
Sunday, 29 May 2016

全民退休保障計劃 Universal Retirement Protection Scheme









Feast of Corpus Christi (Year C)
Theme: Universal Retirement Protection Scheme

The Church celebrates the Feast of Corpus Christi today. Gospel readings of all three cycles talk about the miracle of five loaves and two fish. I would like to draw your attention to the sequence of Jesus' actions. First of all, he spoke to them about the Kingdom God, and cured those who had need of healing (Luke 9:11). Only after that did he perform the miracle. It was very clear that Jesus gave the relation between the Father and humanity the first priority. He told them the gospel of reconciliation, mended the shortcomings of sinners to help them reconcile with the Father. Only then did he give the people their daily bread. Similarly, in masses, we begin with the rite of penitence, then listen to the Word of God and after that, we celebrate the Eucharistic sacrifice, share the Holy Communion, the angelic food from heavens. This food is more precious than the manna in the Old Testament and the five loaves and two fish in the miracle because it is the body and blood of Jesus Christ. This sacrament is the sign of an unreserved love. His death on the cross to repay our debts was indeed a great love for humanity. But isn't his real presence in the sacrament, making himself the food of the faithful an even greater and more miraculous expression of his love? Inside the tabernacle, before which, how much does Jesus desire for somebody praying and to engage in a dialogue with that person, how much more does he want somebody to receive him, and after mass, brings him out to the world to bless it, to heal it?

This world has been contaminated by sins. Jesus' death and resurrection guarantee us the final victory over sins. But this struggle requires Christians of all generations to stand firm in their daily stations on the stance of Christ; or to form a united front to fight against the fallacies of the secular world. When we were baptized, we shared the threefold ministry of Jesus Christ: kingship, prophethood and priesthood. At this moment, we are praying and celebrating mass in the Church. We are discharging our priestly obligations. After mass when we go out, we defend Jesus' teachings in the society and refute secular fallacies, we are discharging our kingly and prophetic obligations. We can never hide ourselves inside the sanctuary of the Church to perform our priestly duties only. Secular politics would knock at our doors to give us troubles or to harm our beloved ones. Therefore, we cannot but to discharge our kingly duties to extend the Kingdom of Heaven and to perform God's will; our prophetic duties to speak God's words and teach the ignorant.

Hong Kong is facing the problem of a rapidly aging population. This problem does not appear overnight. It is the result of persistent procrastination on the part of the government for decades. In the sixties of the last century, scholars submitted proposals of "Centralized Provident Fund" to the government to no avail. A quarter of a century ago, Fr. Dominic Chan weighed in with the voice of the Church to perform her prophetic duty. At that time, the government was more concerned about the Handover in 1997 and less enthusiastic about a comprehensive retirement protection scheme. After the establishment of the HKSAR, the government implemented a privately run "Mandatory Provident Fund" scheme in December 2000, a scheme which was too late and too little but better than nothing. Moreover, employers offset the effectiveness of MPF with Long Service Payments/Severance, thus reducing its capacity to protect retirement.
On the other hand, the Social Welfare Department offers some allowances for senior citizens. An Old Age Allowance of $1235 is given to citizens aging 70 or above; or aging 65 to 69 who pass the means test. An Old Age Living Allowance of $2390 is given to citizens aging 65 or above who pass the means test. The last one is Comprehensive Social Security Allowance for needy elderly. People can only get one of these three. Thus senior citizens living in Hong Kong have to rely on their own savings, retirement gratuity, MPF, their children and the SWD allowance to live out their remaining days. Can they feel secured? Can they lead a decently dignified life?

Today, Hong Kong is saturated with a selfish atmosphere. Those who want to retain the state quo spread fallacies to protect their self-interests. Utilitarianism is the mainstream philosophy. People only look at utility and ignore justice and moral. Morality becomes dispensable when it comes to the protection of self-interests.
The Catholic Church follows the teachings of the Bible and advocates a universal retirement protection scheme without means test. Let's call this $3600 per month "Senior Allowance" which is contributed by the Government, corporations, employers and employees. The merit of this scheme is that, unlike MPF which takes three to four decades to be effective, it can be immediately effective and is sustainable.

