Is there Eternal Life? (Matthew 19:16-22)
We are not able to find the concept of eternal life in the Old Testament. There is only longevity. For example, when you keep the honour thy father and thy mother commandment, "you may have a long life in the land the Lord your God is giving you" (Exodus 20:12, Deuteronomy 5:16), and offering sacrifices of pleasing odour to the God of heaven, you may pray for the life of the king and his sons (Ezra 6:10) etc. Therefore, probably this young man was influenced by foreign ideas such that he knew to enquire about the question of eternal life (Matthew 19:16). Still, he was not able to free himself from Old Testament concepts, thinking that by doing more "good", he would be able to gain the "eternal life" as he understood it.
Obviously, his concept of "eternal life" was wrong. In his mind, eternal life is an immortal version of longevity! So, Jesus corrected it as "to enter into life" (19:17). This life is a life in union with the Son of God, the Author of Life (John 17:3). Furthermore, perhaps it would disappoint you that in order to gain this life, there is no new tricks, no extra "good", but the commandments handed down by Moses in the Old Testament! Unfortunately, the Israelites observed the letters of the laws only. In the process of keeping the laws, they failed to understand the spirit. This young man made the same mistake. He had kept all the commandments. Yet, he felt empty, that something was missing.
Jesus came not to abolish the commandments but to fulfil them (Matthew 5:17). Therefore, he revealed to this young man the essence of commandments: charity which Jesus Christ has demonstrated. A charity of sacrifice, a love of edifying others! In this way, his eternal life would start growing in heaven! Pay attention, eternal life is enjoyed in heaven, not in the secular world!
Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life (John 6:68). We believe that you are life. Amen.
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