
Sunday 19 March 2017

從安樂窩中解放出來 Liberation from our Comfort Zone









  Third Sunday of Lent (Year A)
Theme: Liberation from our Comfort Zone

Our adaptability is very strong. For the sake of survival, we change ourselves and even modify our environment. In order to ensure the continuous supply of food, we cultivate the land, change the course of rivers, plant crops and vegetables, graze cattle and keep poultry. From living in caves to building houses and cities, men develop culture and laws to stand together to ward off the hostility of the nature. In order to gain protection from the community, men were willing to forsake some of their freedom to obey the law. They invented lamps so that they didn't have to rely on the lighting of the sun, thus increasing their productivity. They have done all these for one single purpose: to survive, to lead a stable life. However, in the course of changing ourselves or the environment, sometimes we make wrong choices and thus do harm to ourselves. For example, extended working hours increases incomes but harms our health and family relations. The gospel today demands us to reflect if our choices bring us closer to God or farther away from God.

Samaritans and Jews were enemies because after the Israel Kingdom was conquered by the Assyrians, the Assyrians enforced mixed marriages as a means of ethnic cleansing. Samaritans were offspring of these mixed marriages. Later, the Judah Kingdom was conquered by the Babylonians. Jews had learned from the Israelites. In order to maintain the purity of their blood, they strictly observed Mosaic laws and forbade mixed marriages. Thus, the Jews were proud of the purity of their blood and despised Samaritans. Of course the Samaritans would fight back. They always stirred up troubles with the Jews under the new conquerors such as the Persians and Greeks.

Geographically, Judah was in the south and Galilee the north. If a Jew wants to go straight to the north, he has to go through Samaria. If he does not want troubles from Samaritans, he needs to take a longer route. The gospel of Luke records an incident in which the Samaritans did not receive Jesus and his disciples. The disciples were angry and wanted to bid fire come down from heaven to burn the Samaritans. Jesus rebuked them and went on to another village. (Luke 9:53-56)Why did Jesus not take another route this time? Of course, taking another route would save the trouble and the hard feelings of rejection. But Jesus knew that it was time for harvesting. If they did not enter the village, they would miss the opportunity of evangelization, thus depraving the Samaritans an opportunity to come closer to God. Therefore, Jesus and his disciples took the risk of rejection and entered the Samaritan village.

Since it was evangelization, you should choose a location frequented by many people. Jesus had chosen well. He sat down beside Jacob's well (4:6). The location was right but the timing was wrong. It was the sixth hour, i.e. twelve noon. It was hot and usually nobody came to draw water at this hour. But a Samaritan woman did come! Obviously she wanted to avoid other villagers such that she waited until this hour to come and draw water. She changed her living habit because she did not want to hear the gossips about her. In fact, this was rather passive. Even if you don't want to hear, will the others stop the gossiping? The problem was whether she had the determination and ability to change her situation.
We have to admit that for a woman living 2000 years ago in the Middle East, there was little she could do. Similar to her Chinese counterparts, the life of a woman was dominated by three men: her father before marriage, her husband after marriage and her son after the death of her husband. But things were not so simple. Before marriage, a father might sell the daughter off to repay debts. A husband was allowed to have concubines (in the case of Chinese men)or to write a certificate of divorce to put her away. In case a husband had died, he might leave the widow no son or an ungrateful son.
The dialogue between Jesus and the woman proceeded smoothly. The woman was more and more willing to open up until Jesus said, "Go, call your husband" (4:16). This was her Achilles' heel. The woman shut herself off immediately with "I have no husband" (4:17). There were four possibilities: 1) she was unmarried; 2) she was divorced; 3) she was widowed and lastly she was cohabiting with a man. Which one?

Of course, Jesus knew. He said, "You have had five husbands, and he whom you now have is not your husband." (4:18)This shows the unfortunate fate of women in ancient times. They could not exist independently in the society without men. The man could be her father/master, husband or son. This woman had had five husbands. That is to say, she had undergone a combination of 5 widowhoods or divorces. Even worse, she might have cohabited with six different men without any legal status. She was the Seductress in the eyes of the public! Whatever the case, she had resigned before her fate. She had given up and did not intend to change, to improve her situation, her marital status until Jesus Christ came into her life. What choice could she make? The gospel today tells us that many Samaritans believed in Jesus because of her testimony. Therefore, this Samaritan woman might have become one of his disciples and followed him to Jerusalem.

Not only individuals, a people can also make choices harmful to themselves. The Samaritan woman said, "Our fathers worshipped on this mountain." (4:20)What happened? The 12 tribes of Israel were unified by Kings David and Solomon into a kingdom. Unfortunately, after the death of King Solomon, the kingdom was split into the northern kingdom of Israel and southern kingdom of Judah. King Solomon had built the Temple in Jerusalem, the capital of the southern kingdom after the breakup. If the king allowed the people to offer sacrifices at Jerusalem, their hearts would go back to the house of David. So, King Jeroboam built two golden calves, made altars and appointed priests himself and told the people it was no longer necessary to worship God in Jerusalem (1 Kings 12:26-33). For more than two centuries, God sent prophets to exhort them to no avail. Consequently, the northern kingdom of Israel was conquered by the Assyrians two hundred years later.

Brethren, Lent is a good opportunity to come closer to God. The gospel today reminds us not to be afraid to get out of our comfort zone to come close to God. Make up your resolution. Forsake the comforts that prevent you from coming close to God. Continue to fast, pray and give alms.
God bless.

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