Naturally, you will ask whether it is fair not to ask applicants to pass the means test. Giving this Senior Allowance due rich old men to poor old men will benefit more poor old men. This utilitarian approach is a blatant Judas mentality (John 12:4-6)! Why then does the Church support a scheme which does not sieve away the rich old men who do not need Senior Allowance?
First of all, means test increases the costs of implementation. The money saved is offset by administrative costs. We spend more than we save.
Secondly, means test is an obstacle for those who are truly in need to come forth and seek help. The example of CSSA is a crystal clear. Many needy people prefer hard-earning a living and eating less to being labelled by CSSA. While there are some who are keen on gaining petty advantages, there are far more people who have backbone.
Lastly, unlike financial investments, government expenditures on housing, education, medicine and social welfare etc. will flow back into the Hong Kong economy. For example, the salaries of construction workers, teachers, doctors and allowances for senior citizens and physically disabled will be spent in local consumptions such as clothing, food, rent and transportation. Whether you are rich or poor, so long as you spend in Hong Kong, the social welfare expenditures of the government will circulate in the Hong Kong economy. Therefore, sieving away the rich will result in less capital injecting into the market. There is nothing to do with justice.

From a macro level, let's take a look at the Macau case. We opine that the Macau economy is unhealthy because most of the capital is invested in gambling so much so that other services do not get resources they deserve. The investment model in Hong Kong is no better. Much of the capital is invested and frozen in stock and property speculations whose return is fast. It is unhealthy because the value added is an illusion of speculation rather than an actual increase in value. On the other hand, those areas where returns are small and slow such as medicine, education, sports, arts and religions which aim at improving the quality of life, receive deprived attention which mainly comes from the government and religious charities. The resources and capacity are limited. Therefore, it is appropriate for the government to take the lead and encourage the corporations to participate in a universal retirement protection scheme to handle the problems of a rapidly aging population. Capital from government surplus and corporation is injected into the market to develop services for the aging and increase employment. Where there is business, there is income. Employers and employees may continue to contribute. The whole investment is able to sustain and develop in a healthy direction.

Brethren, although the Catholic Diocese of Hong Kong fully supports a universal retirement protection scheme, you are free to disagree with the stance or its details. But burying your head in the sand is no longer an option. Pay more attention and know more about the issue. Several diocesan commissions and bureaux work with other people of good will in the society to collect signatures and plan to publish a declaration in a newspaper to urge the government to implement universal retirement protection in June. We are discharging our prophetic obligations. Please sign up after mass.
God bless.

Sunday, 22 May 2016

天主聖三的奧秘 The Mystery of the Blessed Trinity


我中學時代住在公共屋邨,中四纔領洗入教。當年還是念【要理問答】的年代,由校長親自教授。洗禮後不足一年,還有一點兒心火。有一天,一個自稱是基督教的人拍門,推銷聖經刋物。言談間,他開始引用【迦拉達書】有關保祿當眾斥責伯多祿的例子,質疑天主教有關「教宗不能錯」的當信道理;後來更質疑「三位一體」奧跡。怎可能「1 + 1 + 1 = 1」?

其次,雖然他引用聖經,但並不表示他是正統的基督徒。我們每個主日在彌撒中所唸的「信經」,是公元325年,基督徒在羅馬帝國獲得宗教自由後,從地下教會變成官方認可的教會後,主教們處理各種信仰上的爭議時,所達到的共識。這是所有基督徒作為基督徒的最基本的信條,不接受這些信條就不算是基督徒。基督徒的信條包括天主是唯一的,並且是三位一體的。教會是由宗徒傳下來的,洗禮是不可缺少的。所以,雖然拿著聖經,但不接受天主是三位一體的,不算是基督徒。雖然拿著聖經,但不能追溯回到十二宗徒的,不配稱為教會。問題是,怎樣合理地解釋「三位一體」的奧跡,怎樣說明「1 + 1 + 1 = 1」呢?


