
Sunday 21 February 2016


How can we love our enemy (Matthew 5:44)?
Firstly of all, we must make no enemy. Then, we don't have enemies to love.
However, life is not perfect. We have enemies, no matter how well we behave or how good our intentions are. Therefore, let us make our enemy lovable before we can love him. But before we make our enemy lovable, we must understand our enemy first. What makes him our enemy?

In most cases, we are enemies because we are rivals. We compete for some resources in short supply, such as a promotion or even some food or water for survival. In such zero-sum games, it is difficult to share. If you give up a promotion, subordinates under you may suffer. If you give up the food or water, again people who depend on you will die. So, even if you are willing to concede or sacrifice, other people will suffer because you stop competing. In such circumstances, we try our best to figure out a win-win situation. If there is no way out, compete in an honourable and dignified way. Respect your rival. Pay your enemy due respect because they are worth competing with. You love him as your equal.

In other situations, we are the underdogs, the scapegoats. We have no way to fight back and our cause, even if truth is on our side, is doomed to failure and our battle a total loss. In such situations, our enemies are simply too strong for us. Then, be prepared to become martyrs and pray for your persecutors, your enemy. They are God's executioners sending us home. Love them by praying for them. After all, we are brothers and are made in the image of God who will take care of the preservation of truth and He doesn't need us to defend the truth anymore.

In still other situations, we are prevalent and our side is winning. Even though truth is on our side, we remember to respect our enemies. Show them kindness, hoping that they may change their hearts and see the truth. We do not convince them with logic. We convince them with kindness and mercy.

Heavenly Father, help us make more friends, not enemies. Amen.

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