
Saturday 4 February 2017

運用恩寵 Making use of Grace







February 4, 2017
(Mark 6:30-34)
Theme: Making use of Grace

People who possess money worry about how to keep or even increase value. Similarly, people who are filled with God's grace worry about losing it. The answer is affirmative!
As mentioned in previous article, being Christians, the first step is to keep the commandments. The second step is to build up good habits and the third is to be humble. With these three steps, God's grace will continually flow to you. The problem is whether we can keep the grace coming without losing it. If the outflow is bigger than the inflow, we will run out of grace in the end! This way of thinking is wrong because grace is an interesting thing. We cannot keep it. We can only use it. That is to say, if we do not make use of God's grace, it will vanish.

For example, we call the talents of musicians and artists "actual grace". It is a grace which helps us accomplish a mission. If it is not used in composing, in performing or in creating, this grace will rust in time and even vanish. There is one other thing on earth which, like grace, will vanish if not used. It is "time". In fact, isn't our life span on earth a grace of God?

If "time" and "grace" vanish unused, the only way to "keep" them is to make use of them. As followers of Jesus Christ, the most effective way to make use of "time" and "grace" is to cultivate a compassionate heart. As disciples, imitating what our Master did will not miss the mark. See how Jesus showed compassion to lepers (Mark 1:41, Luke 17:13); the possessed (Mark 5:19); great crowds (6:34, 8:2); father and possessed son (9:22, Luke 9:38); Bartimaeus (Mark 10:47) and the widow in Nain (Luke 7:13). So, if we do not possess a compassionate heart, we are not Christians.

Accumulating grace is not different from accumulating money. Both will vanish in the end. Only by being compassionate to men and to the earth can we obtain more mercy from the Father --- our ultimate redemption.
Heavenly Father, Let us see Your mercy with our own eyes and love all in return. Amen.

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