
Sunday 17 March 2019

我們都是天父所揀選的 We Are Chosen by the Father










Second Lenten Sunday, Year C
Theme: We Are Chosen by the Father

On the first Sunday of Lent, the gospel told us how Jesus Christ overcame temptations. Among the Creation, only human can be tempted. Animals won't be, neither be angels nor devils. It is because under normal circumstances, animals act according to their instincts. It is meaningless to say they kill the innocent, commit adultery and tell lies etc. Angels and devils are fixed spirits. Their stance and missions are fixed. Nothing on earth is able to tempt them to change their courses. But men were created in the image of God. They are able to know good from evil. Furthermore, God gave them freedom. Thus, only humans among the Creation always remain in a state of "The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak." (Mark 14:38) We have to work hard in order to overcome temptations that drag us away from God. The gospel on last Sunday tells us an important Christian dogma: Jesus Christ is genuinely human. His death is real, not an illusion! During Lent, we together with the elect shall spend forty days preparing for the celebration of Easter. We learn from Jesus' example of overcoming temptations how to make use of the Scriptures to refuse drifting away from God.

Today, we hear of the narrative of the Transfiguration. We meditate on the divinity of Jesus Christ. Before the meditation, let us clarify the context. The three Synoptic Gospel report the incident. It happened after Peter's Declaration of Jesus' Messiahship and Jesus' first Passion Prediction. Although Jesus wanted to tell his disciples the good news of resurrection, they could not accept their master's plan to suffer in Jerusalem. Peter even tried to stop Jesus. Consequently, Jesus rebuked him and called him Satan! Later, Jesus decided to take the core of the apostles to witness his Transfiguration, allowing them to understand the glory of partaking in God's eternal life after resurrection.

Among the Synoptic Gospel, only Luke mentions the contents of the exchanges between Jesus with Moses and Elijah, "Who appeared in glory and spoke of his exodus that he was going to accomplish in Jerusalem." (Luke 9:31) The word "exodus" was used. That is to say, the passion, death, resurrection and ascension of Jesus Christ in Jerusalem would be an Exodus event. The death and resurrection of Jesus Christ is a process of Passover to eternal life. From hence, for all believers, death is no longer an annihilation but a passover of the threshold to eternal life. It is an Exodus! Together with the elect, we prepare in Lent an Exodus once more! The elect prepare to passover to lead a Christian life of grace free from the bondage of sins. We, who are Catholics, prepare to move a step closer to the Father to receive more abundant life.

Matthew and Mark talks about "six days later" (Matthew 17:1, Mark 9:2). But Luke says, "About eight days after this" (Luke 9:28). Well then, was it six or eight? In fact, whether it is six or eight is not important. The Evangelists wish to express their messages with such arrangements. St. Ambrose opined that "eight days" refers to the resurrection of Jesus Christ. It is because Jesus Christ rose on the first day of the week. It can be said to be the eighth day. St. Ambrose continued, "He who listen to the words of Christ and believe shall be able to see the glory of Christ at resurrection." If we listen and believe in the teachings of Jesus Christ and bear witness to his resurrection in our daily life, at the Last Judgment, we shall be able to see the glory of his countenance like the three apostles.

Other than resurrection, "eight days" also symbolizes sacred assemblies. In Torah as well as historical events in the Old Testament, "sacred assemblies of the people on the eighth day" were mentioned many times. (Leviticus 23:36, Numbers 29:35, 2 Chronicles 7:9, Nehemiah 8:18) Although the apostles only saw Moses and Elijah, which was not a big assembly, don't forget, Moses represents the Law and Elijah the Prophets, together they represented the whole of the Old Testament. Thus, Moses and Elijah represented all the people of the Old Testament to pass on the New Testament to Jesus Christ. The three apostles are the pillars of the Church. Their presence represented the sacred assembly of the Church inaugurated in the New Testament. They shall bear witness to the mercy of the Father to the world.

Lastly, according to Jewish customs, a male baby should be circumcized on the eighth day and given a name so that it would be formally declared a member of the Jewish community! The Lukan narration of the voice in the cloud is peculiar, "This is my chosen Son" (Luke 9:35). In Christianity, Jesus Christ is the Son of God, begotten of the Father, not made. If he was "begotten", why "chosen"? We have to appreciate that the gospel of Luke is a book of prayer. Of course, in telling the life of Jesus, Luke always mentions the prayings of Jesus Christ. Not only that, Luke narrates every event as materials of prayer. The Transfiguration is stuff for meditation and prayer. In particular, "This is my chosen Son" not only indicates the identity of Jesus Christ, but it also points to the Mystical Body of Christ, the Church! Together with the elect, we are chosen by the Father. Our baptism is the circumcision. We should circumcise, not the foreskins of our body but our hearts (Deuteronomy 30:6, Jeremiah 4:4, Romans 2:29). How blessed we are to be chosen by the Father to partake in the glory of eternal life after resurrection!

Brethren! In order to inherit this blessedness, what shall we do today? Since we are called to be saints, to form a sacred assembly, let us follow the call of Pope Francis in Gautete et Exsultate to lead a life in accordance to the spirit of the Beatitudes. Let us march ahead towards eternal life so that someday we may partake in the divinity of Jesus Christ!
God bless!

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