
Why is wealth a Stumbling Block to Eternal Life? (Matthew 19:23-30) "It will be hard for one who is rich to enter the kingdom of heaven" (Matthew 19:23), because wealth makes a person haughty, pretending themselves a god in heart (Ezekiel 28:5-6). As a Chinese idiom goes, "A mountain cannot accommodate two tigers". God hates idolatry. The Ten Commandments also clearly forbids the worship of idols. Making oneself a god is even worse than idolatry. How can they enter the Kingdom of heaven? Therefore, Jesus Christ teaches us to abandon wealth because wealth encourages us to challenge God and not to trust in Him. On the other hand, the charitable works performed by haughty people would carry an air of alms-giving. The beneficiary would not be respected. In doing so, the meaning of charitable works, which is to help the beneficiary grow and develop, is totally lost. Without respect, how can the dignity of the beneficiary be enhanced? How can one inherit eternal life without loving God and one's neighbours (Matthew 19:16)?
Wealth is not the only thing which makes people arrogant. Achievements, fame and authority are as capable, if not more powerful, to make people lose their souls! People with achievements and authority are more likely to be prone to challenging God. I'm afraid confessing one's sins humbly is the only antidote! How difficult it is to confess one's sins humbly! It is truly more difficult than a camel passing through the eye of a needle (19:24)! Man's heart can be hard, but God is merciful and almighty. He was able to harden Pharaoh's heart (Exodus 4:21), and to make him release the Israelites (12:31). Pharaoh was a prime example of people who claim divinity. God is so powerful as to toy with Pharaoh. Which sovereignty on earth is able to rank with the Lord (Psalm 89:7)?
Jesus Christ comes down on earth to teach us the path to eternal life: to abandon wealth, achievements, fame and authority and follow Him. Build up the disadvantaged in exchange for an eternal life in heaven. Forsaking all these and one is able to unite with the Lord of life. This eternal life is definitely worth more than one hundred times the wealth, achievements, fame and authority in the secular world!
Heavenly Father! Grant us the wisdom of the Holy Spirit. Let us desire You more than wealth and power on earth. Amen.
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