到了現代,科學和知識上的進步,其實已把部份的困難解決了。「1 + 1 + 1 = 1」的答案,其實十分簡單。因為天主是無限的。無限加任何東西,結果都是無限。所以無限的聖父,加無限的聖子,再加無限的聖神,結果當然是一個無限的天主喇!這樣就証明「1 + 1 + 1 = 1」了。後來,因為興趣,讀一些數學和科學的普及書藉,發現在數學中和科學中,一樣可以找到天主。例如,若望福音有一些很難理解的章節,用數學中的無限概念,就能迎刃而解了。耶穌說:「我與父原是一體。」(10:30),卻又說:「父比我大。」(14:28)這兩段看似矛盾的經文,如何調和呢?有興趣的話,彌撒後用數學解釋給大家聽。


大家不妨想像祗有兩度空間的「平面國」會是怎樣的呢?在那生活的人並不會感到不方便,世界原本就是這樣的。不過有一天,一個來自三維空間的物體,一個球體,經過「平面國」。那裡的人見到甚麼呢?請注意,三維空間的物體祗能經過,卻不能存在「平面國」,因為「平面國」沒有足夠的維度承接它。讓我們回到「平面國」的群眾,他們首先見到一點,這個點膨脹成為一個圓形,一個在「平面國」裡大家熟悉的人物。不過這圓形繼續膨脹,之後收縮回一點,最後消失了。這個概念大家一定不會陌生,在醫院做磁力共振也是為了獲得器官的橫切面影像。現在,讓我們想像一個通心的doughnut 垂直經過「平面國」,那裡的國民會見到甚麼呢?有一段時間,他們見到一個漸大的橢圓形,分身為兩個小橢圓形,然後又聚合回一個大橢圓形。有多少個doughnut呢?一個。但「平面國」的人民見到的是兩個橢圓形,因為他們的世界裡,容納不了球體,容納不了doughnut


Trinity Sunday (Year C)
Theme: The Mystery of the Blessed Trinity

I lived in a public housing estate during my secondary school years. I was baptized in S4. It was the era of Baltimore Catechism taught by the Principal. One year after baptism, there was still a flicker of religious passion in my heart. One day, somebody who claimed to be a Christian knocked at the door to sell biblical magazines. Soon after we entered into a friendly conversation, he began to quote the incident in the Letter to the Galatians in which Paul publicly rebuked Peter to challenge the dogma of "Papal infallibility". Later, he even questioned the mystery of the Blessed Trinity. How could "1+1+1=1"?

First of all, I was humbled by his fluency in quoting the Bible. At that time, I simply had no defence. But I am grateful because it was he who stimulated me to study the Bible seriously, to know more about my faith as a Catholic. I could no longer be complacent with reciting set prayers and receiving sacraments. I wanted to build up a deep relationship with God.
Secondly, even though he quoted the Bible, it didn't mean he was an orthodox Christian. The Creed we recite on Sunday was laid down in 325 A.D. when Christianity was officially sanctioned by the Roman Empire. Bishops gathered to sort out dogmatic controversies and came to this consensus, the Nicaean Creed. This is a collection of the articles of Christian faith. Whoever embrace them are Christians. Otherwise, they are not. These articles include: God is one. God is trinite. The Church is handed down by the Apostles and Baptism is indispensable etc. Therefore, although you quote the Bible, if you don't believe that God is three-in-one, you are not a Christian. Although you wave the Bible, if your community cannot be traced all the way back to the Apostles, your community is not a Christian Church. The problem then is how can we explain the Mystery of Trinity reasonably? How do we explain "1+1+1=1"?

The Blessed Trinity is the essence of Godhead. How are human languages able to describe it adequately? Therefore, after the ancient theologians had exhausted their philosophical languages, they could only use images and analogies to help people understand. For example, shamrock; a triangle formed by 3 semi-circular arcs; candle + light + heat; and the famous analogies of St. Augustine (lover + loved object + the love itself; my existence + the consciousness of my existence + the love of my existence etc.) After all, these philosophical arguments and images were contemporary products. They were able to meet the needs of the contemporaries but not the needs of future generations. In fact, with the advance of time, each generation has to find a language most acceptable to the contemporaries. Note: The Church cannot modify the truth to suit the crowd. Rather, she should find the most appropriate language to describe the truth.

