- 耶穌基督告訴我們,祂在聖體聖事之內(14:22)。祇要我們守候在聖體櫃前祈禱,或者參加每月首星期四晚的明供聖體,參加主日彌撒等。在末日,我們便有機會在聖堂裡,迎接再度來臨的耶穌基督了。但不是人人都可以24小時守候在聖堂內,在聖體櫃前祈禱的。難道我們不用上班工作,養妻活兒嗎?
- 耶穌基督又告訴我們,那裡有兩個或三個人,因祂的名字聚在一起,耶穌基督就在他們中間(瑪18:20)。所以,祇要我們參加彌撒,參加堂區的善會活動,甚至在家中與家人一起祈禱等等;在末日,我們在團體聚會中,會有機會迎接到再度來臨的耶穌基督了。
- 最後,耶穌基督以「山羊和綿羊」的比喻,講述「最後審判」的時候,明明白白地告訴我們,可以在飢餓、口渴、衣不蔽體、無家可歸、患病和在囚人士之中找到祂(25:31-40)。2016年,教會舉行「慈悲禧年」,宣佈大赦,使生活不同境況的兄弟姊妹,例如勞工、青少年、長者、病患者、傷殘人士、在囚人士等等,獲享天主的恩寵與慈悲。教宗方濟各更在「慈悲禧年」閉幕時,宣佈訂定每年普世基督君王瞻禮前一個主日,為「世界窮人日」,彰顯出關懷窮人與末世的密切關係。今年是第二屆。
Thirty Third Ordinary Sunday, World Day of the Poor, Year B
Theme: The Poor Evangelize Us
No text in today's gospel is more eye-catching than this one, "But of that day or hour, no one knows, neither the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father." (Mark 13:32)
Many parents in Hong Kong are very utilitarian. They want their children to have "a good future". So they encourage and even force them to choose subjects like Physics, Chemistry, Economics, Principles of Account and Information Technology etc. They won't consider subjects such as English Literature, Chinese History, Ethics and Religion. Unbeknown to them, besides material needs, human beings also have spiri
Jesus teaches us the proper attitude towards the end of the world. We must "Be Watchful! Be Alert!" (13:33) Make "God the centre of our life", i.e. lead our life according to the teachings of the Beatitudes. This is sanctification. When we have God in our hearts, shall we have any fear of the end of the world?
Let's do a thought experiment. All of us are revolutionaries. We plan to assassinate a tyrant. We know that he will definitely pass through a certain location but the moment is an absolute secret. Only he knows. As revolutionaries, how can we assassinate him? A stupid but workable method is to wait for him at the location 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. When he arrives, we act!
I believe all of you have the answers.
Brethren! The Pope wishes all of us to "make tangible the Church's response to the cry of the poor, to experience this World Day as a privileged moment of new evangelization. The poor evangelize us and help us each day to discover the beauty of the Gospel. Let us not squander this grace-filled opportunity." (#10)
tual needs. Without cultural and ethical trainings, schools can produce spiritually fragile people who have high earning capabilities. When adversities strike, they fall miserably!
Many unorthodox Christians hang around near Ginza, Tin Shui Wai. They target young people and sell them the end of the world is near. They scare them and persuade them to join their church. This is a questionable practice. In order to protect my students, whether they believe in God or not, I taught them "religious self-defence". I told my students to memorize the text above. When they meet those unorthodox Christians, my students could quote the text to point out their fallacy.
How do you deal with a teacher who likes to give impromptu tests or a boss who inspects unannounced? Besides being vigilant all the time, is there any other counter measure? Even if we are able to bribe an informant close to the boss or the teacher's favourite student in order to set up an early warning system, but on God's side, who can we bribe? Even angels and the Son do not know. Is there really no way out? Not necessarily!
Similarly, although nobody knows the day and the time of the end, if we wait patiently at where Jesus Christ will surely appear, at the end of the world, we shall become the first group of people to welcome Christ the Universal King! Two thousand years ago, when Jesus died on the cross, the eleven apostles hid themselves to save their skins. Only those women who loved Jesus were not afraid of the authority. They risked their lives to balm Jesus' corpse after Sabbath. Consequently, Mary Magdalene became the first person to meet the risen Christ. Moreover, she became the "Apostle of the Apostles" when Jesus sent her to inform the apostles his resurrection! Thus, let me repeat once more. Wait where Jesus must appear and we shall have the opportunity to become the first ones to welcome Christ the King. The question is, after His Ascension, where shall Jesus Christ definitely appear?
The Pope makes use of a verse from the Psalms to be the theme of this World Day of the Poor. "The poor man cried, and the Lord heard him." (Psalm 34:6) In meditating on this verse, the Pope points out that "the poor" are people experiencing "the different conditions of suffering and marginalization ... whose hearts are broken by sadness, loneliness and exclusion ... trampled in their dignity." But they "still find the strength to look up to him for light and comfort." (Message on the Second World Day of the Poor, #1) "Sadly ... the poor hear voices scolding them, telling them to be quiet and to put up with their lot ... were considered a source of insecurity and unrest ... and needing to be rejected and kept afar." (#5) Unbeknown to us, "The poor are the first to recognize God's presence and to testify to his closeness in their lives." (#6) Thus, don't ever think that we are helping the poor. On the contrary, the poor are proclaiming the gospel to us and to the world! Do you hear their voices? The Pope appeals for an examination of conscience. "How their plea, which rises to the presence of God, can fail to reach our own ears, or leave us cold and indifferent." (#2) "Our indifference is "born of a worldly and narrow view of life." (#9) Let us speak less and listen more. Follow the teaching of St. Paul on Christian sanctification, i.e. "Rejoice with those who rejoice, weep with those who weep. Have the same regard for one another; do not be haughty but associate with the lowly; do not be wise in your own estimation." (Romans 12:15-16)
God bless!
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