
Sunday 13 January 2019

受洗穿上基督 Baptized and Clothed with Christ


在聖誕期,基督徒慶祝天主子降生成人的奧蹟,祂把卑微的人性,提昇到高超的神性。今天是整個聖誕期的最後一天,明天是常年期第一周的星期一了。上一個星期的「主顯節」,慶祝天主聖子把自己,啟示給代表所有外邦人的東方賢士。今天的「主受洗節」,是「主顯節」的另一個表達方式。它慶祝天主聖三,把自己啟示給所有的人。天主子耶穌基督接受若翰的洗禮後, 祈禱的時候,天開了(路3:21)。古代的人所認識的「天」,不是今天我們所認識的外太空,而是天主的居所!所以,耶穌基督祈禱的行動,從下而上,打開了天門,貫通了人間和上天。從前,祇有天主纔能打開天門,與受造界溝通。今天,作為人類一份子的天主子一樣可以做!於是,天主聖神降臨到人間,人類又再一次可以聽到天父的聲音了!




各位兄弟姊妹,記得「聖神七恩」是甚麼嗎?倘若忘記了,彌撒後尋找答案吧!記得耶穌基督所教訓的成聖之道,「山中聖訓」嗎?倘若忘記了,彌撒後翻查瑪竇福音第五至七章溫習吧!有勇氣在這俗世實踐這些具有挑戰性的教訓嗎?不用怕,一會兒領聖體,帶著耶穌基督到街上、回到家裡、學校裡、公司裡 。有耶穌基督在一起,成聖又有何難呢?


Feast of The Baptism of the Lord, Year C
Theme: Baptized and Clothed with Christ

During Christmas Season, we celebrate the Mystery of Incarnation. The Son of God took up the humble humanity and elevated it to supernatural divinity. Today is the last day of the Christmas Season. Tomorrow will be the Monday of the First Week in Ordinary Time. Last Sunday was the Solemnity of Epiphany. We celebrated the revelation of the Son of God to the Oriental Magi who represented all Gentiles. Today is the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord. It is another expression of Epiphany. It celebrates the revelation of the Blessed Trinity to humanity. After Jesus Christ, the Son of God, "had been baptized and was praying, heaven was opened." (Luke 3:21) The "heaven" which ancient peoples knew was not the same outer-space we know today. It was the abode of God! Thus, Christ's prayer opened up heaven from below, connecting the world with heaven. Previously, only God could open up heaven to communicate with His Creation. Today, as a member of humanity, the Son of God is able to do the same! Thus, the Holy Spirit came down to earth. Men were able to hear the Father's voice once more!

The Baptist's mission was to bear witness to Jesus Christ, telling the Jews that he was not the Messiah they were expecting because the Messiah was mightier. He was not worthy to loosen the thongs of his sandals. Why? It was because John baptized with water but the Messiah would baptize with the Holy Spirit and fire. (3:16) John was not the Messiah. Jesus Christ is. It is because after his Ascension, Jesus Christ sent the Holy Spirit to descend upon the 120 disciples in the signs of strong wind, blast and tongues of fire to establish the Church (Acts 2). Thus, other than those who receive baptism on the verge of death, all of us have received / will receive the Sacrament of Confirmation to seal our baptism. Didn't the Holy Spirit descend upon Jesus Christ after his baptism? (Luke 3:22)

As for Baptism, St. Paul the Apostle has this teaching, "For all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ." (Galatians 3:27) What does "clothed with Christ" mean? This reminds me of a famous story in Genesis. Isaac, the son of Abraham had a pair of twins called Esau and Jacob. Esau the elder brother was hairy, sporty and loved hunting. The younger brother Jacob was quiet and loved thinking. One day, Jacob cheated Esau's birth right with a bowl of lentil stew. The author of Genesis criticizes Esau for treating his right as firstborn with disdain but does not condemn Jacob for taking advantage of his brother's weaknesses! (Gensis 25:34) Later, Esau married two Gentile women who became a source of bitterness to his parents.(26:35) Subsequently, Isaac was old and his sight had failed. He wanted to bless Esau before he died. Their mother persuaded Jacob to put on Esau's cloth which carried Esau's fragrance. (27:27) "Becoming" Esau, Jacob successfully received the firstborn blessing! Had Isaac not suspected this "Esau" was Jacob (27:22)? Is God blind like Isaac so that He cannot tell Christians who "clothed with Christ" from Jesus Christ? Of course not! God genuinely loves humanity, like Isaac who loved his two sons. Isaac preferred believing Jacob to be Esau and blessed him! Similarly, God wills to redeem the fallen humanity, prefers to trust us and bless us. To answer the question above, what does "clothed with Christ" mean? It means to become another Christ! We think as Christ thinks, speak as Christ speaks and act as Christ acts!

To quote the Blessed Virgin Mary, "How can this be?" (Luke 1:34) Simple. It is the Sacrament of Confirmation. Through this sacrament, the baptized would receive the Holy Spirit and its strength from the seven gifts, a fragrance of Christ. The seven gifts of the Holy Spirit help us think like Jesus Christ, seeking the will of God. They help us speak like Jesus Christ, proclaiming the gospel and the teachings of the Kingdom of Heaven. They help us act like Jesus Christ, liberating people from all sorts of poverty: not only material poverty, but also intellectual, relational and spiritual poverties. That is to say, the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit help us lead a life of "Clothed with Christ"! In this way, the Father's word to Jesus Christ also applies to us. Those of us who have received the Sacrament of Initiation have clothed with Christ and become the well-pleased sons of God. (3:22) The Son of God came down to take up flesh in order to elevate humanity to divinity, to partake in the eternal life of the Blessed Trinity. Thus, the ultimate target in life is sanctification. Receiving baptism is the first step!

Brethren, do you remember the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit? Forgotten? No problem. Check them out after mass! Do you remember the way to sanctification, the Sermon on the Mount? Forgotten? No problem. Look up Matthew chapters five to seven after mass. Do you have the courage to practise those challenging teachings? Don't worry. We shall receive the Holy Communion and carry Jesus Christ with us on the street, in our home, school or office. With Jesus Christ, sanctification is not beyound reach!
God bless!

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