With the advance of science and other fields of knowledge, part of the problem has been solved. The answer to "1+1+1=1" is actually very simple because God is infinite. Anything added to infinity will result in infinity. Therefore, the infinite Father, plus the infinite Son and plus the infinite Holy Spirit will result in one infinite God. Q.E.D.
Out of interest, I continue reading science and mathematics popularizers and find that God can be discovered in them. For example, there are some difficult passages in the gospel of John which can be handled with the concept of infinity. Jesus said, "I and the Father are one." (John 10:30) but then he said, "the Father is greater than I." (14:28) These two passages sound contradictory. How can we harmonize them? If you are interested, see me after Mass and I will explain them in Mathematics.

We live in a three dimensional world. Life along a line, e.g. a tunnel, has only the space along one direction. It is an example of a one dimensional world. An ant crawling in the space between my desktop and the glass covering the desktop is an example of a two dimensional world. After the invention of airplanes, wars have become a 3-D game. Time is usually referred to as the fourth dimension in which we have no freedom. We are forced to move in one direction only. God enjoys freedom in this dimension. For example, Moses and Elijah lived in about 1300 B.C. and 800 B.C. respectively. But during Transfiguration, both of them appeared beside Jesus at the same time. That is to say, after their departure from this world, they became free in the time dimension. Indirectly speaking, God is free in the time dimension. He is not confined by time. Perhaps this is "eternity".

In 1884, a schoolmaster wrote the novel "Flatland: a Romance of Many Dimensions". Superficially, it taught his students the concept of dimensions. In reality, the book criticized the closeness of the English society and its prejudice against women. The novel failed to satisfactorily criticize the society but it was successful as a mathematics popularizer.

Let us imagine what life would be like in Flatland? Her civilians would not feel inconvenient because life had always been like that. But one day, a 3-D object, say a sphere, passed through Flatland. What would the inhabitants of Flatland see? Note: the 3-D object could only pass through but not stay in Flatland because there were not enough dimensions in Flatland to accommodate it. Let us return to the citizens of Flatland. Firstly, they saw a dot which expanded in a circle, a familiar figure in Flatland. But this circle continued to expand and then shrink back into a dot and vanished. You will not find it unfamiliar because this is what we do in MRI. Now, let us imagine what happened when a doughnut passed through Flatland vertically. What would the inhabitants see? For a while, they would see an expanding ellipse which splits into two smaller ellipses and then back into a shrinking ellipse and vanished. How many doughnuts are there? One. But the inhabitants of Flatland would see two ellipses. It is because their world cannot contain spheres nor doughnuts.

Now, do you see how I explain Trinity? Human beings live in a "3-D Land" which cannot accommodate God who lives in higher dimensions. When God passes through our world, we experience Him as one and as trinite. Physicists tell us that other than the four dimensional space-time we are familiar with, there are in total eleven dimensions. Humanity has freedom in only three dimensions and the remaining eight, which we have difficulty in imagining, not to mention enjoying freedom, does not move freely. I just want to tell you that science and mathematics do not contradict religion. They help us see God's wonders. But science is not almighty. Science cannot explain questions such as why God shows mercy towards men and why God is willing to die for men etc. These are religious questions. Do you believe the one trinite God loves you? Do you believe that out of love, God created the universe for you? Do you believe that the Son died for you and came back to life for you? Do you believe in the Holy Spirit and are willing to cooperate with Him, to make room for God in your heart? How do you want to repay God who loves you so much? These cannot be answered by science. These can only be answered by our everyday life.
God bless.

