
Sunday 4 June 2017

充滿聖神的力量 Empowered by the Holy Spirit


耶穌基督受難後三日復活,花了四十天的時間,顯現給一百二十位特選的門徒,派遣他們到世上去,為祂的言行事蹟作見證,宣揚天主與罪人和好的福音。耶穌基督升天後,門徒依從祂的吩咐,留在耶路撒冷,等候天父的恩許(宗1:4)。十日後,即逾越節後五十日,稱為五旬節的日子,當一百二十位門徒聚集在一起的時候,聖神降臨在每個信徒的頭上。原本是膽怯的門徒,變得勇敢大膽;原本是不善辭令,必須發言便你推我讓的門徒,變得雄辯滔滔,並且說起不同的語言。他們在聖神的催促之下,跑到街上,向來自世界各地,說不同語言的朝聖者 ,宣揚耶穌基督的復活,天主與罪人和好的福音。一日之間,有三千人加入這個一百二十人的團體。這個三千一百二十人的團體,就是教會。聖伯多祿宗徒說,我們都是活石,建成一座屬神的殿宇(伯前2:5)。聖保祿宗徒教導我們,說教會是耶穌基督的奧體,每個信徒都是這個奧體的細胞(格前12:27)。天主聖子藉聖神降孕,生於童貞聖母瑪利亞,聖誕節就是紀念耶穌基督的生日;今天我們慶祝聖神降臨節,其實也是慶祝耶穌基督的奧體,即教會的生日;教會正式出生了,聖神的時代亦開始了。






Feast of the Descent of the Holy Spirit (Year A)
Theme: Empowered by the Holy Spirit

On the third day of His Passion, Jesus Christ has risen from his death. He spent forty days to appear to the chosen 120 disciples, sent them to the world to bear witness of His words and deeds and to proclaim the gospel of God's reconciliation with sinners. After His ascension, the disciples followed the Lord's instruction to remain in Jerusalem to wait for the promise of the Father. (Acts 1:4) Ten days later, that is 50 days after the Feast of Passover, when the 120 disciples were gathered in one place, the Holy Spirit descended on them. The disciples who had been timid turned bold. They had been weak in speech and been reluctant to speak out became apologetic and started speaking in different tongues. On the urge of the Holy Spirit, they went out and started proclaiming to pilgrims from all over the world the resurrection of Jesus Christ and the gospel of reconciliation. In one day, 3000 were added to the 120 community. This 3120 community was the beginning of the Church. St. Peter said, "Like living stones be yourselves built into a spiritual house." (1 Peter 2:5) St. Paul taught that the Church, "Now you are the (Mystical) Body of Christ and individually members of it." (1 Corinthians 12:27) The Son of God was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Christmas is the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ. Today, we celebrate the Descent of the Holy Spirit. We also celebrate of the birth of the Mystical Body of Jesus Christ, the Church. The Church exists officially. It is the beginning of the Era of the Holy Spirit.

In the gospel reading today, one sentence is repeated. Yes! It is "Peace be with you." (John 20:19, 21) But the peace which Jesus gives is not the negative kind of "no worry", nor the feeling of relief due to the fulfilment of one's duty. That is to say, Jesus does not give us an inexhaustible amount of wealth, or health without illnesses, or a pleasant personality which attracts all friends but no enemy; or political achievements so that the emperor grants you immunity to death. Sorry! None of these because all these can only satisfy material needs or some of the psychological needs of humanity. Don't forget. Men were created in the image of God (Genesis 1:26). Men's needs cannot be adequately satisfied by finite material or psychological stuff. Only the infinite God can satisfy our infinite spiritual needs. Therefore, only God can give us genuine peace, God's peace!

How do we receive this peace?
The gospel today says, we receive Jesus' commission and have this peace (John 20:21). What did Jesus send us to do? To accomplish the salvation project He had started and yet to be completed. This is a demanding mission. So Jesus Christ gives us the Holy Spirit to help us complete this challenging undertaking. How do we accomplish this redemptive project of Jesus Christ? His mission is to reconcile the world to God. Therefore, we have to help the people we meet reconcile with the Father. First of all, we must forgive. With our forgiveness, God can forgive and reconcile with men (20:23). Do you remember when Jesus was nailed to the cross, He prayed to God to forgive those who killed him (Luke 23:34)? For those who are stubborn and refuse to acknowledge their faults, we have no way to forgive them. Without our forgiveness, the Father cannot reconcile with men. He has to look for some other ways.

Today, standing before us are six youngsters chosen by Jesus Christ. They will receive the Sacrament of Confirmation to complete the Rite of Christian Initiation. Receiving Confirmation is to receive the Holy Spirit and the commission of Jesus Christ to save the world. Let us revise what we know about God the Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit is the third Person of the Blessed Trinity. He is the Spirit of Truth and the Spirit of Love proceeds from the Father and the Son. Within the Blessed Trinity, the Holy Spirit is like the wind, the most difficult to grasp. In this way, He shows that God is not a concept invented by men. God is not a deity which can be manipulated or bribed by men. The Holy Spirit is like the wind. We cannot see Him but can only see the traces He has left behind. What are the traces He has left behind? St. Paul teaches that it is the Fruits of the Holy Spirit. There are nine, namely love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, meekness and self-control. (Galatians 5:22-23) When in all our doing, we show care and mercy (love), are always full of joy, indifferent to success or failure (peace). When we deal with people and things, we do not look for quick fix but work according to time and tides (patience), look at things in a positive manner (kindness), with an uprightness of heart (goodness), honour our promises (faithfulness), proceed cautiously (meekness) and take the middle way (self-control). All these are the achievements of Christians empowered by the Holy Spirit. In this way, we can help humanity to reconcile with God. We are fulfilling our Christian mission.

Do you remember the Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit (Isaiah 11:2-3)? With these seven powers, the Holy Spirit helps us accomplish our mission, producing the Nine Fruits. Wisdom helps us love heavenly things more than secular things. Understanding helps us understand what a follower of Jesus should do. Counsel helps us discern right from wrong, to make the right choices and avoid evil. Fortitude gives us courage to overcome fear and work patiently. Knowledge helps us know the truth of Christ and the teachings of the Church and all the underlying values. With piety, we humbly trust God and the Church. Before the glory and wonder of God, we stand with awe, with the Fear of God.
Let us open up ourselves to embrace the Holy Spirit. Let the Holy Spirit empower us.
God bless!

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