
Monday 21 January 2019









When you trust in the Lord and work conscientiously, somebody speaks ill of you before you or behind your back; and even accuse you before your boss without letting you know. Christians, what should you do? Learn from your Master!

For of all, your Master always prays to seek the Father's will. Thus, the first step you should take is to evaluate whether you have done anything wrong without knowing it. Or perhaps have you forgotten God temporarily so that He sends a complainant to wake you up? Frankly, if the complainant criticizes you behind your back, you have no opportunity to explain and he has no opportunity to know the truth. There is nothing you can you. Dig him up to clarify? It won't work! If he wants to know the truth, he won't make anonymous complaints. So, you can only pray for him, hoping that he will understand one day.

If he confronts and complains you, it shows that he wants to know the truth. But even before you explain, you should also stop to think. How understanding your Master is! "New wine is poured into fresh wineskins." (Mark 2:22) The complainant does not have your experiences. He may not understand or appreciate your new style of working. "No one who has been drinking old wine desires new, for he says, ‘The old is good.'"(Luke 5:39) At this moment, out of charity and for his dignity, try to explain yourself in parables. Don't argue with reasons and injure fraternity! Would parables work? God knows! I am afraid after hearing the parable of the bridegroom and wedding guests, the disciples of John the Baptist and Pharisees would never accept your Master's explanation even on the day they died! Between soft parables and hard reasons, I prefer soft ones!

Christians! Love those who criticize you! Your Master did it! Bearing wrongs patiently is a spiritual work of mercy!
Lord Jesus Christ, increase our charity to do more spiritual works of mercy, in particular, bearing wrongs patiently. Amen.

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