
Sunday 10 March 2019

地獄不空 Hell Is Not Empty












First Lenten Sunday, Year C
Theme: Hell Is Not Empty

The gospel today tells how Jesus overcame Satan's temptations. It is a perfect exemplar for us. Jesus Christ is the Son of God. He surely overcomes all temptations. But we are inadequate. We should be more careful with temptations.

Why are there temptations in our daily life? Temptations can be an alarm showing the emergence of crises. When our financial situation is sound, money is not attractive. Just because there is no emergency fund, money suddenly becomes attractive! When our marriages are sweet, lust cannot lure us. Just because there is a breakdown of communication between the spouses, cracks appear and the third-party comes plundering. Just because the political scene is unclear, people in power will unscrupulously butcher scapegoats in order to feel that they are still in power.

Crises come with opportunities. If they are handled properly, we can overturn the tide. Otherwise, we will fall. The same applies in faith. God allows temptations and will give us enough grace to handle them so that we shall return to His bosom and obtain more graces. For example, Abraham passed the test to offer Isaac in holocaust and became the fount of blessings to all nations. Had Abraham been reluctant to give up this beloved son in old age, the Father of Many Nations would have been somebody else! David is another example. He would have easily beheaded Saul who ran after his life out of jealousy. Had David done so, he would have replaced Saul as the King of Israel but he would also have lost favour before God and failed to become the ancestor of the Messiah. Thus, we should take temptations seriously.

On the other hand, "The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak." (Matthew 26:41) The Bible is littered with people fallen prey to temptations. From the Rich Man who was indifferent to Lazarus, to Herodias who killed John the Baptist with the hand of a lustful Herod, and Judas who betrayed Jesus Christ. Although the Church has never announced that Judas and Herodias were condemned to hell, few people would doubt it. Even though he had not murdered anybody, the Rich Man suffered in hell all because he was indifferent to the plights of the poor. So, what would happen to those who drank the innocent's blood? Although St. Paul tells us, "God wills everyone to be saved," (1 Timothy 2:4) the past records of humanity are too disappointing. Men always misuse their freedom and rejects God's patience and mercy. Thus, we should be cautiously optimistic with St. Paul's view. Hell will not be empty!

Since hell is for real and is not a fabrication to scare people into doing good, we should face temptations in our daily life squarely. Once we fail, we come closer to hell and farther away from God. The three temptations in the gospel are typical temptations. They appeared again in different guises later in the public ministry of Jesus Christ. Thus, these temptations shall be packaged and appear in other manners in our secular life.

For example, the Internet and the mobile phones are the most popular temptations today. In the beginning, the Internet gave us an appealing vision of freedom and democracy. Before the Internet, only cartels, entrepreneurs had the resources to publish books, newspapers, magazines; to invest in movies and to broadcast in radio and TV stations. These mass media were able to monitor the running of the state and to shape public opinions to put pressure on the government. With the Internet, all of us can be entrepreneurs, authors, publishers, movies and TV stars etc. Superficially, the media have become democratic, but obviously, the quality of the media is sickening. We are often overwhelmed by rumours and fake news in our social media groups. They could be forwarded without any effort. It is troublesome but we don't want to leave the groups. Why are we willing to fill up our time and energy with such low quality information? It is because we are afraid of emptiness! This is also Satan's first temptation to Jesus Christ.

When our stomach is empty, we fill it up with appropriate amount and kinds of food and it brings satisfaction. However, some people seek that satiation and eat without restrain. Consequently, they develop eating disorders. In a similar manner, we also want to fill up the emptiness in our hearts in order to obtain spiritual satisfaction. Some people seek spiritual satisfaction while others perhaps want to run away from spiritual loneliness, pain and guilt. They fill up their time with meaningless activities. The Internet and mobile phones are the handiest tools to fill time up. So, nowadays, not only do many people abuse substances and obsess with gambling, but they also become workaholic, shopaholic and addicted to the Internet in order to fill up the void in their hearts.

In Lent, we prepare our hearts to celebrate the Passover of Jesus Christ who defeated death, came back to life and ascended to heaven to bring us eternal life. Why do we choose fasting to prepare our hearts? Fasting keeps our stomach empty and we choose not to fill it, not to satiate it. We refuse to evade from enduring the weakness brought about with an empty stomach. Upon what do we rely? God! We know that choosing junk food to fill up an empty stomach will be harmful to our health and make us obese! Similarly, we choose not garbage social media but soul lifting holy writings of saints to make our hearts healthier and desire God more. Thus, on top of fasting in Lent, we should set up a reading schedule for our spirit. Abstain from the Internet, abstain from mobile phones! Make room for time to read chicken essence for our souls!

Here, I would like to recommend for your spiritual reading two recent Apostolic Exhortations issued by our Pope Francis: Amoris Laetitia and Gaudete et Exsultate. The former explores Christian sanctification through married and family life. It reiterates the importance of mutual respect. We should never impose our own will upon our spouses and children. This is a direct answer to the Satan's second temptation: the desire for power, the desire to control! Thus, I would like to invite all of you to meditate on the teachings of these two documents in Lent to make up the time wasted on the addiction to the Internet and mobile phones. Get close to God and stay away from the eternal life of hell.
God bless!

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