The Fifth Easter Sunday (Year C)
Theme: The Glory of God and our glory
Within the five verses of gospel we read today, "love" is not the most frequently heard. It appears four times only. "Glory" which appears five times is. Digitizing the bible with the help of Information Technology makes it easier to do biblical research. Let us take a look at a simple statistic of the counts of the word "glory" or its derivatives among the four canonical gospels. There are four in Mark, seven in Matthew, fifteen in Luke and forty-two in John. Numerically, the word "glory" appears most in John and "glory" is also one of the main topics of John. Nevertheless, John is a long book. The ratio of the word "glory" to the total number of verses in the gospel is only 4.8%, lower than the First Letter of Peter, which has 105 verses and 14 "glory", i.e. 13.33%. No matter what, "glory" is not a topic you may ignore.
First of all, "glory" is visible, is visual. For example, a crown full of jewellery. One might find many references to the "glory of God" in the Bible. Usually they are terrifying and awe-inspiring. For example, Moses asked God to show him His glory in Exodus 33. God answered that He would make all His goodness pass before Moses but he could not see His face because man could not see Him and live. (Exodus 33:20) So, while God's glory passed by, God put Moses in a cleft of the clock, covered him with His hand until He had passed by. Consequently, Moses could only see God's back. Strange indeed, God showed all His goodness, but why would man die seeing God's face?
John was a Jew. He had the same misunderstanding of the holiness of God. He lived with Jesus for three years. After Jesus' resurrection and ascension, John received the inspiration from the Holy Spirit. After reflecting on his experiences for decades, John came to a one-liner conclusion: "God is love". Out of love, God created the universe and human beings. Out of love, God did not abandon the rebellious humanity. On the contrary, He incarnated to become a man to redeem mankind. From this incarnated God, this Jesus Christ, we are able to see what used to be invisible, mortal to catch sight of. Now, not only do we not die seeing him, but we also attain eternal life. This is what we pray for and believe in the Jubilee Year of Mercy Prayer.
John saw glory not only in the miracles which Jesus had worked but he also saw God's glory more in his Passion and Resurrection. John came to a very simple conclusion: from the example demonstrated by Jesus Christ who is truly God and man, we understand that in order to attain glory, we must suffer first; in order to attain life, die first. Through faith in Jesus Christ, we will come back to life on the Judgment Day to partake in God's eternal life and share His glory. Christians believe that the gloried resurrected body is similar to that of Jesus Christ's, i.e. the radiant risen body he showed during Transfiguration.
We were created in the image of God. Therefore, we possess God's freedom, God's creativity and God's mercy. Today, when we lead our life mercifully like the Father, make good use of the freedom given by God to choose freely either to forgive and reconcile, or to choose in an opposite way to bear grudges in our hearts; to choose to relieve the plights of our needy brethren, or to choose to be complacent, convenient and numbed; to choose to bear witness to Christ's truth, or to choose to sow discord, to spread rumours and to flatter; to choose not to be afraid of the present difficulties, to firmly trust in God's promises, or to choose to change course, to forsake the trust in God ...
No matter what, from then on, all the prophets who came into contact with God had to cover their own heads lest they died seeing God's face accidentally. For example, 1 Kings 19 talks about how God appeared to Elijah in Horeb. His apparition was full of pomp and ceremony. Before God appeared, there were gusts, earthquakes and big fires. At last, God appeared in a still small voice. Elijah immediately wrapped his face and emerged from his cave to meet God. Let us take a look at one more famous example, the call of Isaiah. In a vision, Isaiah saw the Lord sitting on a "high and lifted up" throne. "High and lifted up" means it reached beyond one's gaze. On both sides of the throne were seraphim, each had six wings, two of which covered his face. In other words, even angels dare not to look at God's face. The court was filled with smoke. The first reaction of Isaiah was, "Woe is me! For I am lost ... for my eyes have seen the King, the Lord of hosts!" (Isaiah 6:5)
Conclusion: For the Israelites and the Jews, God is holy and not approachable. Man could only see His glory indirectly. Whoever saw God's face would die. This "theophobia", thanks Jesus Christ, he cures us. The disciples of Jesus Christ were good witnesses.
All right, this is a matter after resurrection. What about now? Is there any relation between our present life and the resurrection in the future? Jesus once said in the gospel of John, "those who have done good, to the resurrection of life, and those who have done evil, to the resurrection of judgment." (John 5:29) Therefore, everybody, including both good and evil people, will come back to life. What they have done in life determines where they will go after resurrection.
When we make these daily choices, we determine how much radiance and glory we enjoy or how much judgment after resurrection. John the Apostle wrote in his gospel, "For God sent the Son into the world, not to condemn the world, but that the world might be saved through him. He who believes in him is not condemned; he who does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only son of God." (John 3:17-18)
God bless.