Sunday, 15 May 2016

認識聖神 To know the Holy Spirit








The Descent of the Holy Spirit (Year C)
Theme: To know the Holy Spirit

In the Old Testament, the Feast of Passover remembered how God delivered the Israelites from the bondage of Egyptians. God declared a final plague of killing the first-borns. Those who listened to Moses killed a lamb, smeared its blood on the door posts and lintel of the house. That night, when God saw the blood, He would pass over and spare the house. That explains the name "Passover" (Exodus 12:13). Jesus chose to die on this big Jewish feast of Passover to teach that he is the true Paschal lamb. He sacrificed himself to protect believers with his own blood and to liberate them from the bondage of sin.
Forty days after resurrection, Jesus returned to the dwelling place of the heavenly Father, bringing along with him his humanity. This indicates that on the Last Day, all men, both the righteous and sinners, would come back to life, ascend into heaven to receive the judgment of the Father. This is our Catholic faith on the Last Day.
Fifty days after resurrection, it was the Jewish feast of Pentecost, another big feast. God likes to reveal His glory on big Jewish feasts because every Jewish adult had to visit Jerusalem in one of the three big feasts: Passover, Pentecost and Tabernacles. According to the Acts of the Apostles, the Holy Spirit descended on the 120 believers on Pentecost. They began to speak in different languages of the world. The pilgrims were amazed to hear them proclaim the passion and resurrection of Jesus in their mother tongues. On that day, three thousand people believed in the testimony of the disciples and received baptism. This Pentecost could be called the birthday of the Church. We rename it to "the Descent of the Holy Spirit".

Most of us know the Father and the Son of the Blessed Trinity better but as for the Holy Spirit, our knowledge is shaky. Probably the Father and the Son have a clear image and are easier to imagine. But the Holy Spirit is difficult to catch like the wind described in the gospel of John. We can see the signs left behind by the wind but we cannot see the wind itself. Similarly, we are able to see the fruits of the work of the Holy Spirit, but we cannot see the Holy Spirit itself. So, let us revise what fingerprints the Holy Spirit has left behind in the New Testament so as to deepen our knowledge and trust in Him.

First of all, the Holy Spirit came upon the BVM to make her pregnant with Jesus, the Son of God. The archangel Gabriel explained in this way, "The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you; therefore the child to be born will be called holy, the Son of God." (Luke 1:35) From the words of the angel, we may understand the Holy Spirit to be "the power of the Most High". He is the power of God, a kind of almighty energy. If the Almighty God wishes, what can stop it? Take a look at the many examples in the Old Testament and Elizabeth, the wife of Zachariah in the New Testament. All of them were beyond menopause, and yet got pregnant. God's power could even make barren women pregnant. What would be so impossible for God to retain Mary's virginity as a mother? Today during mass, we invoke the Holy Spirit to descend on the bread and wine on the altar to turn them into the body and blood of Jesus. Therefore, our belief in the real presence of Jesus Christ in the Sacrament of Eucharist, and our belief in the virgin birth of Jesus Christ are based on the power of the Holy Spirit. The belief is the same. Therefore, we cannot enjoy the spiritual benefit of the Eucharist while at the same time deny the status of the BVM as the Mother of God, and the dignity she deserves. This is contradictory and is a denial of the Holy Spirit in the Blessed Trinity.

Secondly, according to the gospel of John, during the Last Supper, Jesus told his disciples that after he left the world, he would pray the Father to send another Counsellor to be with them forever (John 14:16). The Counsellor is the "Spirit of Truth" who would teach them all things and bright to their remembrance all that Jesus had taught them (14:26). The Counsellor would bear witness to Jesus (15:26). But the Holy Spirit prefers bearing witness through the disciples to doing it Himself. He enabled the disciples to speak in different languages; made the illiterate Peter to proclaim and defend the resurrection of Jesus eloquently in different occasions; gave power to disciples to exorcise, to cure, to raise the dead and to work miracles. In his letter, Paul wrote about the different graces the Holy Spirit gave to different people, "to another faith by the same Spirit, to another gifts of healing by the one Spirit, to another the working of miracles, to another prophecy, to another the ability to distinguish between spirits, to another various kinds of tongues, to another the interpretation of tongues." (1 Corinthians 12:9-10) Paul taught that though the graces were different, there was only one purpose, to build up the Church community to which Paul applied the metaphor of the Mystical Body of Christ. See, we come back to Jesus' Sacrament of Eucharist again.

