
Friday 17 March 2017

【愛的喜樂】第四章 Amoris Lætitia Chapter 4

















「不作無禮的事。」向對方做出無禮的事,是出於缺乏尊重。這是十分基本的人與人來往的規矩。教宗說:「越是親密和深摰的愛,越是要求我們尊重對方的自由,靜待對方敞開心扉。」(AL#99)與無禮缺乏尊重相反,我們要練習以溫柔可親的目光(a kind look),彼此相處。請大家以一個溫柔可親的目光,看看坐在你右邊的教友30秒。


Homily on Amoris Lætitia Chapter 4
March 17, 2017
Holy Redeemer Church
After Stations of the Cross

Each of us reads and understands differently. Therefore, though I am a permanent deacon, my interpretation may not represent the official teachings of the Church. Look, at the moment, even four Cardinals are demanding the Pope to clarify his instructions on administering sacraments to divorced Catholics. Therefore, the following sharing cannot replace your own reading of Amoris Lætitia.

It is a cliché to say that "It is better to suffer short and acute pains than chronic ones". This is absolutely wrong. "Prevention is better than cure" is always true and this document is very proactive. Seeing more than 50% of marriages end up in divorce, would it not be better to do preventive pastoral works? The Pope says, "Our most important pastoral task with regard to families is to strengthen their love, helping to heal wounds and working to prevent the spread of this drama of our times." (AL#246) Further on, he continues to say, "Today, more important than the pastoral care of failures is the pastoral effort to strengthen marriages and thus to prevent their breakdown." (AL#307)

Don't be misled by the title of this document. The Church makes use of the beginning two words of the Latin version to be its title. After translation into Chinese, it is not necessarily the first two words. The title "The Joy of Love" may make people think that love is joyful. Indeed, love brings joy but there are also a lot of pains in love. Furthermore, when our love is deep, it can be painful. We can even say, "If love doesn't hurt, it is not true love." Jesus is the best model. The title can mislead in a second way. It makes people think that the document only talks about the joyful parts of love and ignores other elements such as understanding, respect and commitment. These actions will bring inconvenience and pains as well.

Chapter 4 of Amoris Lætitia is the core of the whole document. There are 76 paragraphs, about 23% of the total of 325 paragraphs. Its importance is shown by its length of nearly a quarter of the whole document. Indeed, a man and a woman make a marital vow, promising to stay together for life to build a family and raise children. This is important for the society. Thus, the document spends a quarter of its length to discuss marital love.

This chapter begins with a meditation of the "Ode of Love" in chapter 13 of St. Paul's First Epistle to the Corinthians. Then it points out that marital love helps the couple to grow. Some people say, "Marriage is the grave of dating". Again, the Church deems it totally wrong. "Marriage is dating goes mature" Since marriage is a process of growth, it is lifelong, it is sharing joys and pains together. How do you share joy together in marriage?

It is because love is joyful. It is because love is beautiful (This sounds like a jewellery commercial!) "Beauty" appears 24 times in the document. The Pope says, "Beauty --- that ‘great worth' which is other than physical or psychological appeal --- enables us to appreciate the sacredness of a person, without feeling the need to possess it." (AL#127) How does this joy, this beauty interflow? It is through dialogue. Furthermore, this interaction, this dialogue is not confined to verbal channels. It also includes the erotic and emotional dimensions. It is difficult to imagine how a Church document can touch upon these erotic issues. We can see that our Pope is not a high-sounding theologian but a compassionate father with a lot of pastoral experiences.

Where do pains come from? When one party becomes very ego-centric, ignoring the feelings and needs of the other party. When violence appears and the desire to control inflates, pains will follow. In the end, the Pope touches on the question of celibacy and the problems of ageing. With the advances in medical sciences, a couple will not spend only thirty to forty years together but seventy to eighty. When the body ages and can no longer fire up passions, life would be unimaginably painful if the love between husband and wife has not matured to the stage of being in "faithful and loving closeness." (AL#164)

The Pope knows well "every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way". He refuses to impose an ideal standard on the daily experiences of love in marriage. "There is no need to lay upon two limited persons the tremendous burden of having to reproduce perfectly the union existing between Christ and his Church, for marriage as a sign entails ‘a dynamic process…, one which advances gradually with the progressive integration of the gifts of God'". (AL#122)

If it sounds difficult to understand, don't blame the Pope. Blame the translation. The Pope points out that for Catholics, marriage is a sign of "Christ loving the Church". In the document, he continuously shows his concerns for the limitations of the individuals, the imperfections of marriages in real life. But the Church is full of hope. Relying on the grace of God, the couple cooperate with God. Their marriage will become perfect and mature daily. Their married life will be more able to manifest Christ's love for the Church.

