
Sunday 28 February 2016

天主的慈悲有限期嗎? Does God's mercy have a due date?



Why Plants a Fig-tree in a Vineyard?

  Third Lenten Sunday (Year C)
Theme: Does God's mercy have a due date?

Let us clarify the context of the gospel reading today (Luke 13:1-9). The passage today is taken among Luke chapters 12 to 14. This section talks about the requirements for entering the Kingdom of God. On the negative side, we should not be greedy, should not worry about worldly things. These attitudes in life will block us from entering the Kingdom of God, from obtaining eternal life. On the positive side, we should be sincere and prudent, be alert and take the initiative to repent. The parable today teaches us to repent as soon as possible.
Before handling the importance of repentance, Luke deals with a wrong concept related to Karma. I believe many of you must have watched the 3-minute video on the social media. A Miss Kwan spoke out the grievances of many citizens during a special Legislative Council meeting about retirement protection. Within two days, the video received a hit rate of more than 300,000. Near the end of the tirade, Ms. Kwan said, "There is something in this world called Karma!" Obviously, the concept of Karma has deeply been carved into our psyche. Let us analyze and see if Jesus buys the idea of Karma.
Human nature is basically good and it is not good for man to be alone. He must live and grow in a group. When we live with other people, fairness is good and reasonable. Fairness seems to be inborn and it is not easy to explain. Still, most people believe that justice is good. However, in the real world, we see a lot of unfair things. From a religious point of view, God is good and God is just. He is the master of the whole universe and mankind. Why then does He allow evil people to enjoy a good life? The concept of Karma appears. In the end, God will award everybody his due. Put it in another way, sooner or later God will act. So on one hand, the concept of Karma solves the problem of apparent unfairness, but more importantly, the concept soothes people's grumblings.
All mankind share the same humanity. The concept of Karma transcends space and time. But 2000 years ago, the Jews turned the question around and asked, "People suffer disasters. Is it due to their sins?" Ancient Jews believed in God's justice in a simplistic way. God blessed good people with many children and wealth. He punished bad people with death without a proper burial or with chronic illnesses. Obviously, this logic is flawed. Assuming that the statement "If you commit a sin, sooner or later, you will be punished" is correct, conversely, "When someone suffers disasters, he must have committed a sin" is not logically correct. In the book of Job, one of Job's friends who came to console him committed this fallacy. If the logic is wrong, it implies that both good people and bad people will meet disasters. For example, in an air crash in which more than 200 people died, it is impossible for all passengers to be sinners who deserve such a violent death. But Jesus was not content with logical arguments. He took this opportunity to warn those self-righteous people who do not have a sense of crisis: "Do not think that those who suffer a violent death were worse sinners than other people and that they deserved to die a violent death. No, but unless you repent you will all likewise perish." Just as what St. Paul has taught, "all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God". So, when the Pharisees despised the tax-collectors, it is "the pot calling the kettle black". All of them fail to meet the target God sets for them and thus are sinners all the same. Therefore, despising others is committing yet one more sin of prejudice.
Now, we can do our reflection on the parable. The fig tree only absorbs nutrients and never bears any fruits. It does not achieve its target. It symbolizes sinners. Of course the owner of the vineyard represents the Father. He knows us through and through, what we can do and what we cannot do. He cultivates us like all kinds of vine and fig trees. He helps us develop, elevates our human nature so that we may enter the Kingdom of God to partake His divinity. If we do not meet His expectation, we have truly "used up the ground". The vinedresser represents Jesus Christ. He pledges the Father for us, not to punish us immediately, to continue giving us more opportunities to repent, "let it alone this year also". This is the mercy of God. The mercy of God is to forgive repentant people continually. That is why bad people can still enjoy a good life. However, God's mercy has a due date. After the "4th year", if a sinner persists in his evil and allows riches to numb his heart and refuses to repent: does not give alms to relieve the plights of the poor; does not fast to experience the hunger of the poor and to do penance for his sins; does not pray and turn to the Father. In the end, he will receive the just judgment of God, perhaps an immediate punishment, or at his death, or even at the end of the world. God decides the duration of this "4th year". In our eyes, there is Karma, God's vengeance.
In fact, God is both just and merciful. There is no contradiction between His justice and mercy. Chronologically, God's mercy precedes His justice but God transcends time. Therefore, His justice and mercy go hand in hand. We commit sins out of ignorance or weaknesses. Out of His justice, God tolerates us and gives us opportunity to repent, thus manifesting His mercy. When God metes out His justice, He is merciful at the same time. He punishes bad people to chastise them and remind them of repentance. Out of mercy, God gives them a little punishment to teach them a big lesson. Therefore, God's justice is merciful. But Jesus' parable reminds us that our life span is limited and thus, confines God's mercy. After death, a person can no long turn to God. This is reasonable and God is not impotent.
Brethren, in Lent, especially the Lent in this Jubilee of Mercy, we should, while God is still merciful, pray, fast and perform spiritual and as well as corporal works of mercy to transformed our numbed hearts, repent, do confession and receive plenary indulgence so as to return to the bosom of the Father.
God bless.

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