Lastly, the Holy Spirit is not only the "Spirit of Truth", but is also the "Spirit of Charity". Even if the disciples intellectually remember Jesus' teaching that they should love one another, they might not put it into practice. Thus, the Holy Spirit inflamed the charity in the hearts of the believers of the Jerusalem Church. They sold their property, laid all the money before the feet of the Apostles for them to distribute among the needy. It was the Holy Spirit who torched the love of Jesus among the saints and martyrs of every generation. This love chased away the fear in their hearts. They embraced the tortures and obtained the glorious crown. It is the Holy Spirit who inflamed the desire of the missionaries to save souls and responded generously to God's vocation. It was the Holy Spirit who drove them across the seas to spend their whole life for the salvation of the far away peoples. All of these countless incidents of charity come from the love ignited by the Holy Spirit.

In conclusion, from the Bible, we obtain an impression of the Holy Spirit as the power of God. He is the Spirit of Truth who helps us understand Jesus' teachings. Lastly, the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Charity who ignites our love towards God and towards our fellow neighbour, to live out our faith.
Prayer is the lifeline of the spiritual life of Christians. A Christian who does not pray withers very quickly. Paul reminds us in the letter to the Romans that when we do not know how to pray, "the Holy Spirit himself intercedes for us with sighs too deep for words." (Romans 8:26) Therefore, let us know more about the Holy Spirit and invoke Him to fill up our hearts, to drive us to take the first step to proclaim Jesus boldly, to come close to brethren in need and in them, experience the presence of God, the mercy of the Father.
God bless.

Sunday, 8 May 2016

天上家鄉,福傳的訊息 Evangelization message, "The Above is Our True Home"








  Ascension (Year C)
Theme: Evangelization message, "The Above is Our True Home"

Modern people receive science education. They know more about the universe and they demand scientific explanations for everything. Thus, they are always sceptical about stories told in ancient books, including the Bible. This superstition on science forgets the limitations of science itself.
When I was young, I loved reading a science populariser called "100,000 Why's" which was translated from Soviet Union in 1934. It has undergone many updates. The authors use simple languages to explain natural phenomena. The series have contributed to the bringing up of scientific reasoning of the population. However, the title of the series is rather misleading. First of all, you will not find answers to one hundred thousand questions in the series. There were about 900 questions in the first edition. In the 18 volumes of the 6th edition published in 2013, there are some 3000 questions, not even ten thousands. Thus, how can it be called "100,000 Why's"? Secondly, in the earlier editions, the series provided standard model answers to the questions. However, with the advances of science, what used to be correct was proved to be wrong nowadays. Therefore, the tone of the languages becomes less certain and more open. Thirdly, science can indeed explain how things work, and by applying scientific theories, science can predict the course of events. For example, science is able to explain how the sun and the moon move. Science can even predict when solar/lunar eclipses will happen. Or after discovering a headless, limbless corpse floating in the harbour, we may make use of forensic sciences to prove who has done it. However, science cannot explain the purposes, the why's. Science cannot explain why the sun and the moon exist; the court cannot prove beyond doubts the motive of a murderer. The court needs confession from the suspect. Science can explain the how's, but not the why's. Therefore, the book had better be called "100,000 how's"!

On the other hand, people complain that Genesis is unscientific. It is superstitious. They don't know that Genesis is actually singing praises to God because with His might, God gave the command, heavens and earth and all the things within were created. Genesis does not tell us what materials God used, what blueprints and procedures He followed to create heavens and earth. Genesis leaves all these details for scientists to fill up.

I have no intention to blame "100,000 Why's" or science. I am trying to say that religion and science serve different social purposes. They should not overstep to stir up unnecessary arguments. If God allows chimpanzees to evolve into human beings, can be deduce that human beings do not possess the dignity of God, that human beings are not images of God? Be careful, scientific mentality can somehow hinder our knowing of God. For example, we celebrate the Ascension of the Lord today. What does "the heaven" mean?

