Feast of Corpus Christi (Year C)
Theme: Universal Retirement Protection Scheme
The Church celebrates the Feast of Corpus Christi today. Gospel readings of all three cycles talk about the miracle of five loaves and two fish. I would like to draw your attention to the sequence of Jesus' actions. First of all, he spoke to them about the Kingdom God, and cured those who had need of healing (Luke 9:11). Only after that did he perform the miracle. It was very clear that Jesus gave the relation between the Father and humanity the first priority. He told them the gospel of reconciliation, mended the shortcomings of sinners to help them reconcile with the Father. Only then did he give the people their daily bread. Similarly, in masses, we begin with the rite of penitence, then listen to the Word of God and after that, we celebrate the Eucharistic sacrifice, share the Holy Communion, the angelic food from heavens. This food is more precious than the manna in the Old Testament and the five loaves and two fish in the miracle because it is the body and blood of Jesus Christ. This sacrament is the sign of an unreserved love. His death on the cross to repay our debts was indeed a great love for humanity. But isn't his real presence in the sacrament, making himself the food of the faithful an even greater and more miraculous expression of his love? Inside the tabernacle, before which, how much does Jesus desire for somebody praying and to engage in a dialogue with that person, how much more does he want somebody to receive him, and after mass, brings him out to the world to bless it, to heal it?
This world has been contaminated by sins. Jesus' death and resurrection guarantee us the final victory over sins. But this struggle requires Christians of all generations to stand firm in their daily stations on the stance of Christ; or to form a united front to fight against the fallacies of the secular world. When we were baptized, we shared the threefold ministry of Jesus Christ: kingship, prophethood and priesthood. At this moment, we are praying and celebrating mass in the Church. We are discharging our priestly obligations. After mass when we go out, we defend Jesus' teachings in the society and refute secular fallacies, we are discharging our kingly and prophetic obligations. We can never hide ourselves inside the sanctuary of the Church to perform our priestly duties only. Secular politics would knock at our doors to give us troubles or to harm our beloved ones. Therefore, we cannot but to discharge our kingly duties to extend the Kingdom of Heaven and to perform God's will; our prophetic duties to speak God's words and teach the ignorant.
Hong Kong is facing the problem of a rapidly aging population. This problem does not appear overnight. It is the result of persistent procrastination on the part of the government for decades. In the sixties of the last century, scholars submitted proposals of "Centralized Provident Fund" to the government to no avail. A quarter of a century ago, Fr. Dominic Chan weighed in with the voice of the Church to perform her prophetic duty. At that time, the government was more concerned about the Handover in 1997 and less enthusiastic about a comprehensive retirement protection scheme. After the establishment of the HKSAR, the government implemented a privately run "Mandatory Provident Fund" scheme in December 2000, a scheme which was too late and too little but better than nothing. Moreover, employers offset the effectiveness of MPF with Long Service Payments/Severance, thus reducing its capacity to protect retirement.
Today, Hong Kong is saturated with a selfish atmosphere. Those who want to retain the state quo spread fallacies to protect their self-interests. Utilitarianism is the mainstream philosophy. People only look at utility and ignore justice and moral. Morality becomes dispensable when it comes to the protection of self-interests.
Naturally, you will ask whether it is fair not to ask applicants to pass the means test. Giving this Senior Allowance due rich old men to poor old men will benefit more poor old men. This utilitarian approach is a blatant Judas mentality (John 12:4-6)! Why then does the Church support a scheme which does not sieve away the rich old men who do not need Senior Allowance?
From a macro level, let's take a look at the Macau case. We opine that the Macau economy is unhealthy because most of the capital is invested in gambling so much so that other services do not get resources they deserve. The investment model in Hong Kong is no better. Much of the capital is invested and frozen in stock and property speculations whose return is fast. It is unhealthy because the value added is an illusion of speculation rather than an actual increase in value. On the other hand, those areas where returns are small and slow such as medicine, education, sports, arts and religions which aim at improving the quality of life, receive deprived attention which mainly comes from the government and religious charities. The resources and capacity are limited. Therefore, it is appropriate for the government to take the lead and encourage the corporations to participate in a universal retirement protection scheme to handle the problems of a rapidly aging population. Capital from government surplus and corporation is injected into the market to develop services for the aging and increase employment. Where there is business, there is income. Employers and employees may continue to contribute. The whole investment is able to sustain and develop in a healthy direction.
Brethren, although the Catholic Diocese of Hong Kong fully supports a universal retirement protection scheme, you are free to disagree with the stance or its details. But burying your head in the sand is no longer an option. Pay more attention and know more about the issue. Several diocesan commissions and bureaux work with other people of good will in the society to collect signatures and plan to publish a declaration in a newspaper to urge the government to implement universal retirement protection in June. We are discharging our prophetic obligations. Please sign up after mass.
On the other hand, the Social Welfare Department offers some allowances for senior citizens. An Old Age Allowance of $1235 is given to citizens aging 70 or above; or aging 65 to 69 who pass the means test. An Old Age Living Allowance of $2390 is given to citizens aging 65 or above who pass the means test. The last one is Comprehensive Social Security Allowance for needy elderly. People can only get one of these three. Thus senior citizens living in Hong Kong have to rely on their own savings, retirement gratuity, MPF, their children and the SWD allowance to live out their remaining days. Can they feel secured? Can they lead a decently dignified life?
The Catholic Church follows the teachings of the Bible and advocates a universal retirement protection scheme without means test. Let's call this $3600 per month "Senior Allowance" which is contributed by the Government, corporations, employers and employees. The merit of this scheme is that, unlike MPF which takes three to four decades to be effective, it can be immediately effective and is sustainable.
First of all, means test increases the costs of implementation. The money saved is offset by administrative costs. We spend more than we save.
Secondly, means test is an obstacle for those who are truly in need to come forth and seek help. The example of CSSA is a crystal clear. Many needy people prefer hard-earning a living and eating less to being labelled by CSSA. While there are some who are keen on gaining petty advantages, there are far more people who have backbone.
Lastly, unlike financial investments, government expenditures on housing, education, medicine and social welfare etc. will flow back into the Hong Kong economy. For example, the salaries of construction workers, teachers, doctors and allowances for senior citizens and physically disabled will be spent in local consumptions such as clothing, food, rent and transportation. Whether you are rich or poor, so long as you spend in Hong Kong, the social welfare expenditures of the government will circulate in the Hong Kong economy. Therefore, sieving away the rich will result in less capital injecting into the market. There is nothing to do with justice.
God bless.