
Sunday 12 August 2018

信德的障礙 The Obstacles of Faith






祈禱吧!養成良好的祈禱習慣。尤其向聖神祈求,發揮我們已領受的聖神七恩的威力。求聖神開啟我們的明悟,認清聖父的旨意;賜給我們勇氣,加強我們的意志力,履行天父的旨意。讀經吧!聖經記載了前人與天主交往的紀錄,閱讀這些故事,運用這些故事作為祈禱的材料,為我們的得救,是絕對有益的。 各位兄弟姊妹,讓我們勤領聖事,配合以祈禱讀經,使所領的聖事更能發揮功效。


Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year B
Theme: The Obstacles of Faith

Although we are not blood relatives with the Jews, their experiences, especially their interactions with God have greatly contributed to a better destiny for humanity. Not only was the Son of God born a Jew, but their stubbornness in faith and their courage to argue and bargain with God has also fought for humanity many more benefits.
The Israelite stubbornness is illustrated well in the behaviour of Elijah in the first reading today. Do not think that Elijah prayed for death because he had failed to accomplish his mission (1 Kings 19:4). On the contrary, he had just demonstrated in front of the people that Yahweh was God (18:24, 39). He thought that the people would turn their hearts to God, but the queen issued a death warrant against his life. Of course, with his power, Elijah should have no fear of the queen and did not need to flee. Yet, he was disillusioned with the prospect of rebuilding Yahweh worship among the people. Thus, he prayed for death! Take another example. Although the Israelites had seen the 10 plagues and the splitting of the Red Sea, they were not able to shake off idolatry. When Moses spent 40 days on the mountain to receive the Ten Commandments, the Israelites below had lost confidence in Moses. They forced Aaron to build them a golden calf to guide them back to the land of slavery, Egypt! On the mountain, God was furious. He told Moses His wish to annihilate the Israelites and to raise another great tribe from Moses' offspring to honour His promise to Abraham. Moses interceded for the Israelites. He skilfully persuaded God not to destroy this stiff-necked people (Exodus 32:7-14). Thus the Israelites had to "wander in the wilderness forty years, until the whole generation that had done evil in the sight of the Lord had disappeared" (Numbers 32:13) before they reached the Promised Land. Consequently, God had to handle the logistics of feeding 600,000 stubborn Israelites for 40 years. This is the famous continuous miracle of raining manna from heaven for 40 years. God's unfathomable wisdom arranges Jesus Christ to perform the miracle of 5 loaves and 2 fish, thus turning the miracle of manna into a rehearsal for the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist, bringing humanity the most precious present.

The Jewish stubbornness is the same as the stubbornness of most people.
In the gospel passage last Sunday, Jesus said that the Jews looked for him, not because they had seen the mercy of the Father in the 5 loaves 2 fish miracle, but to seek a guarantee of freedom from the want of food. Jesus exhorted that they should work for the food that endures for eternal life (John 6:27). The Jews followed up and asked what they could do to accomplish the works of God. The answer of course is to believe in Jesus. Naturally, the Jews questioned what sign this carpenter from Galilee could do so that they might see and believe in him. They knew this man who was standing before them was the son of Joseph. Why did he claim to have come down from heaven (6:42)? Although Jesus Christ was telling the truth, this truth is challenging the Jewish faith as well as our faith. The Jews did not believe that Jesus Christ came down from heaven. How much do we believe in the humanity and divinity of Jesus Christ? How could Jesus Christ, a man of flesh and blood and a man born of a woman, be God at the same time? Every time we join Sunday mass, we recite the Creed and declare that we believe the Son of God "was incarnate by the Holy Spirit and of the Virgin Mary, and was made man." Many people apply their rationality, like the Jews, to question the identity of Jesus Christ. If he were God, how could he die on the cross? Or could his death be just an illusion? If he were born of a woman, he could not be God or the Blessed Virgin Mary could not be the Mother of God etc... These questions bred many heresies but at the same time made theology prosper. As Catholics, we have our share of difficulties. It is a piece of unleavened bread before our eyes. How does this piece of wafer turn into the body of Christ when a priest invokes the Holy Spirit to come down on it? Is it magic? So, every time when we join mass and receive the Holy Communion, we are challenging our own faith. When the ministers raise a consecrated host before our eyes and say, "Body of Christ", we answer "AMEN" in response. Do we mean what "AMEN" means, that "it is true"? Do we truly believe in our hearts that this piece of wafer is truly the body and blood of Jesus Christ?

We thank Jesus Christ for his establishing the Sacrament of Holy Eucharist during the Last Supper. In doing so, he allows the Church to offer a redemptive sacrifice to the Father in a non-bloody manner. We share the sacrifice and honour the declaration Jesus made before the Jews. "The bread that I will give is my flesh for the life of the world." (6:51) Jesus Christ is God and the Author of Life. In him, there is life, eternal life. Out of love, God created humanity in His image. Out of love, He was reluctant to see humanity perish in sins. Out of love, He is willing to feed our life with His flesh. The Jews were stubborn. More than once they miss the opportunity to believe in God, to believe in Jesus Christ and thus obtaining eternal life. Realizing these precedent failures, what can we do to remove those obstacles of faith and facilitates its development?

Pray! Have a good prayer habit. Pray in particular to the Holy Spirit that the Seven Gifts may be effective. Pray that the Holy Spirit opens up our intellect to know the will of the Father. Grant us courage and strengthen our will to enforce the Father's will. Study the scriptures! The Bible embeds the interactions between God and our ancestors. Read the stories. Make use of them as subject matters of our prayers. This is absolutely beneficial for our salvation.
Brethren, let us frequently receive the sacraments and support them with prayers and bible studies so that the sacraments may become more effective.
God bless!

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