For those who were brought up in science education, "heaven" means the space beyond the atmosphere. The space near us is occupied by the solar system. The sun is only an ordinary star in the outskirt of the Milky Way and the Milky Way is only one of the billions of galaxies … In whichever direction we observe, we are able to detect a background radiation which is what remains of the Big Bang. Scientists believe that this is the edge of the universe which is expanding at the speed of light. Thus, to where did Jesus ascend? Just as what is written in the gospel of John, at the Last Supper, Philip asked Jesus where he was going. Jesus should have left us some clues of his whereabouts in the universe. Suppose Jesus travelled at the speed of light during his ascension. At this moment, he would only be two thousand light-years away. Comparing to the magnitude of a radius of 13.8 billion light years, Jesus' distance is insignificant. We might even be able to observe this distance with an ordinary astronomical telescope. There are many pious Christians among scientists but none has discovered the whereabouts of Jesus in the universe, because they would be looking into the wrong places.
Two thousand years ago or even earlier, "heavens" did not mean the outer space, but the dwelling place of God and the angels. So, Jesus might not have ascended to a certain point in the universe. Rather, his ascension means he returns to the dwelling place of God. To redeem humanity, the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity took up flesh to become Jesus Christ. After accomplishing his mission, he returned to heaven. Out of love, he descended from heaven. Now he ascended and returned to heaven. This is our faith, our religion which science cannot explain satisfactorily. It is because we proclaim God's love towards humanity. We explain why Jesus died for us. Science can only explain how crucifixion kills but cannot explain why the Son of God died on the cross for us. Furthermore, science can explain the physical phenomena within the radius of 13.8 billion light-years but cannot explain why Jesus carried with him humanity during his ascension. What does it mean?

Let me speculate what it means for Jesus to ascend with human nature. In the beginning, God created men and put them on earth. Men were created in the image of God with the dust of the earth. God saw that in the end, humanity will not be confined to earth. One day, they will soar high. Therefore, God intended to raise their level, allow them to shed their earthly nature and bring them to heavens. That is to say, even if Adam had not disobeyed God, the Second Person would have incarnated the same to bring humanity to heavens. But out of jealousy, Satan tempted humanity to rebel against God and to pitch humanity against God, thus increasing the cost, which God bears, of bringing humanity to heavens. Indeed, Satan has been quite successful. Many people are too busy to read the scriptures and to pray. Some desire riches, authority and fame. They think that earth is our final destiny. Thus, they work hard to hoard riches and authority. Therefore, when Jesus ascended in human flesh, he tried to remind us that the above is our true home.

However, unlike science fiction movies, we are not leaving behind a doomed planet. This mentality is wrong. If human hearts remain unchanged, men will only carry sins to contaminate and destroy our next station, Mars, and the next station and the next. Therefore, we need to evangelize, to become an ambassador of mercy to help fellow men reconcile with the Father, to obtain His mercy and receive the forgiveness of sins. This is the theme of the gospel we read today. We lead a life of mercy and solve the global problems of hunger and poverty. We make "the elderly have a good end, the strong find themselves useful, the young grow and the widowers, widows, orphans, lonely seniors, crippled and sick find support". We conserve the Mother Nature. Then, we don't have to migrate to Mars.
God bless.

Sunday, 1 May 2016

耶穌基督的平安 The Peace of Jesus Christ












Sixth Easter Sunday (Year C)
Theme: The Peace of Jesus Christ

Today, let us meditate on the peace of Jesus Christ. We are ordinary people, secular people. We need to deal with all sorts of chores every day. As the idiom goes, "Even if you have no long term uncertainties, there must be short term concerns". That is to say, worries are inevitable in life. Students have students' share of worries: e.g. acnes, exams, course registration and peers etc. Office workers have their share of worries: quotas, mortgage and office politics etc. Whether it be trivial daily necessities or crucial decisions such as careers or mates, we cannot always rely on others and let mummy decide them all for us. Life is full of worries. How do we attain inner peace? Some decide to work hard to earn enough money and save a portion, so called "save for a rainy day" or "stockpile grains to avoid famine". Unfortunately, polarization of incomes is serious in real world. Nine tenths of the global wealth is controlled by a handful of individuals while you and me have to work really hard to make ends meet from the remaining one tenth, perhaps unable to catch up with inflation. Therefore, gaining inner peace by making and saving money probably will exhaust you physically as well as mentally, resulting in the very opposite state.

