
Sunday 24 March 2019

天主的慈悲有限期嗎? Shall God's Mercy Expire?






真理其實並不複雜,聖經說:「天主是愛」(若一4:816),又說:「天主願意所有的人都得救,並得以認識真理」(弟前2:4)。既然天主愛我們,又願意所有的人都得救,天主一定不會讓我們落地獄的!錯!天主的愛並非溺愛,縱容人類犯罪。犯罪使我們遠離天主,天主豈會自我矛盾呢?十年前,榮休教宗本篤十六世,發表了【在真理中實踐愛德】的通諭,說:「本人深知愛德能迷失方向,也能喪失它本有的意義…我們有可能誤解愛,把它排除於倫理生活之外…使愛德不能發揮應有的功效…所以,我們一定要將愛德與真理相提並論。」(CV #2)天主透過耶穌基督,教導我們真理。所以我們有責任認識耶穌基督,認識真理,力行仁愛,在真理中實踐愛德,使愛德能發揮它應有的功效!這就是耶穌基督所指的「悔改」(路13:35),就是按福音的精神,即「真福八端」的精神生活!




Third Lenten Week, Year C
Theme: Shall God's Mercy Expire?

God created men in His own image (Genesis 1:26). Although men are not perfect, men possess God's characteristics. We believe that justice is one of God's characteristics. Therefore, the desire for justice is innate.
Unfortunately, the society in which we live in is full of all sorts of injustice in our eyes. We see the wicked prosper and the righteous frustrated. But we still believe that there is justice in the world. "Good and evil shall be rewarded accordingly". "In the end, justice shall prevail". Such ideas are very reasonable. They help maintain our sanity. If we stay in uncertainty for too long or things cannot be reasonably explained for too long or we cannot make reasonable predictions, our minds will be disturbed. Our sanity will collapse. Unfortunately, these ideas are wrong!

We believe in a fatherly God. When we encounter any difficulties, God will deliver us from evil. This idea is not just consoling but is also a truth, a Biblical truth. On the other hand, we believe that God is righteous. Thus, even if justice does not prevail in this world, we strongly believe in the Last Judgment. God, who rewards the good and punishes the evil, shall see justice done to the oppressed! This is a truth, but not the whole truth. Although we have eaten the fruit of the tree of "Knowledge of Good and Evil" and have the ability to know such, the good and evil in our hearts may not be the same as in God's heart. It is because we are affected by the Original Sin, stumbled by concupiscence. What we see as good might only satisfy our selfish desires. We might not have thought about how it affects people around us. Our thoughts are not God's thoughts (Isaiah 55:8-9). Our measure of justice does not match God's justice. Thus, when sufferings fall upon us, we are easily affected by the idea of "rewarding good and punishing evil". We think that illnesses, disasters or misfortunes are punishments for our sins. The gospel today deals with this problem.

First of all, pay attention to Jesus' wording, "… Were they greater sinners than all other Galileans? … Were they more guilty than everyone else who lived in Jerusalem?" (Luke 13:2, 4) Jesus Christ uses "all other" and "everyone else". In other words, everybody is somewhat sinful. Paul says the same when he writes, "All have sinned and are deprived of the glory of God." (Romans 3:23) Today, the society has become progressive. Science is so advanced that many existential problems have been solved. Men have become more confident. It is extremely difficult for modern men to admit that they are sinners, are inadequate and owe God something! Moreover, we are living in a post-Information Technology era. People in power manipulate the media, farm fake news, spread rumours and make scapegoats out of the underprivileged to divert people's dissatisfaction. Many people are unable to tell truth from fallacies, to see clearly who are morally responsible! Remember! Whether you are in power, or are just commoners, rich or poor, morally impeccable or publicly scandalous, all of us fail before God. We waste God's given "talents" and lose God's grace and glory (Matthew 25:25). When we are glad that we have not sinned, and despise public sinners, we are only pots calling kettles black (Luke 18:11)! We forget that we are ambitious, that we are stubborn, that we are doing evil in good intentions and that we are "monster parents" etc. We make ourselves and people close to us suffer. It is against charity! Truly, we all fail.

Therefore, when disaster strikes and a group of people demise, it does not mean that they are more sinful! "A time to give birth, and a time to die." (Ecclesiastes 3:2) Their time has come. They have used up all their time on earth. Just like any other disasters or accidents, they just happen to turn up in the wrong place at the wrong time. Consequently, they die an untimely death and even cannot be properly buried. Thus, it is illogical to say that these people are more sinful. Thus, Jesus Christ advised the audience, "If you do not repent, you will all perish as they did!" (Luke 13:3, 5) Not just once, but twice. How anxious Jesus was! It is because people are often misguided by fallacies such as "The good shall be rewarded and evil punished" and "Efforts pay" etc.

Truth is not complicated. The Bible says, "God is love" (1 John 4:8, 16) and that "God wills everyone to be saved and to come to knowledge of the truth." (1 Timothy 2:4) Since God loves us and wills that all shall be saved, God will not send us to hell! Wrong! God's love is not an indulgent love which allows humanity to commit sins which drag us away from God. How can God be contradictory? Ten years ago, Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI issued the encyclical "Caritas in Veritate" which says, "I am aware of the ways in which charity has been and continues to be misconstrued and emptied of meaning, with the consequent risk of being misinterpreted, detached from ethical living… hence the need to link charity with truth." (CV #2) Through Jesus Christ, God teaches us the truth. It is our responsibility to know Jesus Christ, to know the truth and practise charity. Practise charity in truth so that charity can be relevant in different fields of human lives! This is what Jesus Christ teaches about "repentance" (Luke 13:3, 5). It is to lead a life in the spirit of the gospel, in the spirit of the Beatitudes!

The second part of the gospel we read today is a parable of planting a fig tree. What does the fig tree (13:6) symbolize? Three years (13:7)? Dung (13:8)? Among the exegesis of Church Fathers, I think that of St. Augustine comes close to Luke's writing purpose. Thus I choose his interpretation. St. Augustine opines that the fig tree symbolizes the whole humanity. Three years symbolizes the three ages in which God came into contact with humanity: the Patriarchs era, Law & Prophet era and the Gospel era. Disappointingly, they bore no fruit of faith! Fortunately, God is merciful and patient. Dung symbolizes humility. God is willing to kick off a fourth era in which He shall strengthen humility, hoping that men would repent, believe in the good news and lead a life in the spirit of the Beatitudes! Then, when will the fourth era close? Will it come to an end? Has God's mercy an expiry date? No, but the days of each of us are numbered and we don't know when. Even though God's mercy never expires, we cannot lead a reckless life and meet our doomsday before we repent!

Brethren! Let us follow the appeal of Pope Francis in his Apostolic Exhortation, "Gaudete et Exsultate", lead our life in the spirit of the Beatitudes, a life called to sanctification!
God bless!

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