
Sunday 15 May 2016

認識聖神 To know the Holy Spirit








The Descent of the Holy Spirit (Year C)
Theme: To know the Holy Spirit

In the Old Testament, the Feast of Passover remembered how God delivered the Israelites from the bondage of Egyptians. God declared a final plague of killing the first-borns. Those who listened to Moses killed a lamb, smeared its blood on the door posts and lintel of the house. That night, when God saw the blood, He would pass over and spare the house. That explains the name "Passover" (Exodus 12:13). Jesus chose to die on this big Jewish feast of Passover to teach that he is the true Paschal lamb. He sacrificed himself to protect believers with his own blood and to liberate them from the bondage of sin.
Forty days after resurrection, Jesus returned to the dwelling place of the heavenly Father, bringing along with him his humanity. This indicates that on the Last Day, all men, both the righteous and sinners, would come back to life, ascend into heaven to receive the judgment of the Father. This is our Catholic faith on the Last Day.
Fifty days after resurrection, it was the Jewish feast of Pentecost, another big feast. God likes to reveal His glory on big Jewish feasts because every Jewish adult had to visit Jerusalem in one of the three big feasts: Passover, Pentecost and Tabernacles. According to the Acts of the Apostles, the Holy Spirit descended on the 120 believers on Pentecost. They began to speak in different languages of the world. The pilgrims were amazed to hear them proclaim the passion and resurrection of Jesus in their mother tongues. On that day, three thousand people believed in the testimony of the disciples and received baptism. This Pentecost could be called the birthday of the Church. We rename it to "the Descent of the Holy Spirit".

Most of us know the Father and the Son of the Blessed Trinity better but as for the Holy Spirit, our knowledge is shaky. Probably the Father and the Son have a clear image and are easier to imagine. But the Holy Spirit is difficult to catch like the wind described in the gospel of John. We can see the signs left behind by the wind but we cannot see the wind itself. Similarly, we are able to see the fruits of the work of the Holy Spirit, but we cannot see the Holy Spirit itself. So, let us revise what fingerprints the Holy Spirit has left behind in the New Testament so as to deepen our knowledge and trust in Him.

First of all, the Holy Spirit came upon the BVM to make her pregnant with Jesus, the Son of God. The archangel Gabriel explained in this way, "The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you; therefore the child to be born will be called holy, the Son of God." (Luke 1:35) From the words of the angel, we may understand the Holy Spirit to be "the power of the Most High". He is the power of God, a kind of almighty energy. If the Almighty God wishes, what can stop it? Take a look at the many examples in the Old Testament and Elizabeth, the wife of Zachariah in the New Testament. All of them were beyond menopause, and yet got pregnant. God's power could even make barren women pregnant. What would be so impossible for God to retain Mary's virginity as a mother? Today during mass, we invoke the Holy Spirit to descend on the bread and wine on the altar to turn them into the body and blood of Jesus. Therefore, our belief in the real presence of Jesus Christ in the Sacrament of Eucharist, and our belief in the virgin birth of Jesus Christ are based on the power of the Holy Spirit. The belief is the same. Therefore, we cannot enjoy the spiritual benefit of the Eucharist while at the same time deny the status of the BVM as the Mother of God, and the dignity she deserves. This is contradictory and is a denial of the Holy Spirit in the Blessed Trinity.

Secondly, according to the gospel of John, during the Last Supper, Jesus told his disciples that after he left the world, he would pray the Father to send another Counsellor to be with them forever (John 14:16). The Counsellor is the "Spirit of Truth" who would teach them all things and bright to their remembrance all that Jesus had taught them (14:26). The Counsellor would bear witness to Jesus (15:26). But the Holy Spirit prefers bearing witness through the disciples to doing it Himself. He enabled the disciples to speak in different languages; made the illiterate Peter to proclaim and defend the resurrection of Jesus eloquently in different occasions; gave power to disciples to exorcise, to cure, to raise the dead and to work miracles. In his letter, Paul wrote about the different graces the Holy Spirit gave to different people, "to another faith by the same Spirit, to another gifts of healing by the one Spirit, to another the working of miracles, to another prophecy, to another the ability to distinguish between spirits, to another various kinds of tongues, to another the interpretation of tongues." (1 Corinthians 12:9-10) Paul taught that though the graces were different, there was only one purpose, to build up the Church community to which Paul applied the metaphor of the Mystical Body of Christ. See, we come back to Jesus' Sacrament of Eucharist again.

Lastly, the Holy Spirit is not only the "Spirit of Truth", but is also the "Spirit of Charity". Even if the disciples intellectually remember Jesus' teaching that they should love one another, they might not put it into practice. Thus, the Holy Spirit inflamed the charity in the hearts of the believers of the Jerusalem Church. They sold their property, laid all the money before the feet of the Apostles for them to distribute among the needy. It was the Holy Spirit who torched the love of Jesus among the saints and martyrs of every generation. This love chased away the fear in their hearts. They embraced the tortures and obtained the glorious crown. It is the Holy Spirit who inflamed the desire of the missionaries to save souls and responded generously to God's vocation. It was the Holy Spirit who drove them across the seas to spend their whole life for the salvation of the far away peoples. All of these countless incidents of charity come from the love ignited by the Holy Spirit.

In conclusion, from the Bible, we obtain an impression of the Holy Spirit as the power of God. He is the Spirit of Truth who helps us understand Jesus' teachings. Lastly, the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Charity who ignites our love towards God and towards our fellow neighbour, to live out our faith.
Prayer is the lifeline of the spiritual life of Christians. A Christian who does not pray withers very quickly. Paul reminds us in the letter to the Romans that when we do not know how to pray, "the Holy Spirit himself intercedes for us with sighs too deep for words." (Romans 8:26) Therefore, let us know more about the Holy Spirit and invoke Him to fill up our hearts, to drive us to take the first step to proclaim Jesus boldly, to come close to brethren in need and in them, experience the presence of God, the mercy of the Father.
God bless.

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