
Sunday 10 December 2017

向若翰洗者學習 Learn from John the Baptist







The Second Sunday of Advent, (Year B)
Theme: Learn from John the Baptist

John the Baptist was legendary.
John's father was a priest, a righteous man that kept the Mosaic laws. Unfortunately, his wife was barren. They did not have children in their old age. Then for some unknown causes, his wife was able to give birth to a son and during her pregnancy this priestly father of John's had become a mute until the birth of the child. Armed with such wonderful events in his portfolio, this child was believed to be extraordinary and would become a great person in the future.

According to the gospels, this John did not succeed his father as a priest. Instead, he went into the wilderness to become a prophet. He preached repentance and baptized people to forgive sins. He was able to attract a significant number of followers, including some who later became the first disciples of Jesus. Contemporary Jews thought that he was the Messiah. John denied and bore witness to the coming Messiah who would baptize believers with the Holy Spirit. (Mark 1:8) After Jesus was baptized by John, some followers of John's began to follow Jesus. Later, John the Baptist was arrested for criticizing the marriage of Herod Antipas and subsequently died in custody. His followers were dispersed, absorbed by other sects and vanished from history. Indeed, John the Baptist bridges the Old and the New Testaments. He acted as the spokesman of God in the spirit of Old Testament prophets. He preached repentance among the Jews to prepare their spirit to welcome the Messiah, the dawn of the New Testament age.

The words of deeds of the Baptist are still relevant today.
First of all, although prophets are God's spokesmen, there were different kinds of prophets because they discharged their ministry in different contexts. There were those who passed on God's will to kings in the palace. For example, prophet Nathan at the side of King David. There were those who wrote and had set up a school of thoughts of their own. For example, prophet Isaiah. There were those lone wolves who criticized social evils but they were full of charisma and worked miracles. For example, prophet Elijah. John the Baptist was an amalgamation of the second and third types. He was called to live in the wilderness to come into close contact with God and listen to His will. His words and deeds had attracted a crowd of idealistic followers. His poverty contrasted deeply with the life styles of contemporary religious authorities. His was even an accusation of those religious leaders.
As Catholics, we do not need a legendary life like that of John's. At baptism, we partook in the prophetic ministry of Jesus Christ. Besides speaking up God's values to humanity, our life style should also be compatible with these values. Not only do we advocate such values as "poverty in spirit, meekness, hunger and thirst for righteousness" etc, but we also put them into practice. Of course, we do not need to dress up like the Baptist, "clothed with camel's hair, and had a leather belt girdle around his waist, and ate locusts and wild honey." (1:6) But we should have the mentality to lead a simple life, not to show off with brands and lead an extravagant life.

After resurrection, Jesus appeared to two disciples going to Emmaus. He explained to them the meanings of laws and prophets. (Luke 24:27) Jesus' words and deeds mostly fulfilled laws and prophets of the Old Testament. From another perspective, the laws and prophets of the Old Testament bore witnesses to the Messiah, to Jesus Christ. The Baptist also bore witness to Jesus Christ. He persuaded the Jewish people to repent, baptized them and foretold the one who gave the Holy Spirit would be the Messiah, the Saviour. When Jesus came to be baptized by him, John the Baptist pointed out to the people that Jesus is "the Lamb of God". (John 1:29)
As Catholics, bearing witness to Jesus Christ is the best way to discharge our prophetic ministry. In interacting with people, we are meek and merciful. We build up others and not afraid to be taken advantages of. We forgive others, giving them seventy times seven chances to turn a new leaf. When we lead our life in the spirit of the Gospel, we are showing people the countenance of Jesus Christ. Like all the prophets and John the Baptist, we are bearing witness to Jesus Christ.

On the First Advent Sunday, the gospel taught us to Watch Out. Being alert is of course right, but not sufficient. For example, you keep an aquarium of tropical fish. The thermometer can tell you if the water temperature is too low. The thermometer in the aquarium is the "Watch Out". But can the thermometer protect the fish from freezing? Of course not! We need a heater. Similarly, being watchful is not sufficient. Thus the gospel message today tells us to repent. We need to forsake our obsession with worldly things. We need to turn to God. We need to love God with all our hearts and souls, not love studies, mobile games and investment etc. with all our hearts with all our souls, with all our strength and with all our minds. Repentance is a life-long exercise, something we must do before and after baptism.
Brethren, there are two weeks to go before Christmas. Have you got your Christmas cards, Christmas gifts and even Christmas parties ready? Bear in mind, we celebrate the incarnation of the Son of God in Christmas. If our hearts are stuffed with worldly things, where comes the room to welcome God? How can we call a Christmas without the Son of God in our hearts Christmas?
God bless!

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