
Sunday 24 September 2017

多勞多得的錯謬 The Fallacy of Efforts Pay




今天,很多家長迷信另一個「多勞多得」的變種,就是「贏在起跑線」。從前能入讀中學名校,例如在香港大學旁邊的皇仁書院或者某某書院、某某Band 1的英文書院,便已足夠。今天的家長已經把起跑線搬到小學、幼稚園,學生放學後立即上奧數班、芭蕾舞班、小提琴班、武術班等,令小朋友疲於奔命;懷孕的媽媽甚至已開始聽莫扎特,喝某牌子的奶,為胎兒攝取營養,助長腦袋發育等。其實,把起跑線搬前,勤力讀書必然會考到好的成績嗎?難怪那些專門傳授考試答題技巧的補習社,其門若市,而班房裡疲倦的學生卻無心向學了!當我們的教育制度,考試制度著眼在功利的時候,我們可以怪責我們的大學生做事不負責任,張貼涼薄的標語嗎?當然,這裡又有一個錯謬。大學校園是一個對外開放的地方,所以,在大學校園內拉的橫額,貼的標語,一定是大學生做的嗎?





Twenty Fifth Ordinary Sunday, Year A
Theme: The Fallacy of Efforts Pay

First of all, let us clarify some details. The householder in the parable went out early in the morning to hire labourers for his vineyard. During Jesus' time, Jews counted the beginning of a day at 6 p.m. Three hours made one watch. After 4 watches, i.e. 12 hours, it would be dawn. That would be 6 o'clock in the morning. Then they started counting by hours. Thus, the third hour would be 9 o'clock in the morning. The sixth hour would be twelve noon etc. The eleventh hour would be 5 o'clock in the evening. Only one hour would be left. Thus the labourers hired at the eleventh hour would have less than one hour to work and received one denarius. No wonder those who had been working since 6 o'clock in the morning felt upset about it.
Although we should respect the spirit of contract and the first batch of workers had agreed the wage to be one denarius, such an indiscriminate treatment really hurt. Moreover, the master claimed to be righteous, "Whatever is right, I will give you." (Matthew 20:4). Now the workers were paid the same no matter how long they had worked. Was it fair? The action of the master was not convincing.

Why do we agree with the first batch of labourers and feel that the master was unfair? It is because we are misled by utilitarianism. Nowadays in Hong Kong, many fallacies are circulating. They are easy to understand and sound reasonable. But when you give a second thought, you will discover their faults. One such fallacy which the first batch of labourers committed is "Efforts Pay". Think harder. Do efforts necessarily pay? In fact, there are many social factors which make efforts and earnings unrelated. For example, your academic qualifications. In the sixties and seventies of the last century, white collar workers in the offices earned more than blue collar workers in the factories. It was explained by the differences in their academic qualifications. Another factor is social demand. Even if both of you are graduates, your earning depends on whether your degree is a law degree or a French degree. Lastly, even if both of you are graduates from the Law Faculty, your social network makes all the difference in earning. Therefore, efforts do not necessarily pay.

Then, if we study hard and enter the university, we will have a bright future. Does it not prove that efforts pay?
Today, many parents believe in a variant of the "Efforts Pay" fallacy. It is called "Winning at the Starting Line". Once upon a time, it was enough to enter an elite secondary school such as King's College next to the University of Hong Kong, or some so-and-so college or some Band 1 English colleges. Today, the starting line has moved to primary schools and kindergartens. After school, pupils are rushed to Math. Olympiad classes, ballet classes, violin classes, wushu classes etc. exhausting the children. Pregnant women begin to listen to Mozart and drink some brands of milk in order to stimulate the growth of the brain of the foetus. Indeed, will moving the starting line earlier or revising hard guarantee good examination results? No wonder the tuition schools which teach examination skills are full while the students are too exhausted to study in normal classes! When our institutions of education and examination focus on utilitarianism, can we blame our undergraduates for doing irresponsible things, such as putting up callous posters on the campus? Of course, here is another fallacy, the "post hoc ergo propter hoc". University campuses are open to the public. Thus, are you sure banners and posters on the campus must be put up by the undergraduates?
The "Efforts Pay" fallacy has yet another variant. It is called "Herd Mentality". What others are doing, can you afford not to do? Since people don't want to lose at the starting line, many parents and estate buyers are forced to play this "Winning at the Starting Line" game. The "Efforts Pay" fallacy creates all sorts of unreasonable expectations in us.

Religious life can also fall victim to this "Efforts Pay" fallacy. Joining Sunday masses, receiving sacraments, studying the Bible, doing spirituality, going on retreats, pilgrimages and reciting the Rosary etc. can help us come closer to God. But can more recitations of Rosary, more pilgrimages, retreats, spirituality, Bible courses and reading theology etc. earn us more graces, even to make use of these hard earned graces to help relatives and friends who have fallen ill, prisoners of conscience and even souls in the Purgatory? How dare we turn God into a "heavenly ATM"! We have totally forgotten that God freely gives us graces not because we earn them. We cannot make use of the Rosary we say to command God to do our wills.

Let us turn to the second mistake of the first batch of labourers. They only focussed on the one denarius which everybody received in the end and forgot the blessings they had enjoyed for 12 hours. Take a look at the generosity of the master to those who had worked for only one hour. He should not be a mean employer. He would give them food, drinks, treatment when injured, rest and shade in the heat of the day! In Church life, those who were baptized in infancy have to spend their whole life doing charity, building up virtues and avoiding sins in order to enter heaven, while those who are baptized on their deathbed nearly enter eternal life immediately. Would you complain that God is unfair? Do you want to be baptized on your deathbed? In fact, the earlier you were baptized, the earlier you know yourselves, the earlier you enjoy the identity as God's children and the earlier you can actualize God's given potentials. Unless you were jealous of the repentant thief crucified next to Jesus, would you?

Please pay attention to what the last batch of labourers answered when the master asked them why they stood there idle all day. They said, "Because no one has hired us." (20:7) God gives everybody potentials. Some people cannot actualize these potentials because of their situations. How miserable! They probably come from a broken family, probably have befriend some bad guys, contracted some chronic diseases, are displaced as refugees or even living at the lowest rung of the society such that no social institutions give them any chance. But our heavenly Father does not care about how low our social status is, how we have befriended bad guys, committed crimes and sins. He keeps on calling us at different hours, forgiving our sins and giving us opportunities to return to His vineyard so that His image in us may shine forth. We are calculating and focus on our own benefits. Compared with the merciful justice of God, the sort of justice we call "Efforts Pay" is millions of light-years apart from His just as what Isaiah says.

Let us learn to see this world in the eyes of God. Not only do we make the image of God in ourselves, but also that in the others, especially our family members, shine forth. Just as what Confucius says, "Philanthropus volens ipse consistere, etiam erigit alios; volens ipse penetrare, etiam promovet alios" (Analect VI:28)
God bless!

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