我們應該把從大陸來加入的和在本地受訓的警察分開嗎?他們在遊行時做「臥底」,推動群眾衝擊,給其他同袍開火的藉口;執行任務時拒絕不出示委任証;不按學堂的訓練,舉槍向示威者平射;在民居附近及不通風的地方發射催淚彈;不按程序辦事,沒有法庭手令,擅闖私人地方;拘捕示威者後不是唸「你有權保持沈默…」,而是揮動警棍狂毆已沒有反抗能力的被捕人士;插贓嫁禍… 這些從大陸來的外勞,把香港警察,艱苦經營了幾十年,在市民心中所建立的清廉、忠心、專業、除暴安良的英雄形象,完全破壞了!
圖片鳴謝: Catholictruth.net
Pray for the Hong Kong Police Force
Did St. Maximiliani Mariae Kolbe, OFM pray for the Nazi officers who butchered them in death camps? He who actively promoted the veneration of the Immaculate Virgin Mary must have. Therefore, it is appropriate to meditate today on praying for the Hong Kong Police Force.
Hong Kong is not a concentration camp. However, which Hongkongers are able to extract themselves from the present situation, fantasizing to escape from the home where they have been raised? Therefore, all Christians in Hong Kong, in particular Catholics, should imitate the exemplar of St. Kolbe the more, praying for the Police Force and their family members. They have suffered a lot too.
Should we separate the recruits from mainland China and the locally trained police? They work undercover to provoke the demonstrators to charge forward, giving their colleagues a legitimate excuse to start shooting; refuse to show their ID; head shoot demonstrators, contrary to what they have learnt in the Academy; fire tear gas into congested environments; do not follow procedure, trespassing private properties without warrants; after arresting demonstrators, instead of reciting to them the Miranda Warning, "You have the right to remain silent ...", they beat up restrained suspects; framing the arrested suspects ... These mainland recruits wipe off the image of clean, loyal, professional and crime-fighting heroes which have taken decades to rebuild!
We should not divide them. Let us think from their perspective. The young people in Hong Kong think that the world should revolve around them. Nobody wants to do the dirty job. They have no stakes here in Hong Kong. Therefore, it is not wrong for the Police Force to recruit overseas helpers. Thus, Christians should pray for all members of the Police Force, irrespective of their colours!
Why do we just pray and do not join the pro-police rallies? It is because ordinary citizens dare not to get close to them, offering them roses or laurel wreaths. Some even despise them and chase them away. As Christians, we should never despise and chase anybody away. We should put Jesus Christ's teaching of praying for those who persecute us into practice. We should embrace the exhausted Police Force in our prayers. We should learn from the good judgment of Abigail to prevent them from shedding more blood (1 Samuel 25:33) and heaping live coals on their heads (Proverbs 25:22)! Even people in Old Testament times were able to do these, if we don't, we are not qualified to be called Christians!
God bless!
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