When I visit the prisons, I usually hear many tragic stories. Many inmates came from broken families. They are resentful, make bad friends, abuse drugs and engage in trafficking etc. All these sound pretty stereotyped. However, sometimes we may discover God's amazing redemption.
An inmate came from a secular family. The father is a disciplinary civil servant, very hot tempered. The mother is an insecure woman. She even continuously called up her husband when he was on duty. This ended up in domestic violence and at last divorce. The inmate was too young to handle these family stresses and kicked off a train of regrettable incidents. At last, the inmate spent 13 months in jail. "It is better to suffer short and acute pains than chronic ones" cheats. Following the "short and acute pains" are many complications. At first, the inmate was angry with the mother when she visited. It was all her faults. After a while, the inmate began to see more clearly and understood that it was not all her faults. The father began to visit the inmate. Once, the father and mother came one after another and the three of them spoke and wept together. That visit was touching and the family was reconciled. Praise be to God. Even an unbelieving family is able to develop mutual concern, attain reconciliation and rebuild a loving community. God should be praised because He is able to transform evil and pains into joy.

The Pope stresses that the essence of marriage in which the couple commit to each other for life comes from the fact that "Marriage is an inevitable mixture of enjoyment and struggles, tensions and repose, pain and relief, satisfactions and longings, annoyances and pleasures." (AL#126) Only love can help us safely weather through these ups and downs. Let us join the Pope in meditating the "Ode of Love".

"Love is patient"
We lack patience. We are impulsive because the other party does not meet our expectations, because we are self-centred and forget that God has His plan for this person. Being a mother, she feels that "he should study medicines to earn hundreds of thousands. Two-dimensional design is not lucrative…" As a father, he thinks that "I am the bread-winner of the family. I should call the shot!" In fact, easily resorting to violence, whether it be verbal or physical, only reveals our impotence. The patience of a Karate master is proportional to his dan rank. He understands how destructive his power can be. Similarly, "God's patience, shown in his mercy towards sinners, is a sign of his real power." (AL#91)

"Love is at the service of the others"
Not only is receiving happy but giving brings happiness too. The Pope says, "Love is shown more by deeds than by words. It ... allows us to experience the happiness of giving, the nobility and grandeur of spending ourselves unstintingly, without asking to be repaid, purely for the pleasure of giving and serving." (AL#94)

"Love is not jealous"
Things others have, I may not need to possess because I don't need to. Thus, "have vs. have not" does not necessarily engender jealousy. But when what others possess poses a threat to us, our negative reaction will be jealousy. The Pope says, "True love values the other person's achievements. It does not see him or her as a threat. It frees us from the sour taste of envy. It recognizes that everyone has different gifts and a unique path in life." (AL#95)

"Love is not boastful"
Why do we need to become the centre of everybody's attention? Do I need other people to affirm my own value? I show off my biblical knowledge, my piety, my being smarter, more insightful and great connections etc. In short, I am more important and greater than the others! The Pope says, "Yet what really makes us important is a love that understands, shows concern, and embraces the weak." (AL#97)

"Love is not rude"
We are rude out of a lack of respect. But respect is the most basic rule of human interaction. The Pope says, "The deeper love is, the more it calls for respect for the other's freedom and the ability to wait until the other opens the door to his or her heart." (AL#99) We need to practise the opposite of rudeness and lack of respect by gazing others with a kind look. Let us now turn and gaze at the one on your right with a kind look for thirty seconds.

Due to a lack of time, please read Amoris Lætitia #101-119 to discover the rest of the Ode of Love.

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