were different names of the same group of people. Indeed, they had joined forces in order to eliminate Jesus. However, they were in fact, antagonistic.
Sadducees were a political group made up of priests. Their influence was coupled with the Temple and thus, their power was confined within Jerusalem. Sadducees held that only the Torah was canonical. They did not acknowledge the revelatory authority of the books of prophets and psalms. Since they could not find anything about resurrection in the Torah, they dismissed the idea of resurrection.
Do not think that they were blockheads. Their dialectics showed that they were intelligentsia of high calibre. At first, they appeared to agree with the opponents’ stance. Then, they demonstrated that such a stance would lead to contradiction. This reductio ad absurdum is a common way to prove some truths which cannot be demonstrated directly.
Sadducees denied resurrection. There was no resurrection here and now, or in the future. There would be no resurrection forever.
To demonstrate that there was no resurrection here and now was not difficult because nobody had witnessed the dead coming back to life. However, that there was no resurrection now cannot guarantee that there would be no resurrection in the future. To demonstrate directly that there would be no resurrection in the future is very difficult. But the Sadducees had found a clever way to prove that the whole idea of resurrection is wrongheaded.
Firstly, they set up a scenario in which seven brothers, following Mosaic levirate marriage law, became husbands of the same woman consecutively (Luke 28:32, Deuteronomy 25:5-6). If there were resurrection, on the day of resurrection, the woman would be the wife of these seven brothers at the same time. A scenario of adultery would result. Laws cannot be self-contradictory. The more so are the laws of God. The Ten Commandments should not contradict with the levirate marriage law. Now, the Ten Commandments forbid adultery. Resurrection would lead to adultery. The fault lies not with the Ten Commandments. It must be the fault of resurrection. Since the Ten Commandments are eternal. Therefore, there would be, for eternity, no resurrection. How impeccable their dialectics were!

Why did these priests not want resurrection? What was so bad about resurrection? Did these Sadducees care about adultery? A categorical no!
Priesthood had always been the exclusive franchise of Levites. Moreover, it was hereditary. Unless some unfortunate impediments happened, such as handicaps rendering a man unable to become a priest, or some special events such as God’s call or exile, a person born into a priestly family would have nothing to worry about for the rest of his life. Ezekiel was a priest before the Babylonian Exile. Later God called him to become a prophet. The father of John the Baptist was a priest. John would have inherited his father’s job to become one. Subsequently, he became the forerunner of Christ and was beheaded by Herod Antipas. These two are exceptional cases. In general, priests were vested interests in Jerusalem. They were a privileged class. When Jesus cleansed the Temple, he was declaring war against their evil deeds of turning the Temple into their money spinner. Jesus antagonized them by ruining their interests.

From the first reading today, we gather that resurrection involves judgment. There are too many injustices in this world. I am sure you have heard enough of news coverage these days. When the government serves the rich, these cases of injustice have to wait until the day of resurrection when God’s justice shall prevail.
Therefore, if there is no resurrection in their hearts, the vested interests would continue to enjoy their interests in an unjust way. For them, “maintaining stability, following procedural justice and gradual piecemeal improvement of the society” are of top priority. Their God would be blind to corruption, would let the orphans, widows and ethnic minorities fend for themselves. His justice would not prevail. These Sadducees had nothing to fear. Charity and justice were not among their vocabulary. They would exploit the disadvantaged to the fullest. They would harden their hearts with their wealth. They did not bother about their last days.

As disciples of Jesus, we believe that Jesus died and came back to life for us. So, what does resurrection mean for our daily life? How shall we confront injustice with a resurrection mentality?
To believe in resurrection means we trust in the providence of God. In our routine boring daily life, we believe in God’s providence and opt for the underprivileged around us. We love our neighbours as ourselves, serving Christ the King present in the sick and the weak.
To believe in resurrection means we trust that God’s justice shall prevail. Confronting injustice, we shall not stay away for safety’s sake. It is because Abraham once bargained with God to make Him spare Sodom if there were ten righteous people. Jesus has also promised us that when two or three of us gathered in his name, he shall be present among us. Therefore, with the hope of resurrection and a strong belief in God’s promise to rectify justice for the underprivileged, we stay with the oppressed. God would deliver them because of our presence, because of Jesus’ presence. God shall not allow us to perish because "he is not God of the dead, but of the living" (Luke 20:38).

Brothers and sister, bear in mind the mentality of resurrection to make the risen Christ present in us, present in the injustice of the society. God bless.

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