
Sunday 25 November 2018

甚麼是真理? What is Truth?








Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe, Year B
Theme: What is Truth?

We Catholics believe that the Bible is the word of God. Thus, we live according to the teachings of the Bible. However, people in the secular world do not necessarily accept the authority of the Bible. For example, recently a legislator tabled a motion to study the formulation of policies to recognize "same-sex union" which was subsequently vetoed. During the debate, a legislator with Christian background wanted to add a clause to respect the family values cherished in the existing marriage institution based on "one man and one woman". Immediately, another legislator with Christian background hit back, quoting the verdict of the top court that "one man and one woman" is a Christian marriage ideology introduced to Hong Kong in 1972. It has never been our original marriage institution. We have no obligation to uphold it. To be frank, this legislator might be guilty of quoting the verdict out of context. Moreover, she was suggesting that "one man and one woman" is a Christian ideology and since most Chinese do not believe in Christ, there is no obligation to obey such an ideology imposed on us from the West. Of course this reasoning is blatantly wrong. During Ming Dynasty, the court failed to predict solar eclipses, using the Ming Calendar. Matteo Ricci, a Jesuit priest made use of Western Calendar and correctly predicted solar eclipses! If you were the Ming Emperor at that time, would you say, "This Calendar came from the West and is an institution imposed upon us. We refuse to use Western Calendar"? Surely, not all things from the West is good. Xenophilia is wrong. Similarly, all alien things are harmful to local system. Such a xenophobic mentality is also wrong! The Classic of Poetry says, "Rocks from other mountains are able to polish jade." If your stubbornly reject the Truth, at the end of the day, you shall only be a loser! Unfortunately, the legislative chamber is made up of so many illogical legislators. How disappointing!

In the world today, people uphold democracy, freedom and human rights. The Church seems to be going against the flow by celebrating the Solemnity of Christ the King. Is the Church going against the current?
First of all, why did kings appear in human society? Humanity is superior over other species on world because their ability to organize is strong. They are able to build mega projects such as the Great Wall, to modify deliberately their living environment and systematically annihilate their rivals! On all these fronts, the institution of kings is a successful institution. People only have to pay a little price to keep a king. Then they are able to live and work peacefully. Why not? Unfortunately, human history is full of foolish rulers and tyrants while good kings are few to come by. Many foolish and brutal individuals abuse the kingship institution. They feed on the subjects and oppress them so much so that people are forced to rebel. The idea of human rights came from fighting back against abusive tyrants. People want to protect their own lives and their hard earned estates. They could only set off revolutions to overthrow tyrany. They demand kings to recognize the right to life and the right to private property of the people. All should be equal before the law. They demand kings not to be above the law but to refrain from abusing their authority. People only want to protect their lives and their private property. Indeed, people pay a heavy price to start revolutions. These basic human rights came from sweat and blood.

Unfortunately, not only is the institution of kings abused. Even the concept of human rights is also gradually abused. Out of selfishness, some people in power demand to enjoy rights which they are not entitled and embellish it as "equality of rights". Or they pass laws to force most people to accept the selfish benefits of a handful of people. Such actions are unjust and unreasonable. Thus, we see that without the "Truth", all those superficially valuable and meaningful actions and things shall become a harmful and exploitative institution.

The verse immediately after today's gospel is: Pilate said to him, "What is truth?" (John 18:38). Perhaps in Pilate's mind, might was right or law was truth. Perhaps Pilate was not even interested in knowing the truth at all. However, during the Last Supper, when answering Thomas' question, Jesus said, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." (14:6)
Jesus Christ is the Son of God, the visible mercy of the invisible Father. He incarnated to show us the Way to return to the Father. He embodies the Truth and gives Life to men. The truth is "God is love." (1 John 4:8) Out of love, the Father created a cosmo suitable for men to live. Out of love, God created men in His own image. Out of love, the Father did not abandon the fallen men. On the contrary, He sent the Son to redeem humanity, liberate them with the Truth and repay our debts with the blood of the Son. Out of love, God sends the Holy Spirit to be the Advocate to accompany the Church to develop until the Son, Jesus Christ comes again in glory at the end of the world to judge the living and the dead. Thus Jesus Christ is king who "shall judge the poor with justice, and decide fairly for the land's afflicted. He shall strike the ruthless with the rod of his mouth, and with the breath of his lips he shall slay the wicked." (Isaiah 11:4)

Brethren, although Jesus Christ told Pilate, "My kingdom does not belong to this world." (John 18:36), didn't He become flesh to be crucified to repay our sins? Thus, the kingdom of Jesus Christ is not a political secular kingdom. It is a spiritual kingdom. We are fighting against Satan. It is a spiritual battle whose battlefield is the world. Since we accept Jesus Christ to be our King, even though people do not accept the teachings of the Bible, we have the responsibility to demonstrate the superiority of Christ's teachings to the world with our words and deeds. Let them make a wise and free choice. Let us continue to make the teachings of the Beatitudes as our guiding principles in life. On one hand, we work hard towards sanctification. On the other, we help others sanctify and together sanctify the world to become the Kingdom of Jesus Christ.
God bless!

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