
Tuesday 22 January 2019







Is it wrong to observe the law? Of course not!
But when we forget the intention of legislation, which is for the benefit of men, "The Sabbath was made for men." (Mark 2:27), observing the law is futile. That is to say, observing the law blindly or unconsciously is observing the law, but it benefits nobody! It would be a worse crime to make use of the law to harm people. When the Pharisees accused Jesus for not instructing his disciples properly, letting them do "what is unlawful on the Sabbath" (2:24), they were using the law to harm Jesus. How wicked they were!

Our Master is very understanding. He understands that it is easy for people who observe the law rigidly to trap themselves inside a contracting iron cell. Their hearts and minds are exhausted and in need of liberation. How do we liberate them?
Since they are conservative, our Master "brings from their storeroom both the new and the old." (Matthew 13:52) Right! Tell them history! Conservative people enjoy taking lessons from history. Hopeful, hitting on their likes would teach them the spirit of observing the law. The law seeks righteousness. But God's righteousness is love, mercy and salvation. Thus, the spirit of the law is not only righteousness but also mercy. Keeping the Sabbath, fasting and circumcision etc. are made for the good of men! Is keeping the Sabbath not to remember how God liberated the Israelites from slavery (Deuteronomy 5:15)? Then, isn't relieving people from difficulty on Sabbath doing God's will? Although David broke the letters of the law, he was actually practising the spirit of the law. The Pharisees dared not to accuse David of doing wrong. By extrapolation, our Master was not doing wrong too. Unfortunately, the Pharisees did not seem to understand the concept of extrapolation. Jesus could help them no more.
Lord Jesus Christ, we are willing to learn from you, to consider from the others' point of view and to instruct the ignorant. Amen.

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