For those few people who have successfully controlled the nine tenths of global wealth, can they attain a peace of mind? Categorically negative. It is because money adds up to their worries. They have to worry about how to protect their wealth from their rivals. Besides necessary spendings, how can they keep their hard earned wealth forever and to hand it down to their offspring? Under the present social system, there is only one solution: to make use of their wealth to build up personal networks, to buy a bunch of politicians and even to play politics themselves. They need to consolidate their position, to create a system favourable for them to make money. At last, they may even have to oust dissidents, to eliminate their rivals completely and become totalitarian. Living in such a dog eat dog environment, how can you attain inner peace?

On the other hand, many of those helpless crowds who are at the mercy of the powerful can only resort to religion. They pray to deities for good fortune and security. Such a situation will breed many false messiahs, boasting and mystifying their abilities to avert misfortunes and raising the dead. Their aim is to make the crowds offer them gold willingly or even to satisfy their lust.

Of course, some people will lead a moral life to gain inner peace. Many philosophers, moralists and even religious people offer different targets for a good life such as slighting fame and wealth, being contented or staying within your confines etc. Truly, these are good advice and wisdom, reducing the harm done to the body and mind when disasters strike. But how many people are able to lead their lives according to these guidelines? Then, what makes Jesus' teachings differ from those moralists' or religious so that Jesus can say, "... not as the world gives do I give to you." (John 14:27)?

We have to admit that inner peace cannot be attained with personal efforts. You live next to a live volcano and you cannot move away. Day and night you are worried and have no peace. But what can you do? At the moment, you have a steady job and live in a mortgaged flat. What can you do to influence the personnel mobility in your office or the mortgage rate? Therefore, we have to understand that no matter how much money you earn, how many government officials you control, how carefree you are with fame and wealth or how many deities you worship, inner peace cannot be attained with your effort. Inner peace is a gift from God.

Jews always believed that they would be saved if they somehow managed to observe all the commandments of God, e.g. circumcision and keeping Sabbaths etc. Thus, in the first reading today, we find some Jewish disciples in the early Church teaching Gentile disciples to follow them to circumcise and observe Sabbaths in order to be saved. Look, even Jews who believed in God could put the cart before the horse and fell into the fallacy of legalism, thinking that they could attain salvation through personal effort.

In truth, the guarantee of inner peace comes from the mercy of the Father who loves humanity. But all relations are bidirectional. Even if God is willing to give us peace, we must be willing to accept it so that we can receive the peace of God. The Holy Spirit holds the key. Many of us are rather unfamiliar with the Holy Spirit. We usually take Him as God's power, as the Spirit of truth. For example, in the gospel reading today, it mentions that the Holy Spirit will teach us all things, and bring to our remembrance all that Jesus has said to us. Perhaps we have forgotten that the Holy Spirit is in fact the Spirit of Love. It is the Holy Spirit who inflames our love of Jesus Christ. With this love, we are willing to keep the word of Jesus. If the Holy Spirit is not in us, we lack this love of Jesus. Then how can we keep the word of Jesus and receive the peace from the Father?

How much we love Jesus is shown by how much we keep his word. Jesus teaches us many times that we should trust in the Father and leave everything in His hand, believing that the Father has the best arrangement for us. Jesus teaches us that the Father knows what the best for us is. Before we pray, He already knows what we ask for because even the hairs of our head are all numbered. Jesus teaches us that it is enough for us to ask the Father for our daily bread. There is no need to worry about tomorrow. Have we kept Jesus' word? Or do we work hard to stockpile grains to avoid famine? Once Jesus praised a poor widow who offered up two brass coins in the Temple treasury because out of her poverty, she offered up all she had to love God with all her heart and soul. Can we do the same? Or do we increase our cash in hand to invest on apartments of high returns?

Remember, inner peace cannot be attained through personal efforts. It is a gift of God. When our heart is filled with the Holy Spirit, when we love Jesus fervently, keep his word and completely rely on the Father's arrangement, how can the merciful Father fail to care for those who trust in Him and how can He not grant us peace which the world cannot give?
God bless.