
Sunday 18 June 2017

細水長流的愛 Trickling Love


大約在四十多年前(1976),有一位演化生物學家Richard Dawkins出版了一本書,名為『自私的基因』,解決了「先有雞還是先有雞蛋」的謎題。基因是建構地球上一切生命的基本元素,是由四種蛋白質組合而成的藍圖。它有能力自我複製,與其他組件結合成為更複雜的生命體。基因祗是一些蛋白質,是沒有自我意識的,為甚麼說基因是自私呢?其實這是一個比喻,因為基因好像不惜一切地複製自己,想盡辦法使自己延續下去,看來不是很自私嗎?





Solemnity of Corpus Christi (Year A)
Theme: Trickling Love

Some four decades ago, Richard Dawkins, an evolutionary biologist published a book called "The Selfish Genes" that solved the "Chicken-Egg Causality Dilemma". Genes are the building blocks of all life forms on earth. They are blueprints made up of four types of proteins. They are able to replicate themselves and combine with other components to form more complex life forms. Genes are simply proteins and do not possess self-consciousness. Why did the author call them selfish? It is only a metaphor because genes do whatever it takes to replicate and extend their existence at all costs. Doesn't that look selfish?
As for the controversy of "Which came first, chicken or egg?" the biologist's solution is very simple. Arguing which came first is asking the question in a wrong way. The answer is neither chicken nor egg, but genes. Chickens or eggs are simply an expression of genes. There is only one purpose, viz. to allow genes to continue their existence. The smart audience would keep asking where came the genes. Naive Christians would immediately answer without thinking that God created genes. Unfortunately, the concept of "genes" did not exist at the time of the writing of Genesis. So, the Bible could only say that God created the fish of the sea, the birds of the air, every living thing that moved upon the earth and lastly human beings. This evolutionary biologist is an atheist. How did he explain the emergence of genes without assuming the existence of a Creator? He has a simple answer: In the long history of 4.5 billion years of the earth, when the right conditions appeared, anything could happen. Some favourable conditions for the evolution of genes and proteins must have appeared. Some proteins and genes might fail, might not replicate themselves or disintegrated because they could not adapt to the surrounding conditions. Some succeeded, were able to replicate and develop new combinations to adapt to the environment. In this way, fishes were evolved in the seas, amphibians, dinosaurs, insects, birds and beasts. It was the length of time and the trickling evolution that allow the emergence of genes and their masterpieces.

In fact, Dawkins' theory does not contradict our faith. The long history of evolution in his view is, in our eyes love's creation of our God in an eternity longer than the 4.5 billion years. Not only did the love of the Blessed Trinity start vigorously the grand Big Bang 13.8 billion years ago to give birth to a universe habitable for humanity, but His infinite trickling love also nurtures the earth and makes all life forms evolve continuously. The Christian story does not stop here. When the earth was contaminated by sins, the merciful God did not abandon His love's creation. He sent the Son to take up flesh to redeem this contaminated world. Out of love of the Father and compassion for sinners, Jesus Christ showed His love in a spectacular manner by dying on the cross to wipe out all the sins in the past and those to come. More than that, He left behind for us the Holy Eucharist to nourish our spiritual life in a persistent manner. Our views are different from those of Dawkins'. We believe in God. We believe in love because God is love. In Dawkins' view, the emergence of life was random. But in our eyes, it was not. Life came from love, came from God. Without God's permission, life cannot emerge nor can life be destroyed.

Love can be spectacular. For example, martyrs, soldiers who defend their countries or rescue workers in ground zero etc. On the other hand, love can be small, slow and persistent. For example, St. Mother Teresa spent more than four decades of her life in response to the second vocation of Jesus Christ. She had helped many dying people pass away in dignity and made the world aware of those unfortunate and neglected people.
Our family life should be a trickling life of love. It cannot be spectacular otherwise there will be no peace at home. Family is the training ground for our next generation, a school for them to learn working with others and building up relationships. It takes time, a lot of time. It is Father's Day today. Let us pay tribute to fathers and reflect on their roles. I opine that fathers are a walking Holy Eucharist, a sacrament of love. They are visible and give life which is invisible to wives and children.

Fathers work hard to earn a living for wives and children. Perhaps out of exhaustion, they lack energy to speak after works. They seldom speak. In this way, don't they look like Jesus Christ inside the Tabernacle? Sitting quietly inside the Tabernacle every day, Jesus waits for the faithful to worship him, receive him and give them grace. How patient Jesus is inside the Tabernacle! Are fathers not patient too? To be fair, some "monster parents" expect too much from their children, even impose their own ambitions on their children. But more fathers understand that children have their own potentials and their own destinies. They understand the harm of excessive pressure on children. So, like the Holy Eucharist, fathers wait patiently for their children to develop. For example, wasn't the father of the Prodigal Son in Luke patient to wait for his son to repent? The Holy Eucharist of Jesus Christ is kind. It is for our spiritual benefits. Are fathers not kind? Whatever they do, they do it for the benefits of their children. Jesus Christ bears all our faults and accepts our sins. Fathers understand the inadequacy of their children. They bear nonstop the faults, failures and offences of their children. Jesus Christ trusts sinners, believing that they would repent one day. As fathers, how can they not believe that one day, their rebellious children shall mature and grow up? Jesus is full of hope for us. In the same way, fathers are always hopeful for their children, hoping that one day, they will be responsible citizens with integrity. Fathers are truly a walking Holy Eucharist!

Since most fathers are reticent. The model they set up is all the more important. Nowadays, there are teachers, peers and the Internet to impart knowledge. Fathers are no longer in demand in this area. So, setting an exemplar of piety and loyalty for their children is paramount. If fathers are pious, under their influence, children will be pious to God. Can piety come overnight? Of course not! Piety must undergo the test of time and is trained up in difficult times. Be loyal to wives and to bosses. Then your children shall be loyal to God. Fathers, let us cheer each other up.
God bless!

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