
Monday 12 November 2018

如何不令小子跌倒 How NOT to Cause Little Ones to Fall






How NOT to Cause Little Ones to Fall (Luke 17:1-6)

Most Catholics are reluctant to evangelize. The lack of biblical and catechetical knowledge is a common excuse. They "fear" that they would teach the wrong things to others. However, when teaching others, the recipients will of course benefit. But in the course of teaching different people, the teachers themselves will continue to upgrade their skills and clarify some blind spots in their knowledge. Thus, it is not necessary for the knowledge to be bulletproof in order to evangelize because catechists also improve in the process. After all, the biblical and catechetical knowledge of priests and bishops is not airtight!

To upgrade one's faith is a life-long assignment. We will lose the motivation to improve when we do not evangelize and meet difficulties. Allowing their faith to gather dust; not knowing the words and deeds of Jesus Christ, or Christian moral principles; going with the flow and do not find it problematic is a rather accurate description of most Catholics. Why? It is because when they do not evangelize, their faith is never challenged and gather dust. They have never been rejected and will not have the chance to feel the goodness of God's consolation. Then from where comes the motivation to study and strengthen their spirituality? Paradoxically, indulging in the world of social media which is flooded with fake news, many Catholics are eager to forward short questionable messages packaged in high sounding philosophical memes to their friends and groups without a thought, perhaps to satisfy their evangelization duty! They have committed the eighth Commandment, being irresponsible towards the truth!

Lord Jesus Christ says it well, "Things that cause sin will inevitably occur." (Luke 17:1) It is inevitable for the secular world to be filled with cheatings and fallacies. Let us not become the cause of the fall of those little ones in faith. The best way is to proclaim the words and deeds of Jesus Christ to others so that they may share God's salvation. Then we too will improve and do not fall into temptations of the secular world. Amen.

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